South Korea Liposuction Cost

All the most important about liposuction!

Each of us wants to be beautiful, and a slender body is one of the important components of external perfection.

Many people support the form with the help of diets or playing sports, but not always it gives the expected result.

Then aesthetic medicine comes to the rescue: according to the statistics of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPS), liposuction in 2016 was the second most popular plastic surgery among women, giving way to surgery only for breast correction operations.

What is the essence of the operation and how is it conducted?

What is Liposuction?

Many believe that liposuction in Korea is a kind of way to combat excess weight, a “quick slimming” option. This opinion is erroneous.

Liposuction in South Korea is a cosmetic surgery, the main purpose of which is to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas.

In women it is the hips, buttocks, lower abdomen, knee area, back. In men, “fat traps” most often is the area of the chest and abdomen.

Historical reference

Attempts to develop such an operational methodology that would allow modeling the body shape by removing adipose tissue have been undertaken since the beginning of the 20th century. Various methods were used, however they were traumatic and often led to complications.

Only in the late 1970s a method was developed that is still in use today: adipose tissue, previously subjected to destruction, is removed through special tubes – cannulas. Despite a sufficient amount of information on the essence of liposuction, many confuse this operation with abdominoplasty – an operation to correct abdominal defects. During abdominoplasty, excess skin, subcutaneous fat deposits are removed, plastic muscle can be performed if there is such a need.

The operation is performed only in the abdominal area. Liposuction is a much less traumatic intervention that is performed on different parts of the body and does not involve manipulation of the skin.

Indications for conduction

Despite the great attractiveness of the operation to create a beautiful silhouette, it can not be carried out “at will”. For liposuction, there are indications and contraindications.

Indications for liposuction are:
  1. presence of local fatty deposits, which can not be removed by other methods (physical exercises, diet, massage), disproportionate obesity;
  2. sufficient turgor of the patient’s skin (this is important for further effective recovery after liposuction);
  3. excess weight not exceeding 30% of the norm;

Again, with a high percentage of excess weight, the operation will not produce the expected effect, since it is not a way to combat obesity.

In addition, there may be problems with sagging of the skin. In this regard, liposuction is usually not carried out to people older than 50-55 years old: their skin loses its elasticity and its ability to shrinks.


As with any other medical manipulation, liposuction has its own contraindications. Patients with large excess weight or a noticeable excess of skin, as well as with flabby skin, this operation is undesirable.

In addition, liposuction is not indicated in the following cases:

  • diabetes;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases, as well as infectious diseases;
  • cardiovascular diseases in the acute stage;
  • impaired blood clotting;
  • impaired liver or kidney function;
  • pregnancy.

Whether liposuction is dangerous: possible complications

There is an opinion that liposuction is a simple intervention, after which the patient can immediately leave the clinic and return to the usual way of life.

This is a misconception: only if all the doctor’s recommendations are followed, the recovery period will pass easily, and the result will please both the patient and the surgeon. It should be borne in mind that after the liposuction some complications are possible. Let’s list the main ones.

Anemia. If a large amount of adipose tissue is removed during liposuction, then part of the blood circulating in the body is removed along with it. This can cause anemia.
Hematomas and seromas (congestion in the tissues of serous fluid). It also usually occurs with a large amount of removed fat. To avoid these problems, you need to wear compression underwear.

Scars on the skin, hyperpigmentation, impaired skin sensitivity. Typically, the traces that remain on the skin after liposuction are small. But if the body reacts to the procedure with inflammation, the scar can darken. This process is caused by the activation of melanocyte cells on the skin area. With hyperpigmentation you can cope with the help of hardware procedures.

Sagging of the skin. After liposuction, the effect of the blown ball can be observed – the skin does not come into tonus and sags. To reduce this risk, it is necessary to wear compression underwear in the mode recommended by the doctor.

