What Is The Difference Between Liposuction And A Tummy Tuck?

A tummy tuck is very different from liposuction. Liposuction can debulk the subcutaneous fatty plane and contour the body in this way.

A tummy tuck removes excess skin and fat that causes a loose abdominal appearance.

It can also tighten the underlying muscles so the abdomen has a better contour. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction alone can take care of excess fat tissue, but loose skin and stretch marks must be addressed by one of three techniques: dermatolipectomy, mini-tummy tuck, or full tummy tuck. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Difference between liposuction & a tummy tuck

Although both techniques can be used to contour the abdomen, they do so in very different ways. Liposuction is performed through tiny incisions in the skin and effectively removes fat. A Tummy Tuck is a popular and effective way to contour the abdomen by removing not only fat, but extra skin and stretch marks.

In our practice, ALL of our tummy tucks include liposuction as lipo helps us remove fat and reach places where we would not otherwise be able to get to with a tummy tuck alone. Your best bet is to work with a board certified plastic surgeon who can assess you and help determine which combination will help you meet your goals. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction and Tummy Tucks are totally different!

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure where the fat and loose skin is cut away with a resultant fairly long scar in the lower abdomen / pubic area. The abdomen muscles also can be sutured together as well and gives the very flattest tummy but with usually having to being done under general anesthesia and 2-3 week recovery time at about $12-15,000 cost.

Liposuction is usually done under local anesthesia with only 1-2 day recovery and removes the fat through small canulas. There are no ugly scars and the new techniques have been very helpful in tightening the skin somewhat whereas the patients may no longer need a tummy tuck anymore.

Abdomen liposuctions run about $5-6000. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Liposuction does not equal a tummy tuck

Liposuction removes fat only and does not tighten muscles or skin. A tummy tuck does all three things. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction and Tummy Tuck, are not the same…

The procedures are completely different, although it is not unusual to do some liposuction along with a tummy tuck for the optimal result. There are some patients that would benefit from liposuction alone. These patients are usually younger with good skin elasticity and do not have a lot of fat that needs to be removed.

In most cases they also have not had children. But for women that have had children, usually have loose skin besides fat that they wish to have removed, and need a tightening of muscles. For these women to have liposuction alone will end up with more hanging skin and look something like a deflated balloon. (Miguel Delgado, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tucks and liposuction are very different

A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess lower abdominal skin and tightens the lax muscles that occur with the stretching of pregnancy. Liposuction is also surgery and removes excess fat and does not remove extra skin nor does it tighten muscles.

They are very different and a Board Certified plastic surgeon can help you sort out which one is best for you. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction and Tummy Tucks address different issues…

Tummy tucks and abdominal liposuction (or liposculpture) are really meant to address different issues. Liposuction is the actual removal of fat beneath the skin via tiny incisions that are strategically placed. Lipo is best for the younger patient who still has some elasticity to his or her skin, generally (but not always) aged 40 or under.

Lipo is ideal for someone who is within a reasonable weight, but has areas that are resistant to exercise and good diet. The abdomen, lovehandles and saddlebags are common areas requested. The tummy tuck addresses loose and/or sagging skin in the abdominal region.

A common example of a candidate for a tummy tuck is someone who has lost a large volume weight but, because the skin has lost elasticity, it will not “shrink” back to its original state.

That skin must be surgically removed via the tummy tuck. Very simply stated, a tummy tuck addresses skin, lipo addresses the fat beneath the skin. (Peter Schmid, DO, FAACS, Longmont Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction is very different from a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty). Liposuction is intended to only remove fat from an area. Liposuction depends on good skin elasticity. A tummy tuck involves removal of fat and skin.

It is a much more extensive procedure and is a good procedure if skin elasticity is poor especially in weight loss patients and/or women who have had children previously. I usually recommend a combination of liposuction to the flank areas concomitant with a tummy tuck procedure for optimal results.

This helps achieve a better overall shape especially in female patients. (Rod J. Rohrich, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty and liposuction are different, but complimentary.

Abdominoplasty and liposuction can both improve the appearance of the abdomen, but they do it in different ways. Liposuction permanently changes the number of fat cells that live between the muscles and the skin of the abdomen.

This is the fat that you can grasp with your thumb and fingers. If this tissue is very thick, then liposuction can make a tremendous and beautiful change. The skin will rebound very well if it hasn’t been stretched too far, or if there are not a lot of stretch marks.

