Doctor Paige in Seattle, Washington

Name: Keith T. Paige, MD
Last name: Paige
Began aesthetic medicine in: 1989
Years experience: 34
Primary Specialty: Plastic Surgeon
Business: The Polyclinic Plastic Surgery and Swedish Cancer Institute
Address: 1229 Madison St.
Address suite: Ste. 1600
Phone: +1 206-860-4686
City: Seattle
State: Washington
Zip Code: 98104
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 75$
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Clinical Privileges
  • Swedish Medical Center
  • Undergraduate: Stanford University
  • Medical: MD, Harvard Medical School
Postdoc Training
  • Residencies:
  • General Surgical, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA and his p
  • Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Emory Affiliated Hospitals, Atlanta, GA
  • Fellowship: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and the University of Pennsylvania
Member of
  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS)

GPS coordinates on map: 47.621,-122.3470001

Primary location
Location name: Seattle
State: WA
Country: US
Map point: 47.621,-122.3470001
  • Body Lift
  • Breast Augmentation
  • Breast Fat Transfer
  • Breast Implant Removal
  • Breast Implant Revision
  • Breast Implants
  • Breast Lift
  • Breast Lift with Implants
  • Breast Reconstruction
  • Breast Reconstruction Revision
  • Breast Reduction
  • Dermal Fillers
  • Diastasis Recti Repair
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facelift
  • Feminizing Top Surgery
  • Gynecomastia Surgery
  • Inspira Breast Implants
  • IPL
  • Juvederm
  • Kybella
  • Liposuction
  • Mommy Makeover
  • Neck Lift
  • Panniculectomy
  • Thigh Lift
  • Tumescent Liposuction
  • Tummy Tuck
  • Tummy Tuck Revision

RealSelf Info

Rating: 5.0
Profile views: 2107
Answer count: 25
Review count: 2
5 star count: 1
Total star count: 1
Star rating: 2.403663653132
Anonymous votes: 0
Offer count: 0
Profile created: Apr 8, 2010
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: May 2, 2018
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Seattle, WA, US. GPS coordinates: 47.621,-122.3470001

Latest ratings of treatments

  • Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap (Sep 2023) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap (Mar 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Breast Reconstruction with DIEP Flap (Mar 2019) – Overall rating: 5/5
  • Tummy Tuck (Dec 2014) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 4/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
  • Tummy Tuck (Dec 2014) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 4/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 5/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)

Latest Prices

Tummy Tuck Prices

  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA
  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA
  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA
  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA
  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA
  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA
  • $10000 – Dec 11, 2014 – Seattle, WA

Practice Locations

Name & Website
The Polyclinic Plastic Surgery,
1229 Madison St., Seattle, Washington, US, 98104 (GPS coordinates: 47.6100869,-122.3221135)
(206) 860-5582
Working Hours
Mon: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Tue: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Wed: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Thu: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Fri: 8:30am – 4:30pm
Created / Modified
May 2, 2018 / Mar 18, 2022