Unevenness, asymmetry of the body after liposuction. During the procedure, the doctor tries to remove fat deposits evenly, but this is not always possible. Patients, in turn, may violate the rules of the recovery period: not to comply with the regime of wearing compression linen, it’s too early to start playing sports, etc. This leads to the formation of irregularities and humps.

How to choose a plastic surgeon?

As is known, the main thing for the patient is to find “his” doctor: a specialist with sufficient qualification, while offering the available conditions for the provision of services.

Plastic surgery is a very difficult area, because people come to the doctor with some expectations, an “ideal picture” that is in their minds. Any work that deals with the appearance of a person is very difficult, because a psychological moment is added to medical indications / contraindications / characteristics.

That is why the experience of a doctor in this field is especially important.

In general, the choice of a doctor, in my opinion, should be determined by these two criteria – experience and ownership of all existing techniques. The third important point is the conditions under which the operation is performed: the level of equipment, anaesthesiological services and nursing care, a watd for postoperative patient finding.

Realself prices for liposuction surgery procedure in 2011:

  1. $3,700 – Doctor Jin-Sung Kim – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  2. $4,100 – Dr Joo Hyuk Lee – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  3. $4,500 – Dr. Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  4. $4,600 – Doctor Myung Ju Lee – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  5. $4,800 – Dr. Jaesang Barn – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  6. $5,100 – Dr. Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  7. $5,200 – Doctor Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  8. $6,000 – Dr. Jin-Sung Kim – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  9. $7,000 – Seoul, South Korea – 2011;
  10. $7,500 – Dr Seung Ryong Lee – South Korea, KR – 2011;
  11. $9,900 – Dr. Rhee Sewhan – South Korea, KR – 2011;

Average price of liposuction on the stomach is $5670 in 2011 in South Korea
Doctor prices for liposculpture suction in 2012:

  1. $2,800 – Dr Jin-Sung Kim – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  2. $3,500 – Dr Chul Ho Jang – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  3. $3,600 – Doctor Yong Kyu Kim – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  4. $4,300 – Doctor Seung Ryong Lee – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  5. $4,500 – Dr Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  6. $4,600 – Doctor Joo Hyuk Lee – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  7. $4,700 – Doctor Moonseop Choi – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  8. $4,800 – Dr. Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  9. $6,100 – Doctor Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  10. $7,200 – Dr Chetan Patel – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  11. $9,100 – Dr. Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  12. $9,700 – Dr. Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  13. $9,800 – Dr Jaesang Barn – South Korea, KR – 2012;
  14. $9,900 – Doctor Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2012;

Average price for fat suction surgery is $6040 US dollars in 2012 in South Korea
Liposuction surgery procedure cost in 2013:

  • $2,800 – Dr. Kang – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $3,600 – Doctor Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $4,700 – Dr. Moonseop Choi – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $5,500 – Dr Dirk Lazarus – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $6,200 – Doctor Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $6,300 – Doctor Joo Hyuk Lee – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $6,700 – Doctor Rhee Sewhan – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $6,700 – Dr Dirk Lazarus – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $7,800 – Doctor Jin-Sung Kim – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $7,900 – Dr Cha Myung Kyu – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $9,100 – Doctor Rhee Sewhan – South Korea, KR – 2013;
  • $9,100 – Dr Rhee Sewhan – South Korea, KR – 2013;

The cost for procedure for liposuction on average is $6370 in 2013 in South Korea

The realself prices for surgery in 2014:
  • $2,700 – Dr. Moonseop Choi – South Korea, KR – 2014;
  • $3,300 – Dr. Rhee Sewhan – South Korea, KR – 2014;
  • $4,000 – Dr. Yoo – South Korea, KR – 2014;
  • $4,000 – Dr.Chang Doo Yeoul – South Korea, KR – 2014;
  • $6,200 – Dr. Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2014;
The price for liposuction on the stomach on average is $4040 US dollars in 2014 in South Korea

Realself pricing of fat suction in 2015:

