Smart Lipo Is a Trade name by Cynosure Corp for their device under the Laser Assisted Liposuction (LAL) procedure. This device was FDA approved in Dec 2006 in the United States. Since then, Cynosure has rolled out many upgrades to the origianl machine and there are several other devices out on the market by other trade names such as : “SlimLipo” “CoolLipo” “ProLipo”, etc,
These devices all use very small canulas to deliver the energy which does add time and technology to the Liposuction procedure. The advantages are their as well. First, I disagree with the analogy that using a big marker vs a pencil to cover a sheet of paper analogy because in artwork that is true, in Body-Sculpting the smoothness of the result is a function of the size of the tool you use.
If clumps of fat cells are removed, clumps of cells are left behind as well. We are just not using a very small tube to remove the fat, but adding very powerful laser energy to disrupt those fat cells and liqueify them.
As we add more wavelengths of laser light that is more efficient at fat disruption, the tool is just not a sucker, but becomes (pardon the expression), smart. However, not only does it help with fat disruption, and coagulating small blood vessels (less bruising), but it also adds the skin tightening component to the procedure as well.
Standard liposuction does not effect the skin tightening. Many comments where about no proof of this effect: To that comment, we published the following:
1) The Physics and safety behind the procedure in…… Journal of Cosmetic and laser Therapy 2009 Volume 11 Pages 62-69. Evaluation of tissue thermal effects from 1064/1320-nm laser-assisted lipolysis and its clinical implications
2) The technique of measuring changes in skin elasticity and skin shrinkage: in press in next issue of the Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
3) Comparison of LAL to liposuction alone has been submitted to the Journals. Technology using 2 wavelengths is called Multiplex or MPX.
Most recent updates are called the Triplex (TPX) which uses a much more efficient wavelength to disrupt fat making the procedure faster and better.
Other important concommitant technology monitors the temperature above the skin (Thermaview) and under the skin (Thermaguide).
Temperature measure and its accuracy are important for if these temperatures are NOT reached, effective skin tightening may not be seen. Over shoot of temperature in the skin can cause blistering and scarring, hence the temperature technology.
Liposuction versus SmartLipo- which is better?
Standard tumescent liposuction removes fat cells by using a hollow cannula to cut through the fat and suction to pull the fat out. There is no control on how much bruising will result or any effective way to tighten the skin.
SmartLipo uses a blend of laser wavelengths with a very narrow wand under the skin to dissolve the fat as well as to stop small vessels from oozing and to also stimulate collagen growth. The result is much less swelling and bruising as well as a tightening of the skin.
Both procedures can be done in a proper office setting whereas most hospitals only have standard liposuction, not SmartLipo.
Smart lipo patient reviews
– I had my knees done last year. It was a very long recovery…5 weeks of discomfort, and 10 weeks till I felt almost normal. It took 5 months plus to see and LIKE the results. I had all the usual side effects. Divets, uneven skin, bruises, sharp shooting pains…now that a year has passed, I am happy with the results. I swore I would not do it again…and here I am 5 days out of smart lipo. This time I did my upper, inner thighs, and the banana roll ( under butt, and inner thigh area) and a tiny bit on the sides…(saddlebags)…there was only like a teaspoon of fat removed on that area…but I felt while I was there, why not do that area too. I could see a little bit of fat starting to form and figured it will get worse over time, so suck it out now. So far, the recovery time has been WAY easier than the knees. I am not in pain, but it does hurt a bit to sit on the toilet or a chair. I had very little drainage the first day…and none the 2nd. I am bruised of course…and sore. I know that I have a lot of time until I see the results. I learned this last time. So far, I am pretty sure I like what is happening. However, I am not any smaller…because I am still very swollen. I am will weigh myself and do measurements in 2 months. I won’t bother before then and get discouraged because this procedure takes months…sometimes 6+ months to look its best. So, if you are reading this, and in recovery…be patient. I hated my knees for the first 3-4 months…I love them now.
– I had breast augmentation and smart lipo to the upper/lower abdomen, inner/outer thighs, and flanks. I was so bruised from the lipo I looked like I was attacked by an eel or something!! The bruising has finally gone away, but I am still sore especially on the inner thigh (but that is a very tender area). I am very pleased with my breasts and had minimal pain. I’m not so pleased with the lipo. I am still very swollen and tender and even numb in areas, especially my flanks. I’ve been wearing the compression garment at night and spanks during the day while at work. I have cheated a few times, to get some relief. I’m just ready to see some results…I know it takes time and I am trying to not get discouraged, but it gets depressing!
