Better Life Carolinas Mount Pleasant, South Carolina

Dr. Better Life Carolinas 55 Year Old Mother Treated With PRP Injections Photo

She had injections of PRP and Microneedling to start.  Microneedling also known as PCI (percutaneous collagen induction therapy) involves prickling the skin with a special device to inflict micro injury which in turn tells the body to activate growth factors and other cytokines. This procedure can reboot normal cellular function within this healing process. In addition we add platelet rich plasma to create a healthy rejuvenated look. The patients own blood is drawn and spun in a centrifuge with special tubes that separate out the platelets from the other parts of the blood. This creates a platelet rich plasma that has many growth factors and messaging proteins.  The platelet rich mixture is injected into her face, followed by Microneedling.   Total time was 3 different sessions. This addressed skin issues and volume loss in the face. She looks more rested and rejuvenated. We also used Botox to relax the muscles of the face and therefore the deeper wrinkles were greatly reduced, filler was also used to restore volume in the face. There was a gradual change from session to session so it was less obvious she had anything done.

(Nov 22, 2018)