  1. $2,500 – Dr. Hong – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  2. $3,300 – Dr. Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  3. $3,300 – Dr. Myung Ju Lee – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  4. $3,600 – Dr. Chetan Patel – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  5. $3,800 – Dr Yong Kyu Kim – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  6. $3,900 – Fresh plastic surgery – South Korea – 2015;
  7. $4,800 – Dr.Chang Doo Yeoul – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  8. $6,000 – Dr. Hong Jonghyun – Seoul ,South Korea – 2015;
  9. $6,000 – Dr. Oh, Joon-Hyung – Seoul, South Korea – 2015;
  10. $6,000 – Dr.Choi, Jung-Gook – Seoul, South Korea (South Alpine County) – 2015;
  11. $7,200 – Dr. Chang Doo Yeoul – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  12. $8,000 – Dr Rhee Sewhan – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  13. $9,100 – Doctor Seung Ryong Lee – South Korea, KR – 2015;
  14. $9,400 – Doctor Seung Ryong Lee – South Korea, KR – 2015;

Cost for fat removal procedure on average is $5490 US dollars in 2015 in South Korea

The pricing for best liposuction in 2016:

  • $10,000 – Wonjin Beauty Medical Group – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $16,000 – Gangnam, South Korea – 2016;
  • $19,000 – Kim Do Hun – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $2,500 – Dr Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $3,000 – Dr Jeon – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $3,400 – Dr. Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $3,900 – Dr. Jonghyun Hong – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $4,000 – Doctor Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $6,900 – Dr Jin-Sung Kim – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $7,000 – Dr. Chang Doo Yeoul – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $8,000 – Doctor Jaesang Barn – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $8,000 – Dr Kim sung woo – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $8,600 – Doctor Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $9,000 – Dr lim jung yoon – South Korea, KR – 2016;
  • $9,800 – Doctor Chul Ho Jang – South Korea, KR – 2016;

The cost of cosmetic liposuction on average is $7940 US dollars in 2016 in South Korea

Operation cost in 2017:

  • $2,900 – Doctor Hong Lim Choi – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $2,900 – Wonjin Beauty Clinic – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $3,400 – Dr Cheol Hwan Kim – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $5,100 – South Korea – 2017;
  • $5,500 – Dr. Moonseop Choi – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $6,400 – Doctor Jin-Sung Kim – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $7,900 – Dr Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $9,300 – Dr. Taek Keun Kwon – South Korea, KR – 2017;
  • $9,700 – Dr Dirk Lazarus – South Korea, KR – 2017;

The cost of liposculpture suction on average is $5900 in 2017 in South Korea
*Prices are from realself reviews

Lipectomy in South Korea

How much does an treatment cost in 2018:

  • $4,000 – Woo Jung Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen plastic surgery, 585-10 Sinsa-dong, gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $4,300 – Cheol Hwan Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5F, Burdamoon B/D, 815, Nonhyun-ro, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $4,300 – Joo Hyuk Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 6F, (Yeoksamdong)115, Teheran-ro, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $4,800 – Jeongho Cha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 822-1 Yeoksam-dong 12th fl., Gangnam, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $5,000 – Jun Hee Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 435 Juryuseong Bldg. 3rd fl., Gangnam-daero Seochogu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $5,500 – Seung Ryong Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 7, 8th floor, seocho W tower, seochodaero 77Gil 54,, Seochogu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,100 – Soon Woo Choi, MD, Gangnam, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 107, Bongensa-ro, Gangnam, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,100 – Soon Woo Choi, MD, Gangnam, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 107, Bongensa-ro, Gangnam, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,400 – Young Min Im, MD, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Glasstower, 406 Gangnam-daero, 4th Floor, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,500 – Jun Hee Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 435 Juryuseong Bldg. 3rd fl., Gangnam-daero Seochogu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,700 – Il Beom Seo, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Juryuseong Building, 435, Gangnam-daero, B1 & 3rd Floor, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,700 – Jaesang Barn, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 641-9 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $6,800 – Seok Jun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen Medical Tower, 463 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $7,000 – VIP Plastic Surgery Center Korea – 2018;
  • $7,100 – JW Plastic Surgery Center – 2018;
  • $7,500 – Seung Ryong Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 7, 8th floor, seocho W tower, seochodaero 77Gil 54,, Seochogu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $7,600 – JW Plastic Surgery Center – 2018;
  • $7,600 – Rhee Sewhan, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 514-16, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $7,800 – 1mm Plastic Surgery – 2018;
  • $8,000 – Hyungsuk Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 446 Gangnam-daero, Yeoksam 1(il)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 9th fl, Hanwell Building, Seoul, – 2018;
  • $8,000 – Myung Ju Lee, MD, PhD, Jeju Plastic Surgeon – 46, Eunnam1-gil, 3rd Floor, Jeju, – 2018;

