Will Lumps After Liposuction Go Away?

Lumpiness after liposuction is not uncommon. Sometimes this is due to differential swelling. If that is the case, massage can help to improve the area.

On the other hand, if there is some asymmetry from the procedure, then the lumpiness may be from some areas not being treated adequately.

Sometimes revisions are necessary. In terms of the numbness, again, this is very common after liposuction.

This is usually from the swelling and usually improves over time.

The majority of swelling will go done by about 6-8 weeks with some residual swelling lasting several months. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

How to manage swelling and lumpiness after liposuction

Here are some tips:

  1. swelling and some irregularity in the area is very common after surgery
  2. almost always the swelling moves DOWNWARD and you will notice it along your knees, calves, ankles and feet
  3. I teach everyone how to massage the areas before the surgery and have them continue immediately after the surgery: to reduce the swelling and improve the contour and shape; 3x a day for a couple of months
  4. I also suggest endermologie to help reduce the swelling and improve the circulation
  5. try to keep your legs elevated if they are swollen
  6. I like to use a compression garment after surgery for comfort, shaping and reducing swelling
  7. the most active healing will be in the first 90 days but it will take 9-12 months to see the final result (Ellen A. Mahony, MD, Westport Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after liposuction is nuisance! Swelling, firmness, and the feelings of “lumpiness” will absolutely be present after liposuction.

56 Year Old Female Patient Before & After By Dr. Steven M. Lynch, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon

It takes at least 6 weeks for this to begin to decrease. However, it will take at least 3 months to fully resolve; but this may take up to 1 year.

What can you do to decrease these findings?

Wear a compressive garment at ALL times except when showering

Make sure to downsize your garment immediately when you notice it feels loose

Begin a lymphatic massage about 2 weeks after surgery and continue until the swelling and firmness have resolved.

Ideally, you would like to do this daily At this point, do NOT stress about firmness. swelling, or lumpiness. It takes time to smooth out and for swelling to go down ! (Matthew J. Nykiel, MD, Ontario Plastic Surgeon)

Lumpiness After Lipo: It’s Probably Normal

Some lumpiness, lingering swelling, and numbness is common, even months after liposuction, so at this point you may not have cause for alarm.

However, your surgeon should be happy to see you and give you his or her opinion as to what’s causing your concerns. It’s likely he or she will advise you to continue wearing your compression garment and possibly to gently massage any firm areas or lumps.

If you’re not satisfied that these issues are resolving several months after your procedure, follow up again with your surgeon or seek a second opinion. (Michael Weinberg, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

After the tumescent technique of liposuction (the gold standard), you should be able to see an improvement in contour right away. Swelling, numbness, firmness to touch and some lumpiness are expected and disappear in about 3 months, in most cases, but can continue to improve a little more for 3 more months.

Without knowing the exact technique of liposuction, how much fat was removed, and the condition of the skin in the treated area, it is difficult to be precise about your recovery. You may have a fluid accumulation, called a seroma, in the area that you feel “moves”.

It could also be due to looseness of the skin. In my opinion, continuing to wear a compression garment even after 6 weeks following liposuction will help in bracing and supporting the areas, and provide comfort with movement or exercise.

It will also aid in reduction of swelling. If you continue to have lumpiness and swelling in 6 months, please talk to your liposuction surgeon for advice. If there is a seroma, it may need to be removed with a needle and syringe.

Your surgeon can evaluate the condition and make specific recommendations. (Renuka Diwan, MD, Cleveland Dermatologic Surgeon)

Swelling and lumps after lipo

Wait about a month or two for most of the swelling to go down, and it will take a few weeks after that for contour irregularities to resolve. With patience, you’ll see the treated areas improve with healing. (Ronald Levine, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after liposuction usually takes 3-6 months to resolve. Sometimes prior to that it may become apparent that a patient develops a fluid collection known as a seroma. If big enough it may have to be drained with a needle.

Left alone they are not dangerous but may affect the final result. (John Paul Tutela, MD, Livingston Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling after liposuction can vary from person to person depending on a lot of factors such as age, amount of fat removed, skin quality, skin color, gender, etc. Generally, the major swelling last for 4-6 weeks which is why compression is generally worn consistently during this time.

After this period of time, swelling can linger in some patients. Numbness usually occurs along with the swelling and decreases as the swelling decreases over time. Nodules and lumps are uncommon but can occur; sometimes, these are swelling related but may be residual fat.

A good diet / exercise regimen with water intake can help to speed recovery. In patients with lingering swelling, lymphatic massage or continued compression may be of use. (Kyle Coleman, MD, New Orleans Dermatologic Surgeon)

Swelling after a liposuction procedure can take at least six months to resolve. This is not to say that you should expect all swelling to stick around for that period of time, but you should see a gradual dissipation of this swelling or edema over at least this six month period.

Sometimes patients complain of specific lumps and bumps, which are typically attributed to this pooling of swelling, but I would suggest that you follow up with your board certified plastic surgeon to discuss your concerns more specifically.

Post-operative therapy treatments such as soft massages and VelaShape and VelaSmooth are often suggested to patients in my practice to help with this post-operative swelling and improve contour and may be something worth discussing with your operating surgeon. (Stephen T. Greenberg, MD, Woodbury Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling following liposuction can take 3 to 6 months to fully resolve. At 6 weeks your body has formed a lot of scar tissue which may feel lumpy and hard. Massage and pressure will help to soften these area.

