Ultrasonic Liposuction Reviews
There are various forms of liposuction including power assisted (PAL), ultrasound assisted (UAL), laser assisted (LAL), etc. They all work in different way with the end goal being to remove excess fat. The most important aspect of liposuction is the patient and the surgeon–not the type of liposuction used.
UAL is a method of liposuction that liquefies the fat before removing it from your body with a cannula. It is particularly good for more fibrous fat, like in your back.
Ultrasonic liposuction is a high energy system that facilitates fat removal by melting fat before removal.
I prefer the power-assisted liposuction system because it accomplishes a similar goal with more precision and lower risk of complications.
Performed by an expert, liposuction has the lowest complication rate of any cosmetic surgery operation.
Ultrasonic Liposuction and Ultrasound assisted liposuction are the same thing. I utilize ultrasonic liposuction in the treatment of male gynecomastia, revision liposuction procedures with existing scar tissue, or patients with dense fatty tissue or thick skin. (Paul S. Gill, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic liposuction is performed with a sound wave that is transmitted down a titanium tube. It is tuned to fat so it only melts fat and not other structures. It is useful on dense fat especially the posterior hips in men.
SmartLipo is laser assisted lipolysis. This method uses heat to melt the fat. Each method has its risks and benefits. It is the surgeon who does the work not the tool. Make no mistake about this when selecting a plastic surgeon for liposuction. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Tumescent liposuction was first available in the U. S. in the 1980s, and since then, many scientific advances have helped improve liposuction results, shorten downtime, and reduce unwanted side effects. Ultrasonic liposuction or ultrasound-assisted liposuction is one such development.
This technique uses ultrasound energy to help melt fat, which makes fat removal easier. This reduces the need for manual force to break apart fat cells and allows for a gentler procedure, thereby reducing overall downtime.
The ultrasound energy also promotes skin contraction which means that there is less likelihood for skin irregularities after treatment (assuming your surgeon is board certified and highly qualified). I use the latest generation of ultrasonic liposuction called LipoSelection by VASER® and find that it enables me to shape the body with great precision and predictable results. (Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, Stockton Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction extracts fat. Now we can have cannulas that have ultrasound on the end of them. The ultrasound energy melts the fat on the inside. The terms ultrasonic liposuction or ultrasound-assisted as basically the same thing.
The pros of US in lipo is that it is easier to glide through the tissue. this can be helpful with dense areas of tissue. The cons have been reported as an increased seroma rate and infrequent burns or skin issues. (Jeffrey J. Roth, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Latest ultrasound liposuction, VASER has much improved standard of results in body contouring and and sculpturing all body areas
I started with one of the pioneer ultrasonic liposuction technology in the early 90’s. At that time technology was not as sophisticated and advanced to make a real difference with the standard method. The latest generation of ultrasound liposuction, VASER, has much improved the standard of results in body contouring, enhancing results in terms of skin retraction and sculpturing all body areas.
Surgeon experience is still key, as it is the handmanship and skill of the surgeon that gives the best result. The technology is just a mean. (Alberto Di Giuseppe, MBBS, London Plastic Surgeon)
Avoid UAL, The disadvantages outweigh the advantages.
Ultrasonic liposuction or UAL has been described well. The additional injury to tissues causes increased scarring. The cannula used is limited to a larger size and the liposuction is limited to deeper areas and cannot be done close to the skin which really gives the best skin contraction with regular liposuction, which can be done directly under the skin.
The main advantage of ultrasonic liposuction is that it is physically less demanding on the surgeon. This should not be a reason to choose a technique which is less beneficial for you. In addition it cannot be used with harvesting of fat for fat grafting since the fat is injured in the process.
The increased scarring from the procedure makes revision surgery very difficult as an additional disadvantage of this technique. All in all I would vote for a regular liposuction technique which uses simple instrumentation with less complications and also less cost. (Rodney A. Green, MD, Cleveland Plastic Surgeon)
Different Liposuction Techniques
Liposuction techniques were first developed in the 1960s but a French surgeon Dr Yves-Gerard Illouz, in 1982 first presented the technique from which modern liposuction and lipo-sculpture is derived. Since that initial presentation and especially in the past decade there have been a number of liposuction machines and devices that have been developed.
All of these devices have received widespread promotion from the manufacturers. Many claims have been regarding improved results, decreased pain, decreased bruising and speedier recovery among others. To date there are no scientific studies that demonstrate the superiority of one device over another.
Liposuction whether by ultrasonic assisted (ultrasonic liposuction or ultrasound-assisted lipo are all synonymous terms), smart lipo, PAL or any other technique all do the same thing. They remove fat and fat cells from specific areas of the body.
The recovery from any type of liposuction is dependent upon how much fat was removed, how many and which areas were treated and the natural healing characteristics of the individual not upon which device was used to carry out the liposuction.
The quality of the result is dependent upon the expertise of the surgeon performing the liposuction and again not upon the device being used. For the best results seek the consultation of a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.
They have a website listing all the certified plastic surgeons. Members of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery will all be board certified in plastic surgery and have demonstrated an interest and competence in cosmetic plastic surgery as well. (Alexander G. Nein, MD, MS, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)
lipossuction can be done with different techniques available. There is the power assisted lipossuction: most commonly used, the less complication associated with the device, ultrasonic lipossuction: use ultrasound to emulsify the fat, than aspirate. from my experience it is not user friendly with high risk of thermal injury to the skin.
we stopped using this technologiethere is multiple other techniques available like with laser and so on.the most important thing is what machine the surgeon is most comfortable using. what gives the best result in his hand. (Jacques Haddad, MD, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)
Tumescent liposuction was first available in the U. S. in the 1980s, and since then, many scientific advances have helped improve liposuction results, shorten downtime, and reduce unwanted side effects. Ultrasonic liposuction or ultrasound-assisted liposuction is one such development.