Prices for procedure in 2019:

  • $4,500 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $4,700 – Marble Plastic Surgery – 2019;
  • $4,900 – Cheol Hwan Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5F, Burdamoon B/D, 815, Nonhyun-ro, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $5,000 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2019;
  • $5,000 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – BK building , 106 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $5,100 – Jun Hee Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 435 Juryuseong Bldg. 3rd fl., Gangnam-daero Seochogu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $5,100 – Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital – 2019;
  • $5,600 – Jeongho Cha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 822-1 Yeoksam-dong 12th fl., Gangnam, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $5,700 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2019;
  • $5,800 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $5,800 – Woo Jung Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen plastic surgery, 585-10 Sinsa-dong, gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,000 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,100 – Cha Myung Kyu, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 839 Nonhyeon-ro, Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,100 – JW Plastic Surgery Center – 2019;
  • $6,200 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2019;
  • $6,200 – Jaesang Barn, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 641-9 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,200 – Woo Jung Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen plastic surgery, 585-10 Sinsa-dong, gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,400 – Jin-Sung Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Nonhyeon-dong No.5, Peyto Building 3rd floor, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,500 – Seung Ryong Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 7, 8th floor, seocho W tower, seochodaero 77Gil 54,, Seochogu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,600 – Moonseop Choi, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – #623, Gangnam-daero, Seoch-gu, Seoul, 5th Fl., Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,700 – Chul Ho Jang, MD, Gangnam-gu Plastic Surgeon – Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, 839, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, – 2019;
  • $6,700 – Soon Woo Choi, MD, Gangnam, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 107, Bongensa-ro, Gangnam, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $6,900 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2019;
  • $7,000 – Moonseop Choi, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – #623, Gangnam-daero, Seoch-gu, Seoul, 5th Fl., Seoul, – 2019;
  • $7,600 – Sang Woo Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Yeoksam-dong 648-22, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $7,800 – Dong Yeon Hwang, MD, Seoul, Gangnam-gu Plastic Surgeon – 165-8 Nonhyeon-dong, 3rd Fl., Seoul, Gangnam-gu, – 2019;
  • $7,800 – Jin-Sung Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Nonhyeon-dong No.5, Peyto Building 3rd floor, Seoul, – 2019;
  • $7,900 – DA Plastic Surgery Clinic – 2019;
  • $7,900 – Hyungsuk Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 446 Gangnam-daero, Yeoksam 1(il)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 9th fl, Hanwell Building, Seoul, – 2019;

The pricing for treatment in 2020:

