Can A Physician Assistant Perform Liposuction?
Liposuction is too complex of a surgery to be performed by a Physicians Assistant. You get what you pay for.
There are many Machines and Devices being sold to non surgically trained M.D.’s that promise to replace traditional Tumescent Liposuction.
None of them work as well. Be wary of any device offered to get rid of fat without Surgery. Freezing, ultasound, radiofrequency, lipodissolve are a few names.
Fixing the uneven, lumpy, bumpy results used by unqulified physicians adds extra cost and emotional trauma to the patients that I have treated. (Michael Tomcik, MD, San Ramon Dermatologist)
A Physician Assistant has only 2 years of training in all of medicine. Regardless of proctoring from a physician to train a PA to do liposuction this hardly compares with 9-13 yeras of education and training of a board certified cosmetic surgeon. (Edward Lack, MD, Chicago Dermatologist)
Unfortunately, You get what you pay for in liposuction surgery.
Any time you pay less that $4500-5000 a procedure in liposuction, there is a catch which is usually poor quality results from less qualified or experienced docs. You tend to get what you pay for in liposuctions so don’t go cheap when you want the good results.(David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)
There are too many problems with procedures performed by poorly trained assistants.
Seek the most respected and skilled liposuction surgeon in your area to do your procedure. A physicians assistant does not have the depth of training and understanding that a board certified physician with extensive liposuction experience would have.
It may even be illegal for a physician’s assistant to do liposuction in your state. Don’t mess around with second rate care. You only have one body, don’t risk being disfigured for life! Bad surgery is not a bargain at any price. (Mark Taylor, MD, Salt Lake City Dermatologic Surgeon)
No I would not want a Physician Assistant to perform any surgery on their own
There are many unqualified specialties and professions who are performing plastic surgery today. A board certified plastic surgeon undergoes two residencies – one in gerneral surgery or ear nose and throat surger (ENT) and then a three year plastic surgery residency.
This is all after medical school. Even after all that training I would not recommend that you go to a person until they have some experience. (Hilton Becker, MD, Boca Raton Plastic Surgeon)
If I were you, I’d get it done by a surgeon, who by definition is a physician.
Also, I’d check the credentials of this place that is allowing a PA to perform liposuction. It is not only dangerous, but illegal. (Charles K. Lee, MD, FACS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction performed by a physician’s assistant
If by Liposuction, you mean a surgical procedure where an incision is made and fat is surgically removed, No, a physician’s assistant should not be performing this procedure. It should only be performed by a licensed physician who is properly trained in liposuction/Liposculpture. (Vincent D. Lepore, MD, San Jose Plastic Surgeon)