Benefits Of Chin Or Submental Liposuction

Liposuction under the chin can be a great procedure for the patient who wants to achieve better neck and chin contour. Depending on your chin and neck anatomy, an isolated chin/neck liposuction can be all that you need.

If you have a small chin, a chin implant may also be useful. If you are older and have a sagging neck skin, a neck lift may be more appropriate.

In short, a properly performed chin and neck liposuction in the right patient can produced great results with very little down-time.

Going to a plastic surgeon who specializes only in facial procedures also helps in helping you select the right procedure(s) in your self-improvement quest. (A. John Vartanian, MD, Glendale Facial Plastic Surgeon)

49 Year Old Man Treated With Chin Liposuction By Dr. Julie E. Voss, MD, Kirkland Dermatologic Surgeon

Under chin liposuction comfortable under local anesthesia

One of the primary benefits to having lipo under the chin is that it can easily be done under local anesthesia and the recovery is very rapid. The primarly issue is skin tone; if it is too lax, then the skin won’t shrink up evenly after the fat is removed.

Often we see patients who are in the category where there is a little bit of fat to remove and a little bit of skin laxity but not enough to justify a facelift or necklift.

These cases are great for combination liposuction + immediate Thermage, which we have proven has a greater effect on skin tightening when applied after lipo. (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

Chin or neck liposuction works to improve jawline, neck, and chin contour with the use of two small incisions placed underneath the skin. Surgery time is minimal and patients have a quick recovery.

I perform these procedures in an outpatient surgical center with local anesthesia, iv sedation, or general anesthesia in combination with other procedures. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Dr. Ali Sajjadian, MD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon – Chin Liposuction

Chin liposuction, or submental liposuction

Surgeons usually refer to this as submental liposuction, refering to the area under the chin and jaw, especially in the center where fat tends to accumulate. The liposuction is often done along with other procedures like a face lift or chin implant.

If the procedure is done by itself, it can be done with local anesthesia. Some technologies of liposuction like laser liposuction or water-assisted liposuction may have some effect on tightening skin, but regardless the skin tends to redrape to improve the neck shape after the liposuction.

When skin is significantly loose, then a skin excision via a face/neck lift will be necessary. (Douglas J. Mackenzie, MD, Santa Barbara Plastic Surgeon)

Chin liposuction removes fat under the chin
As one of the busiest chin liposuction surgeons in the country I have a wealth of experience to offer. I perform at least 30-40 chin liposuction procedures every month. Liposuction is often an important adjunct to facelift/submentoplasty procedures.

Liposuction can certainly be performed by itself as well in the appropriate candidate. (Robert F. Gray, MD, FACS, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Chin liposuction is a great procedure that is perfect for someone who is unhappy with small deposits of fat under their chin and they do not have lax neck skin. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Great results from Chin Liposuction

There are several benefits to chin liposuction, especially with SmartLipo. Not only will it remove the fat in the chin and jowl area, it’ll help tighten the area and give you that young youthful look.

Doctor Raymond E. Lee, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon – 32 Year Old Man Treated With Chin Liposuction

It’s minimally invasive and we only ask that you wear a head garment for 3 days. Not only will you get immediate gratification, the results will continue to improve over the next 3 to 6 months. (Bruce E. Katz, MD, New York Dermatologic Surgeon)

Chin liposuction and neck liposuction are simple and very effective.

For people with the right anatomy, the results of chin liposuction and neck liposuction can be amazing. It’s a very safe 30 minute procedure, and you are back at work in 5 days. We have done this for people from age 18 to age 55.

It’s actually one of the few cosmetic operations that is not done often enough. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Great results in properly selected patients

Dr Steven H. Wiener, MD, Scottsdale Plastic Surgeon – 34 Year Old Woman Treated With Chin Liposuction

Some patients have a selective deposit of fat under the chin. There is no excess skin and the platysma muscle is in place. Liposuction will give an excellent result. With a small excess of skin, some believe that concurrent treatment with a laser might tighten the skin a bit.
Although I use the laser, I am not yet convinced that there is a remarkable amount of tightening. I do not disbelieve, just not sure for now. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Chin liposuction can improve and create the appearance of a more youthful jawline. A fatty or poorly defined jawline creates the illusion of age or excessive weight. Chin liposuction is most commonly performed in combination with face lifts and or chin implants or augmentation. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

A little goes a long way for chin liposuction

You would be surprised how a little sub-mental liposuction can make a real change to ones appearance. The lower jaw and chin is an import visual cue that affects how your profile looks. Many times when a patient is considering rhinoplasty they may add liposuction below the chin to enhance the results.

The chin liposuction can be performed as an in-office procedure in most cases. (Robert Vitolo, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)