If you perceive fluid moving under the skin, you may have a seroma. You should see your physician who can aspirate (remove) the fluid (Gilbert Lee, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Lymphatic massage will help tremendously with the feelling of lumpiness. Wearing your compression garment is extremely important in helping to reduce swelling. (David Dellinger, DO, FACOS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

I prefer that the patients stay at home for one week, then they can return to work. At one month, I allow them to start low-impact cardio.

I like the patients to wear a compression garment for several months after surgery. You should only begin to see that your clothing fits better at the one month visit. After that time, when you start diet and exercise, you will see results that you have never been able to see before.

Typically by 3 months the are very nice contours, but the final results are not apparent until 6 months. Your lumpiness will likely resolve with time. For my patients that feel lumps at 6 weeks, I ask them to massage the area, which is often enough to soften the bumps. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)

Traditional tumescent liposuction will give you greater results than any of the other advertised treatments. Having said that, you will notice some changes within a couple of weeks and the tissues will continue to shrink and tighten up for up to 6 months.

During this time, lumps will disappear, normal sensation will return to the skin, and your body will return to normal. (Sheldon Lincenberg, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

It is quite common to be anxious about swelling and lumpiness following liposuction. Healing following liposuction occurs in several stages over approximately six months. I find that about 80 % of initial swelling will resolve in the first six weeks.

Next, patients often enter a lumpy/bumpy phase for several months. Finally, late soft tissue edema, lumpiness, skin pigmentation changes resolve around 4-6 months. Compression garments and soft tissue massage are the mainstays of treatment throughout this period.

Should specific concerns arise, do not hesitate to contact your surgeon. (Scott D. Holley, MD, FACS, Portage Plastic Surgeon)

Lumpiness and numbness after liposuction

These can commonly occur after liposuction, but the good news is that they usually resolve with time. 6 weeks is still considered early in terms of judging your final outcome, as liposuction takes a good 6 months or so for the skin to redrape and completely heal around its new contour.

Any areas of firmness can be gently massaged to help soften them. Be sure to follow up with your plastic surgeon, as I’m sure he or she will be able to help you in greater detail. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

about 50% reduction and small lumps are common. Light massage will help the selling and lump go away but your final result will likely not be seen for another 4-5 months.

It will likely all go away with a little more time, as will the numbness. (Julio Garcia, MD, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

After liposuction it can take several weeks to months for the swelling to go down, depending on how far away from the center of the trunk it is performed. Long term use of compression garments can be helpful in this regard.

If you feel that something is moving, you may have what is known as a seroma – a post-operative fluid collection that often needs to be drained. Most lumpy, bumpy or hard areas will soften with time as the inflammation associated with surgical injury goes away.

In general, time heals all things. In my practice, we routinely use post-operative massage techniques to “iron” out irregularities. A rolling pin can be used very effectively to perform this massage. (Manish H. Shah, MD, FACS, Denver Plastic Surgeon)

Healing after Liposuction

At six weeks post-op, some swelling and lumpiness are to be expected, though you are no doubt seeing an improvement in your shape. The swelling will fully subside 6 months to a year after surgery, as will the lumps.

You can help the lumps resolve by gently massaging them. Numbness will persist a little while longer, but should go away in the same time frame as the lumps and swelling. Skin shrinkage takes the longest to occur. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Firm areas and swelling are normal after liposuction in the early phase. Lumpiness will generally be gone by a few months and all swelling gone by six months. (Susan D. Vasko, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Tissues that are liposuctioned act like a sponge, they absorb fluid. You can’t ring out this sponge. You have to wait for the fluid to be resorbed and then you may appreciate some lumpiness consistent with swelling due to bruised fatty tissue.

This typically will resolve over time but, takes longer. Massage may help but, it really is tincture of time. The entire process to see your final result may take 8-12 weeks. (Roger J. Friedman, MD, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling may last a bit longer than expected

Where you had your liposuction procedure is a common area. The lumps you feel are most likely a manifestation of the healing process. All of this should resolve, including the initial swelling, in about three months.

And of course, if you have any concerns, do contact your plastic surgeon for a follow-up appointment. (Glynn Bolitho, PhD, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Swelling and lumps after liposuction can last for months! How long exactly is hard to predict and depends on how much liposuction you have had, as well as the quality of your skin.

By 6 MONTHS, I would expect that most of the improvement would have occurred. Hang in there, it is all going to get better and if you still have a compression garment I’d keep wearing it for now. (Richard Bloom, MBBS (Hons), FRACS, Melbourne Plastic Surgeon)

Generally it takes about four months to reach the end result from Liposuction. That means that swelling, lumpiness, and bruising have disappeared and feeling has returned. It is important not to gain weight during the recovery period as this may significantly affect the results making pockets of risidual fat larger and more noticeable.

An area treated for a second or third time may take even longer to recover. A touch up should be delayed until four months or more after the original procedure and pateints should loose any weight they have gained during recovery as the problem may go away. (Howard N. Robinson, MD (retired), Miami Plastic Surgeon)