For younger patients or for those who haven’t had a lot of children, liposuction may be the better option. But if loose skin and stretch marks are the problem, then tightening of the skin by a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) may be the best choice.

In most patients, a tummy tuck will tighten the entire abdomen from breasts to pubic area. An abdominoplasty will get rid of the excess skin and fat, but leaves a long scar extending from hip to hip.

If most of the skin laxity is below the umbilicus, then combining liposuction with a “mini tuck” works very well. This leaves a shorter scar, but tightens the skin below the belly button while removing the excess fat from the entire abdomen. (David N. Clayton, MD, FACS, Sandy Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominal liposuction, Tummy tucks, and the “lipotuck”/”liposculture”/”smart lipo”

Liposuction and tummy tucks are radically different. Liposuction only removes fat. It does not tighten skin much (beware of those who promise it does!). Benefits are small incisions and a faster recovery. If your belly isn’t’t bad and the issue is primarily fat, this is generally the way to go.

IF your skin is loose, hanging, stretch marked, wrinkled OR your muscles have separated or you have a hernia, then you should strongly consider a tummy tuck. Tummy tucks remove skin and fat and tighten the underlying muscle.

It is a bigger surgery with a scar from hip to hip and around the belly button. As I said above, if you have issues with loose skin and muscles, liposuction will not address these.

I have seen a recent surge in the number of patients seeking tummy tucks AFTER liposuction. They were promised their skin would “tighten up” and it did not. Please see my blog on the subject.

The key is education before surgery. Make sure you get two opinions, and make sure one of them is by a board certified plastic surgeon, as many doctors who do liposuction cannot do tummy tucks, so they may not offer it to you for that reason. (Lauren Greenberg, MD, Palo Alto Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction and a tummy tuck are very different procedures. First, an abdominoplasty uses an incision usually from hip to hip to pull and tighten loose skin around the mid section. Suction assisted Lipectomy uses a special tool to actually remove fat from a certain area.

Tummy tucks are most commonly used to removed excess skin of the stomach after pregnancy or extreme weight loss. Liposuction is used to remove stubborn fat that is resistant to diet and exercise. (Joseph G. Bauer, MD, FACS, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

The difference between liposuction and a tummy-tuck

While liposuction may be done at the same time as a tummy- tuck, the two are different procedures. Liposuction is defined as the removal of fat. This is done with very small scars and a suction cannula.

Tumescent solution is injected first to help reduce pain and bleeding and to help free up the fat. Tummy-tuck (abdominoplasty) involves the removal of excess skin and fat through surgery. A large incision is made in the lower abdomen, just above the groin.

The abdominal wall is freed, and the belly button is cut from the skin. The tissue is tightened like a sheet, and the excess tissue is removed. The belly-button is reset through a new opening.

Many times, the muscles forming the abdominal wall are tightened to thin the waist. Liposuction may be added to the hips and central upper abdomen, provided blood supply is carefully maintained. (Karen Vaniver, MD, Kennewick Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominoplasty versus Liposuction

Abdominal liposuction is simply the removal of fat from the abdomen. This is a great operation for people who simply have too much subcutaneous fat which gives them an unacceptable contour to their abdomen. In comparison, a “tummy tuck” or abdominoplasty actually removes lax skin from the abdomen and may involve tightening of the underlying muscles.

Although both are abdominal contouring procedures, they are very different in terms of technique. (David Bogue, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction of the tummy fat is a totally different operation than a Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty). Each operation has its own reasons (indications), goals and potential complications. A Liposuction is usually indicated in a person who does not have excessive skin nor tummy muscle looseness and separation.

It will remove a fat collection, it will allow for “Ab Etching” but it will not guarantee skin shrinkage and flatness. A Tummy Tuck WILL flatten the stomach and correct muscle separation and looseness. It will remove all loose tummy skin and TOTALLY flatten the tummy and narrow the waist.


Liposuction and tummy tuck are two very different procedures for patients with different problems and goals… Liposuction involves removing fat only, and therefore is appropriate for patients with good skin tone and good muscle wall integrity, but who want to diminish their fatty tissue and improve the shape of their body.

A tummy tuck most often involves removal of excess skin (from pregnancy or weight loss) and muscle tightening for restoration of the pre-pregnancy or weight loss appearance. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)