This technique uses ultrasound energy to help melt fat, which makes fat removal easier. This reduces the need for manual force to break apart fat cells and allows for a gentler procedure, thereby reducing overall downtime.
The ultrasound energy also promotes skin contraction which means that there is less likelihood for skin irregularities after treatment (assuming your surgeon is board certified and highly qualified). I use the latest generation of ultrasonic liposuction called LipoSelection by VASER® and find that it enables me to shape the body with great precision and predictable results. (Thomas McNemar, MD, FACS, Stockton Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic Liposuction and Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction are the same. They are newer and more effective ways to reduce the undesireable accumulated fat from different areas of the body. After infusion of ” wetting solution” , salt water solution containing anesthetic and epinephrin, fat is emulsified before being suctioned out.
Ultrasonic energy is transmitted, either internally or externally to the target area which facilitate the emulsification process and make the overlying skin to shrink. (Fereydoon S. Mahjouri, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic liposuction is lipo useing an ultrasonic cannula which produces very high energy sound waves. The energy through a process of cavitation ruptures the fat cells which is then aspirated out and the residual left to reabsorb.
Ultrasound is very effective for difficult areas such as the back or flank, and is also helpful for areas treated with liposuction in the past. Also the heat energy produced might help with skin shrinkage just as laser might. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
In ultrasound-assisted or ultrasonic liposuction, a specialized cannula is used which transmits ultrasound vibrations within the body. This vibration bursts the walls of the fat cells, emulsifying the fat (i.e., liquefying it) and making it easier to suction out.
Because of the complexity of the ultrasonic equipment versus a hollow tube for traditional liposuction equipment Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction equipment is significantly more expensive than traditional liposuction equipment. There are a number of types of Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction equipment but a discussion of the types and relative merits for a particular case is a complicated and extremely lengthy undertaking. (Jay M. Pensler, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction
There are two ways to reduce unwanted fat. Invasive liposuction, and non-invasive body contouring. Ultrasound is now used in both. Ultrasonic Liposuction is a form of surgical liposuction. The cannula is attached to a low frequency ultrasound device (VASER is a good example).
This causes the cannula to vibrate and preferentially break up fatty tissue over nerves and blood vessels. It is supposed to make the procedure easier for the doctor. It may decrease post-op swelling and bruising.
There isn’t any evidence that it gives better results over traditional tumescent lipo, but some surgeons like to use it. There are now non-invasive ultrasound devices (Liposonix) that can shrink fat. They use a hand-piece that is set on the surface of the skin.
The device sends high frequency ultrasound waves below the surface of the skin. Those waves are turned into heat. The heat damage causes the fat to shrink and tighten. Ultrasonic body contouring devices DO work.
However, they can not remove anywhere near as much fat as surgical liposuction. So you have to be the right candidate. (Jennifer Reichel, MD, Seattle Dermatologist)
I have been utilizing ultrasonic assisted liposuction in my practice for over 10 years.
What is done is that after the tumescent fluid is injected, then an internal probe with a harmonic vibration is inserted and passed through the fat cells.
It causes a disruption of the wall of the fat cell, thus allowing the next phase, the regular liposuction or evacuation phase to more easily remove the fat. It is quite helpful in areas of dense or fibrotic fat like the love handles.
Since it breaks the fat cells up, it allows the surgeon to more easily remove the fat, they are less tired during the procedure and therefore a little more finesse is possible. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic Liposuction and Comparisons
They are the same and refer to the use of a machine that transmits an ultrasound energy to the subcutaneous fat to ease it’s break up. This is then followed by removal of the fat with a suctioning technique. (Leo Keegan, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic liposuction and Ultrasonic-assisted liposuction mean the same thing. Essentially ultrasound waves are internally applied to the fatty tissue in order to loosen or liquify the fat so that it can be extracted easily. Ultrasound waves generate heat, and it is proposed that the underlying heat may cause additional skin retraction.
Standard liposuction is just as effective in many areas of the body, and may be preferred to decrease additional risks and operating room time. I prefer Ultrasonic Liposuction in certain “hard-to-aspirate” areas of the body such as the upper back and male chest.
In these areas, the fatty tissue can be quite dense and fibrous, and I am able to extract this fat much more effectively and with better results using the Ultrasound technique. (Hayley Brown, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic liposuction has its advantages like better skin retraction,easier & better liposuction in large fibrous area etc. It has to be used carefully & has a learning curve. I have been using VASER liposuction for 2 years & find it to be useful tool in lipoaspirating the difficult cases. (Anup Dhir, MD, India Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic liposuction is more gentle and less painful
Ultrasonic liposuction involves the use of ultrasonic sound waves to create a pressure gradient in the gas bubbles within the tumescent fluid that is infiltrated. These gas bubbles implode and break loose the fat cells that are then aspirated.
I have been using the VASER for almost 10 years and have found that I can see the results more quickly with less pain, less bruising, and less swelling. I tell patients that it takes up to five months to see the final results but by using the VASER,with its associated skin tightening, I’m impressed with how patients look even at one month. (Joseph M. Perlman, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Ultrasonic liposuction and thighs
Beware of ultrasonic or any other liposuction that has an energy component. The problem is that the fat cells are exploded inside your skin and toxins are released. It is impossible to know the extent of damage.
Mechanical liposuction with small cannulas is more predictable. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)