– I just had smart lipo on my upper and lower abs, handles and lower back fat on 10-22. I have to say that in spite of the discomfort, I’m fairly impressed with the recovery so far. I’ve been able to move pretty normally. The most annoying thing about recovery so far is wearing the compression garment. Most of my discomfort is actually from that. My doctor requires me to wear it 24/7 for the first two weeks, even though the consensus is there is not any good evidence that it affects results after the first week of wear (which will be this Thursday). I still have soreness and tenderness, particularly to touch, and also quite a bit of itching at times as the tissues are healing. I had almost no bruising. I’m glad I did it this time of year; I can’t imagine how much more uncomfortable it would be to wear the garment in warm weather. I can already see how much flatter my stomach will be, and the resulting change in shape from the removal of the fat on the sides and back is already impressive. Can’t wait to see the final results. I should be good to go long before summer hits!
– I just had smartlipo done on my upper and lower abs (mostly lower), handles and lower back fat on 10/22. The surgeon removed about 2-3 lbs. of fat total. I have to say that I’ve been fairly impressed with recovery so far; I haven’t had any major pain or swelling, I had almost no bruising, and I have been able to move relatively normally. I started exercising again in a limited fashion on Sunday. There were some things I wasn’t expecting. The most discomfort and tenderness is in my lower back area, although I did start having some godawful itching yesterday on the sides as some of the tissues began healing. That continues to move around. So far, the majority of the discomfort seems to be coming from the compression garment, which my surgeon insists I wear 24/7 for two weeks, although the consensus across the board seems to be that there is no good evidence of any long term benefit to compression beyond the first week post-op. I’m glad I did it this time of year; I can’t imagine how much more uncomfortable it would be to wear the compression garment during warm weather. Most of the soreness and tenderness (which seems to be at its worst around late afternoon/ early evening) appears to be around the belt-line where the incisions were made. They don’t look too bad at this point, although there are two of them that sort of look like small rug burns. It’s early days yet, but even though the total amount of fat removed was only 2-3 lbs., I can already see a big change in my shape; a much flatter (nearly completely flat) stomach, and the change in shape from having the side and back fat removed is already impressive. I can’t wait to see the final result, especially after I’m able to get back to my full workout again. I’m a bit disappointed to learn (from reading online) that it might be six months before I see the final result, I thought it would be more like 3-4. My surgeon says I should have results I can show in 1-2 months though. Even at six months, I should be good to go long before next summer!
– I am a 32 year old man and I had smart lipo done almost 4 weeks ago at Strax Rejuvination. I work out at the gym 5 times a week and am in great shape. I hated my abs since I had a small belly and sides. I couldn’t get rid of it with dieting and working out. I also take medications for anxiety so that didn’t help any, it also made me gain weight, especially there. Well, I proceeded to get my abs and flanks done and they took out 1.5 liters which is 1,500 cc’s. I must tell everybody, this is the best gift I ever gave myself. I went from a 33″ waist to a 30.5″ waist. I am extremely happy and truly I was more scared about having it done than the little pain or let’s say discomfort I had. I am truly very pleased with the excellent results. I recommend this to anybody .
– I had smartlipo on my upper and lower stomach 13 days ago. I love the results except after 10 days I have a lump the size of a golf ball right above the navel. It isn’t an infection because it is not discolored; and my dr. says it is fluid and it will go down. I have massaged and applied ice and hot water and it is the same size. I did however lose 11 lbs in 2 weeks. Pretty excited about that.
– I had my procedure done about 3 weeks ago in the abdomen area. I have worn the compression garment (actually, my dr suggested SPANX to wear) nearly all day for the last 3 weeks. While I do see some results, I am VERY LUMPY and uneven. My skin is still very sensitive to touch but there is no bruising (there never was really). I’m wondering two things. First, did anyone else experience LUMPS galore the first few weeks of the procedure? Did they go away? How long did it take? Is there anything one can do to expedite the smoothing of these lumps? My doctor is out of the country for the next 2 weeks…and I’ll discuss these things with him when he returns. It would help me feel better, however, if I hear real stories from real people. Second, how long (as in, how many weeks) did you have to wear your compression garment? It isn’t exactly comfortable and I’m wearing sweats a great deal. I’m anxious to go back to my normal dressing habits! Thank you in advance for letting me know your experience.