Doctor’s answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Double mastectomy with radiation on left side. 4 mo after radiation, had expanders placed. I’m 5’6/1
Implant options after radiation
Jan 23, 2019
Dear lmeyer3,
Thank you for your question. What you are observing in terms of expansion after radiation treatment is not uncommon. Although you are asking about different implants with regard to shape and texturing, I would suggest that implant reconstruction in the setting of radiation may not be your best option, especially given your description of tightness on the side of the radiation. In my practice, if a patient has had radiation, we will look at tissue…
What can cause Bilateral Fluid Accumulation outside around the capsule and in the capsule?
Seromas after tissue expander for implant exchange
Jan 23, 2019
Dear HlayneW,
Thank you for your question. Seroma or fluid accumulation after implant for tissue expander exchange can certainly happen. Sometimes with the mastectomy lymphatic vessel disruption can occur which can cause persistent fluid accumulation during the reconstructive phase. Additionally, you did not mention if either side had radiation treatment or not, but that can also contribute to persistent seromas. Lastly, infection needs to be a consideration. …
Is reconstruction but keeping existing implants possible for me?
Keep existing implants as part of a breast reconstruction
Jan 23, 2019
Dear sandiegohoneybee,
It is difficult to answer this question fully as many facts come into play with breast reconstruction. Depending on the size of your native breast tissue and overall skin envelope relative to your implants as well as oncologic considerations, it is possible to have mastectomies and preserve your existing subpectoral implants. Doing so may produce reasonably acceptable reconstructions which can be further enhanced with fat grafting. I would be…
Asymmetrical tissue expander insertion post bilateral mastectomy. Should this be corrected? Advice?
Revision of tissue expander alignment
Jan 23, 2019
Dear aliasa,
Thank you for your question and the accompanying photographs. I agree that there are some asymmetries between the two breast mounds. In my practice if I have a situation in which a tissue expander has shifted or is demonstrating asymmetric expansion, I will consider a revisional procedure to reposition the expander prior to replacing with the final implant. In general, the closer the two sides can be prior to the final step of implant placement the better…
Ballpark amount of fat for breast reconstruction? I’m 5’4 and 130 lbs, 34B.
Fat grafting after implant based breast reconstruction
Jan 23, 2019
Dear gpisces,
I appreciate your question. Fat grafting after implant based reconstruction is usually used to fill in hollowing from the original mastectomy. Most commonly this hollowing is present in the superior pole of the breast. Filling this area in can also have the added benefit of disguising the implant – tissue transition in prepectoral reconstruction. The amount of fat needed is very individual dependent. In general, I would anticipate…
TE look way too small and flat, with no inframammary fold, although fully filled
Tissue expanders too small and flat
Sep 26, 2018
Dear Ifiyenia,
Thank you for your question and your photos. It appears on your photos that your tissue expanders have migrated superiorly. It is possible to lower them and create an infra-mammary fold at the time of implant exchange, but in my practice, I have been more successful with an interim procedure to revise the position of the tissue expanders, deflate partially, and then re-expanding prior to implant exchange. Additionally, I have found that particularly…
I just had reconstructive surgery to fix a double bubble; why did my doctor fix one boob & not the o
Fixing doubles bubbles
Sep 26, 2018
Dear koleonard,
I am sorry that you still have asymmetries between your two breast. I would strongly suggest that you raise your concerns and your questions directly with your plastic surgeon. A “double bubble” deformity which happens when the breast itself is inferiorly displaced relative to an underlying implant can sometimes be difficult to fix. My strong suspicion is that your surgeon in fact did try to fix both breasts but was more successful on the right side…
Does fibroadenoma cause hardening of silicone implant?
Fibroadenoma and capsular contracture
Sep 26, 2018
Dear lilpil_sydney,
Fibroadenomas themselves don’t contain bacteria nor increase the risk of capsular contracture. To what I believe your plastic surgeon was alluding was that the act of removing the fibroadenoma usually requires cutting through breast tissue and breast ducts which do contain bacteria which can increase your risk of capsular contracture. Both of your surgeons are correct in my opinion, but they are looking at things from different perspectives.
Can a breast fold be created with an internal stitch or breast implant?
Recreating inframammary fold
Sep 26, 2018
Dear Smiler78,
Hard to know for sure without photos, but an approach that I have found helpful in recreating an inframammary fold after bilateral mastectomies and previous removed implants is to restart the reconstruction with new tissue expansion. If your overlying remaining soft tissue will allow it, placing the tissue expanders above the muscle can also be very helpful in this regard. Sutures can be used to recreate a fold, but in may experience they tend not be a good long…
How to prevent capsular contract after third redo for CC following prophylactic mastectomy?
Capsular contracture after revisional breast reconstruction surgery
Sep 26, 2018
Dear JillyWilly123,
Capsular contracture can be a very difficult and frustrating problem. It is certainly true that capsular contracture rate is higher after revisional surgery. It appears that you and your surgeon have done many of the usual treatments – capsulectomy, adding acellular dermal matrix (Alloderm), etc. Prior to using Singulair or changing the pocket, I would consider using saline implants. You may get more rippling, but the trade off for lower risk…
Controlling the nipple areolar complex position during bilateral mastectomy with tissue expansion un
Suture control of the Nipple Areolar Complex (NAC)
Sep 26, 2018
Dear JCB530,
What you are describing sounds like using tacking sutures to help with NAC placement. This technique may not be formally described, but it is not uncommon. As you are aware with a nipple sparing mastectomy the breast tissue is removed from under the NAC which makes it quite mobile. By tacking the complex to the pectoralis muscle with a sutures, the surgeon fixes the position. With healing and scar tissue formation, this position is better maintained…
Had breast reconstruction. I am get afraid if I loose weight the fat graft will change, how much wig
Weight change and fat grafts
Sep 26, 2018
Dear drgole123,
Once fat grafts have engrafted they will fluctuate with weight gain and loss. In general modest weight changes (up or down 20 lbs) will not significantly effect the fat grafts. Very significant weight changes (up or down 50 lbs) can have a more conspicuous effect.
Hope that this helps.
When using sutures for an inferior capsuloraphy how does this heal?
Inferior capsulorraphy
Jul 30, 2018
Dear Breezy4,
Thank you for your question. There are many different ways to perform inferior capsulorraphy which are detailed in some of the answers. The approach will depend on the degree of lift and structure needed and the preferences of the surgeon. Consequently, there are many different studies which can be difficult to compare.
Usually, they heal with internal scar tissue developing to secure the new position. For relatively modest changes, I usually…
What can be done to improve my breast reconstruction after a bilateral mastectomy?
Revision after bilateral mastectomies
Jul 30, 2018
Dear catbear,
I am sorry that you are unhappy with your breast reconstructions so far. Thank you for including photos. There are different ways to approach your situation. I see a number of patients like yourself in my office from outside referrals and we often talk about converting to an own tissue reconstruction, such as bilateral DIEP flaps. Sometimes it is also necessary to start over, especially to make the breast mounds smaller overall. I would…
After a TE to implant surgery how long should I wait to make corrections if I’m unhappy with the siz
Revision after implant for tissue expander exchange
Jul 30, 2018
Dear Veatoo,
I am sorry that you are unhappy with your breast reconstruction so far. Implants will often look different that tissue expanders, especially in regards to projection. This difference can make the breast mounds appear smaller than you were anticipating. I usually suggest waiting some time prior to revision or implant exchange even in my patients who are initially unhappy. I usually suggest at least 6 months. I would encourage you to…

Last updated on 11/25/2023