What Does Chin Liposuction Cost?
The cost of liposuction is variable from different offices but is generally determined by 3 factors: Surgeons fee, anesthesia fee (if any general anesthesia as needed) and operating room fee.
Neck liposuction is also cheaper than a neck lift. Patient’s undergone neck lift when there is sub-platysmal fat present which cannot be removed with neck liposuction.
A platysma plasty is also performed simultaneously. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Cost for any plastic surgery procedure will differ from office to office and from geographic location. The average cost for chin lipo ranges from $2,000-$4,000. (Ross A. Clevens, MD, Melbourne Facial Plastic Surgeon)
In my office if it is truly just chin liposuction then the cost is approximately $3000. In our office that’s with the added benefit of laser assisted liposuction in the form of SlimLipo.
I’ve used Smartlipo as well as traditional liposuction by itself in my impression is that SlimLipo offers the best results in the chin, jaw line, neck area. I perform these procedures under local anesthesia with very nice results in very little downtime for the patients.
If you choose to undergo a procedure like this under sedation or even general anesthesia you may find your costs increasing as much as $2500. adding a chin implant to the procedure will improve the look dramatically and has an added cost of around $2200. (Chase Lay, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Chin liposuction under local anesthesia cost $1800.
There might be slight variation in price if something unexpected is discovered during consultation, but for those who can tolerate a bit of discomfort, $1800 buys neck liposuction under local anesthesia. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
In our practice, submental liposuction is approximately $2500. The procedure is done either along with other surgery or by itself with local anesthesia and mild intramuscular sedation. Not everyone is a candidate for submental liposuction (must have good skin elasiticity) but for the right patients it is very gratifying. (Roy A. David, MD, San Diego Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Cost of liposuction under the chin: Starting at $1750
I generally perform submental (under the chin) liposuction through a single 3 mm (one-eighth inch) incision beneath the chin under local anesthesia with laughing gas (nitrous oxide). The procedure usually takes about 45 minutes and starts at $1750 for most patients. (Ronald Friedman, MD, Plano Plastic Surgeon)
Often minor liposuction treatments can be done under local anesthetic. The cost varies depending on the region but I think you will find a range of $1,800 – $2,200 in many areas. (William Andrade, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Tumescent technique is an ideal way to perform liposuction of the neck. The technique is substantially less expensive then liposuction done under general anesthesia or IV sedation. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Remember, before the question of cost you want to make sure the physician not only have liposuction experience but especially on the neck/chin area. The average cost for that area is about $3000 – $4000. (Bruce E. Katz, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)
Neck liposuction cost range $2500 to $5000 and up
There are so many variables involved that no one can ever expect a straight answer unless the plastic surgeon and patient live in the same locale:) Nonetheless, I’ll repeat what I’ve said many times before: the costs depend on your geographic location (metropolitan areas like LA and NY are typically more expensive than areas such as where I practice in the Mountain West), more experienced and in-demand surgeons usually charge more, and more extensive areas being treated result in more costs.
A “reasonable” range for your procedure could be anywhere from $2500 to $5000 and up….. Be very careful about selecting a surgeon just based on cost. Sometimes you get what you pay for. (Brian K. Brzowski, MD, FACS, Ogden Plastic Surgeon)