Does Ankle Liposuction Work?
Liposuction works very nicely for ankles and knees. Depending on your leg shape, spot knee and ankle liposuction may be all you need. Or you may need and want liposuction from hips to ankles.
Liposuction, whatever you choose to have, is almost certainly the best treatment for you. (Elizabeth Morgan, MD, PhD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction of the ankles, calves and knees and thighs can be done. The further down the lower extrimity you go, the more difficult it is to predict the results, and the more experienced PS you need.
Ankles can be liposuctioned with very fine canulas, there is significant swelling after surgery, you need to dedicate the time for healing and continued elevation of the legs and a compression garment to the toes for 6-12 weeks.
Complicatins risks are high. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)
Ankle liposuction is very tricky
Ankle liposuction used to be considered dangerous. If there is enough fat there and the circulation to the skin looks good it can be done, but the area will swell and this will take time to resolve.
So your answer is a qualified “Yes.” (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction can be performed the cankles as well as lower legs and knees can be performed. The surgery can be tricky so patient selection is key, and the surgeon must be experienced and expert. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)
Of course liposuction can be done at the ankles. My plan would be to use small cannulas to avoid skin irritation in the deep dermis. (Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction is adaptable to virtually anywhere there is unwanted fat
Liposuction can be performed virtually anywhere there is unwanted fat creating contour problems and the ankles are no exception. It is important to understand how much of your ankle contour is fat and how much is bone.
Knowing this will help you to visualize how thin an ankle can be sculpted and help to avoid unrealistic expectations from the procedure. This understanding should be made clear during a consultation with your plastic surgeon. (David A. Ross, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Although it is rather rare problem, liposuction of the ankles (“cankles”), is definitely possible and can give very satisfactory and permanent results. (Howard T. Bellin, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction of the calves and ankles
If there is a reasonable amount of fat there, liposuction of the calves and ankles can give rewarding results.
The key to success is using small cannulas and being diligent to reduce edema through elevation and compression after surgery. (Ankit Desai, MD, Jacksonville Plastic Surgeon)
Lipo can be performed almost anywhere
Whereas liposuction can be perforemd almost anywhere there is a fatty bulge, there are certain areas that are very favorable and predictable (abdomen,hips,thighs, knees,chin), there are some areas that are higher risk.
The ankles are a high risk/low reward area which is frought with long term swelling and recovery. I would be very cautious in this area. (David Shuter, MD, Jupiter Plastic Surgeon)
Patients that desire liposuction of the ankles have to have realistic expectations. Ankle liposuction can be performed but it may not make them as small as patients think that they should become. There is also prolonged swelling in the area longer than say the abdomen and arms. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Is it possible to liposuction the ankle area?
Contouring of the ankles and calves is possible, but in my experience reliably good outcomes with comfortable recovery periods in this area require particularly careful attention to detail in technique and especially in the postoperative management, as the skin and tissues are prone to edema (swelling) and slow healing.
Trust your body and your safety to a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon (make sure their certification is by The American Board of Plastic Surgery) and you should be able to safely approximate your goals. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
I can’t recommend liposuction of the ankles
Despite the responses of other, qualified plastic surgeons, I don’t recommend or perform liposuction below the knees. Patients tend to stay VERY swollen for an unacceptably long time postoperatively (months). Then, when it’s all over, the results have not been impressive.
I know that there are other plastic surgeons who feel differently, but in my opinion, this is an operation that should generally be avoided. That is not to say that it should “never” be done, but take it on with much caution.
A friend of my wife wanted me to liposuction her calves and I refused. She found someone else to do it for her. A year later she told me it was an awful experience and that she would never do it again.
Oh, by the way, she says her calves are still fat! Sometimes this is muscular anatomy, not a fat distribution problem. (Thomas P. Sterry, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction of chubby ankles?
It is possible to do liposuction of the ankles, calves and knees. The artistry and judgment with Liposuction of these areas is very important. These areas involve more shaping than significant volume reduction. In the ankle area your plastic surgeon will confirm the area in question has fullness from fat and not underlying muscle and that the overlying skin has good elasticity.
When suction is done in these areas swelling may persist longer and it may take months to see your final result. (John E. Gross, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
This area is difficult to liposuction because of the general paucity of subcutaneous fat in this area. Also, this area is subjected to gravitational swelling which will take a long time to resolve. (John L. Burns Jr., MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)