  • $4,100 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $4,400 – Dong Yeon Hwang, MD, Seoul, Gangnam-gu Plastic Surgeon – 165-8 Nonhyeon-dong, 3rd Fl., Seoul, Gangnam-gu, – 2020;
  • $4,700 – Il Beom Seo, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Juryuseong Building, 435, Gangnam-daero, B1 & 3rd Floor, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $4,800 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2020;
  • $5,200 – Hyungsuk Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 446 Gangnam-daero, Yeoksam 1(il)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea, 9th fl, Hanwell Building, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $5,400 – Moonseop Choi, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – #623, Gangnam-daero, Seoch-gu, Seoul, 5th Fl., Seoul, – 2020;
  • $5,400 – Rhee Sewhan, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 514-16, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $5,500 – Hyung Jun Kim, MD, Seoul, Ganganam-gu Plastic Surgeon – 165-8 Nonhyeon-dong, 3rd Fl., Seoul, Ganganam-gu, – 2020;
  • $5,500 – Sang Woo Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Yeoksam-dong 648-22, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $5,600 – Cheol Hwan Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5F, Burdamoon B/D, 815, Nonhyun-ro, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $5,600 – Seok Jun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen Medical Tower, 463 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $5,700 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2020;
  • $5,900 – Moonseop Choi, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – #623, Gangnam-daero, Seoch-gu, Seoul, 5th Fl., Seoul, – 2020;
  • $6,100 – 1mm Plastic Surgery – 2020;
  • $6,300 – Joonghyuk Yim, MD, PhD, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – TL Plastic Surgery, B2~6F, 574-2,, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $6,600 – Jong-Lim Park, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 517 Nonhyun-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $6,900 – Jong-Lim Park, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 517 Nonhyun-ro Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $6,900 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – BK building , 106 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $7,000 – Rhee Sewhan, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 514-16, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $7,200 – Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital – 2020;
  • $7,500 – JW Plastic Surgery Center – 2020;
  • $7,600 – Joo Hyuk Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 6F, (Yeoksamdong)115, Teheran-ro, Gangnam Gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $7,700 – Seok Jun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen Medical Tower, 463 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2020;
  • $7,900 – Young Min Im, MD, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Glasstower, 406 Gangnam-daero, 4th Floor, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2020;

The cost of procedure in 2021:

  • $4,100 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – BK building , 106 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $4,500 – Seok Jun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen Medical Tower, 463 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $4,700 – Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital – 2021;
  • $4,800 – DA Plastic Surgery Clinic – 2021;
  • $4,800 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – BK building , 106 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $5,000 – VIP Plastic Surgery Center Korea – 2021;
  • $5,100 – Cha Myung Kyu, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 839 Nonhyeon-ro, Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $5,200 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2021;
  • $5,400 – Cheol Hwan Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5F, Burdamoon B/D, 815, Nonhyun-ro, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $5,500 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $6,200 – Myung Ju Lee, MD, PhD, Jeju Plastic Surgeon – 46, Eunnam1-gil, 3rd Floor, Jeju, – 2021;
  • $6,400 – Joonghyuk Yim, MD, PhD, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – TL Plastic Surgery, B2~6F, 574-2,, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $6,500 – Nana Plastic Surgery Hospital – 2021;
  • $6,900 – Rhee Sewhan, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 514-16, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $7,500 – Il Beom Seo, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Juryuseong Building, 435, Gangnam-daero, B1 & 3rd Floor, Seoul, – 2021;
  • $7,800 – Grand Plastic Surgery, Korea – Seoul – Account Suspended – 2021;

How much does treatment cost in 2022:

