External Affairs – Saint Albert Saint Albert, Alberta

32 Year Old Miss Treated With Vampire Facial Photo With Dr External Affairs – Saint Albert

Vampire Facial® combines micro-needling treatment with Platelet Rich Plasma therapy. First, a topical anesthetic is applied, then a small amount of blood is drawn from the patient and processed through a centrifuge. The centrifuge will isolate the plasma, which is rich in growth factors from the red blood cells creating Platelet Rich Plasma. The PRP serum is then applied to the skin and worked into skin using the microneedling pen. We want to really penetrate those growth factors deep into the dermis. Once the growth factors penetrate the epidermis, they call to the site stem cells; which, create new more youthful cells. The Vampire Facial® is a great choice for anyone who is looking to reduce the appearance of scarring and/or sunspots, smooth out any fine lines and wrinkles and improve overall look, colour, and texture of the skin.

(Oct 19, 2017)