  • $4,000 – Jin-Sung Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Nonhyeon-dong No.5, Peyto Building 3rd floor, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,200 – SangKyun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13 Fl. Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero , Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,300 – Kang Woo Lee, MD, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 8 Floor of Urban Hive, 200-7 Nonhyeon-don, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,300 – Seung Ryong Lee, MD, Seochogu Plastic Surgeon – 7, 8th floor, seocho W tower, , seochodaero 77Gil 54,, Seochogu, – 2022;
  • $4,500 – Sang Wook Park, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 17 Seocho-daero, Blk.77, 8~9 Fl., Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,600 – Moonseop Choi, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – #623, Gangnam-daero, Seoch-gu, Seoul, 5th Fl., Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,700 – Jaeil Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 563-17 Sinsa-Dong Shinsahill B/D, 3rd Fl., Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,700 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery , 150, Seongan-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $4,900 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2022;
  • $5,100 – V.LIF Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2022;
  • $5,500 – Do-Hoon Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 3F Samshin Bldg. Nonhyeon-ro 836 (Shinsadong 598-6), Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $5,500 – Jaeil Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 563-17 Sinsa-Dong Shinsahill B/D, 3rd Fl., Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $5,800 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $5,900 – VIP Plastic Surgery Center Korea – 2022;
  • $6,100 – DA Plastic Surgery Clinic – 2022;
  • $6,100 – Marble Plastic Surgery – 2022;
  • $6,300 – DA Plastic Surgery Clinic – 2022;
  • $6,400 – Chul Ho Jang, MD, Gangnam-gu Plastic Surgeon – Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, 839, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, – 2022;
  • $6,400 – Hyungsuk Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5th and 9th Fl. Hanwell Bldg. 446, Gangnam-daero, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $6,600 – VIP Plastic Surgery Center Korea – 2022;
  • $6,700 – MinKyu Kang, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13Fl Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $6,800 – Seok Jun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Regen Medical Tower, 463 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $7,100 – Chul Hwan Seul, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 553, Samseong-ro, Samseong-dong, 3-7, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $7,300 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2022;
  • $7,300 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery , 150, Seongan-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $7,400 – Joonghyuk Yim, MD, PhD, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – TL Plastic Surgery, B2~6F, 574-2,, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $7,400 – V.LIF Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2022;
  • $7,500 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2022;
  • $7,800 – Jungwoo Kwon, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Levels 2,4,5, Montessori Bldg. 399, Gangnam-daero Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2022;
  • $8,000 – Seung Ki Youn, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 10F, Mijin-Plaza Building, 390, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2022;

The prices for in 2023:

  • $4,100 – Jong Pil Yang, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13Fl Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,100 – Woo Jung Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 825, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, , Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,200 – Moonseop Choi, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – #623, Gangnam-daero, Seoch-gu, Seoul, 5th Fl., Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,300 – Min-Koo Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 840 Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,500 – Hyung Jun Kim, MD, Seoul, Ganganam-gu Plastic Surgeon – 165-8 Nonhyeon-dong, 3rd Fl., Seoul, Ganganam-gu, – 2023;
  • $4,500 – Sunbin Chang, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Levels 2,4,5, Montessori Bldg. 399, Gangnam-daero Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,600 – Chul Hwan Seul, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 553, Samseong-ro, Samseong-dong, 3-7, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,600 – Jungwoo Kwon, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Levels 2,4,5, Montessori Bldg. 399, Gangnam-daero Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,600 – Seung Il Ha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 405 Tong Bldg., 10 Fl., Seocho Gangnam, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $4,900 – V.LIF Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2023;
  • $4,900 – Woo Jung Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 825, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, , Seoul, – 2023;
  • $5,000 – Myung Ju Lee, MD, PhD, Jeju Plastic Surgeon – 46, Eunnam1-gil, 3rd Floor, Jeju, – 2023;
  • $5,600 – Cha Myung Kyu, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 839 Nonhyeon-ro, Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $5,600 – Do-Hoon Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 3F Samshin Bldg. Nonhyeon-ro 836 (Shinsadong 598-6), Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $5,600 – View Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2023;
  • $5,700 – Braun Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2023;
  • $6,300 – Jin-Sung Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Nonhyeon-dong No.5, Peyto Building 3rd floor, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $6,400 – SangKyun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13 Fl. Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero , Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $6,800 – Young Min Im, MD, Seocho-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, 8~9 Floor, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $6,900 – Onlif Plastic Surgery Korea – 2023;
  • $7,100 – MinKyu Kang, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13Fl Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,200 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery , 150, Seongan-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,300 – Braun Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2023;
  • $7,300 – Thank You Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2023;
  • $7,400 – Do-Hoon Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 3F Samshin Bldg. Nonhyeon-ro 836 (Shinsadong 598-6), Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,400 – Hyungsuk Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5th and 9th Fl. Hanwell Bldg. 446, Gangnam-daero, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,400 – Kang Woo Lee, MD, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 8 Floor of Urban Hive, 200-7 Nonhyeon-don, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,500 – Young Min Im, MD, Seocho-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 17, Seocho-daero 77-gil, Seocho-gu, 8~9 Floor, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,700 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2023;
  • $7,800 – Seung Ryong Lee, MD, Seochogu Plastic Surgeon – 7, 8th floor, seocho W tower, , seochodaero 77Gil 54,, Seochogu, – 2023;
  • $7,800 – Soon Beom Kwon, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 9F, KPLATS building, 368, Sapyeong-daero, Seocho-gu, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,800 – Soon Woo Choi, MD, Gangnam, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 107, Bongensa-ro, Gangnam, Seoul, – 2023;
  • $7,800 – Woo Jung Kim, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 825, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, , Seoul, – 2023;
  • $8,000 – Jun Hee Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 435 Juryuseong Bldg. 3rd fl., Gangnam-daero Seochogu, Seoul, – 2023;
How much does procedure cost in 2024:
  • $4,100 – Banobagi Plastic Surgery – 2024;
  • $4,200 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2024;
  • $4,300 – Chul Ho Jang, MD, Gangnam-gu Plastic Surgeon – Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, 839, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, – 2024;
  • $4,400 – Kuylhee Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery , 150, Seongan-ro, Gangdong-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $4,500 – Joonghyuk Yim, MD, PhD, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – TL Plastic Surgery, B2~6F, 574-2,, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $4,700 – Myung Ju Lee, MD, PhD, Jeju Plastic Surgeon – 46, Eunnam1-gil, 3rd Floor, Jeju, – 2024;
  • $4,700 – V.LIF Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2024;
  • $5,100 – Cha Myung Kyu, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 839 Nonhyeon-ro, Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $5,100 – Jeongho Cha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 822-1 Yeoksam-dong 12th fl., Gangnam, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $5,200 – Soon Woo Choi, MD, Gangnam, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 107, Bongensa-ro, Gangnam, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $5,400 – Dream Plastic Surgery – 2024;
  • $5,600 – Kyung Min Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 10F, Mijin-Plaza Building, 390, Gangnam-daero, , Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $5,700 – Rhee Sewhan, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 514-16, Sinsa-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $5,700 – SangKyun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13 Fl. Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero , Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $5,800 – DA Plastic Surgery Clinic – 2024;
  • $6,100 – Jeongho Cha, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 822-1 Yeoksam-dong 12th fl., Gangnam, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $6,100 – Sung-Woo Park, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 3F 836, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $6,300 – Sung-Woo Park, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 3F 836, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $6,400 – Onlif Plastic Surgery Korea – 2024;
  • $6,500 – JW Plastic Surgery Center – 2024;
  • $6,600 – VIP Plastic Surgery Center Korea – 2024;
  • $7,100 – Hanwoong Ko, MD, PhD, Seoul, Gangnam Plastic Surgeon – F2, Nonhyeon-ro 838, Seoul, Gangnam, – 2024;
  • $7,200 – Cheol Hwan Kim, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 5F, Burdamoon B/D, 815, Nonhyun-ro, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $7,200 – Seung Ki Youn, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 10F, Mijin-Plaza Building, 390, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $7,400 – Chul Ho Jang, MD, Gangnam-gu Plastic Surgeon – Kyumyung BD 2nd Floor, 839, Nonhyeon-ro, Gangnam-gu, – 2024;
  • $7,400 – Jong Pil Yang, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13Fl Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $7,400 – Thank You Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2024;
  • $7,500 – Jaesang Barn, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 641-9 Yeoksam-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $7,600 – SangKyun Lee, MD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 12/13 Fl. Rex Tower, 108 Dosan-daero , Gangnam-gu, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $7,800 – Chul Hwan Seul, MD, PhD, Seoul Plastic Surgeon – 553, Samseong-ro, Samseong-dong, 3-7, Seoul, – 2024;
  • $7,800 – Dream Plastic Surgery – 2024;
  • $7,800 – TS Plastic Surgery – Seoul – 2024;