– I had smartlipo on my upper abs, lower abs and thighs 6 days ago. I was told I only needed to take 2 days off from work after the surgery, so not true. They didn’t even ask me what I did for work when they said that. I work in retail and have to do some lifting and a lot of bending and I would of been in terrible pain if I returned to work that soon. Luckily my employer gave me a full week off. I’ve been in a lot of pain so I’ve been taking pain killers every day. Another reason why I couldn’t of been at work so soon. I hope with time I don’t regret doing this. Because right now I just feel tired and my body just wants rest and sleep most of the time.
– I had my abdomen and flanks done 5 days ago. I really didn’t have any pain…never took any pain meds. Just felt soar…nothing that I couldn’t handle. I didn’t bruise until the third day when I had to put a belt on and go to work. I got my bruises along the waistline. Anyway, I have gotten larger instead of smaller. I expected to lose a couple of pants sizes, instead, I’m struggling to get the compression garment under my current sized pants. My doctor thinks I’m nuts because I keep asking him questions. He says to trust that it takes a couple of weeks to start seeing it, but I’m concerned I wasted my money.
– I just had smartlipo on Friday May 7th, lovehandles. I wish I had done more research on the doctor. I went with a Cheaper doctor, and like always you get what you pay for. The more expensive doctor had a list of recomendations and the cheaper doctor said their patients were not able to share their experience do to some FDA regulation. I should have taken that as a sign. Unfortunately, I felt extreme pain through the entire procedure. I’m severly black and blue. The spent 1 hour exactly from walking in to walking out of the front door. Needless to say it was not a good job. You can see significant differences from my left side to my right side. She spent much more time on my left which was not the fatty side, and it shows. During the procedure they were watching E-Entertainment on TV! The Med Assistant was litterally sitting on the stool completely focused on the TV. I was in so much pain during the procedure that she said, “let me flip you to the other side so we can wait longer for the anethesia to set in on your left side”. I was shaking from the pain of the procedure. When I walked out they did not say anything comforting, did not escort me down stairs, did not take more than their alloted hour for me to get me out the front door. Unlike the other doctor who said to schedule at least 4 hours for this procedure. It is now Tuesday May 10th, and I’m finally feeling like 75% to normal. Again, I never ever post, but wanted to forwarn anyone interested in the procedure to really look into the doctors. Just because they post online doesn’t mean you will have a great procedure.
– I had smart lipo done four weeks ago on my abdomen and flanks. I experienced some pain and bruising. The swelling lasted nearly two weeks. I still wear the compression garments some days and I have some lumps of fat under my skin. the doctor said that they lumps will break up on their own, I massage them daily. I definitely have results, just not as much as I hoped for. From what my doctor said I should have full results in a month or two, then I’ll let you know if it was worth it!
– I had laser lipo done June 14th. Today is day 8 and I still have not gone back to work. I plan on going in tomorrow. Surgery was intense…being awake while this is being done is pretty tramatic. My Dr. and his assistant were great! they played music and kept me talking. I was shaking the entire procedure. I had my inner thighs, and inner knees, and above my knees done. I draned quite a bit the first 8 hours. I showered day 2 and have not drained since. Days 2 and 3 i was up and about cooking etc. My mom was in town helping me. She left on day 4 and told me to stay in bed until i had to go back to work. I did and I am worse now then before. Day 4-7 i was in bed. By the way, no pain killers are working. I planned on going back to work monday but i am so sore and can’t really walk that well. I had my one week follow up with my dr and he seems to think i am definitely behind on my recovery. One concern I have is that I am super tight. My inner upper thighs are bigger and super hard. Has anyone else experienced that? I know that i am only 8 days out, but the pain is still very strong and the swelling is massive Day one, my thighs didn’t even touch, I was pumped…now they are bigger then before. When i was laying in bed i was on my back with my knees up on 2 pillows…I wonder if the swelling went up to the upper thighs. Also my vagina and lower abdomen are swolen. Like horrible. My stomach is usually pretty flat and my lower abs are floppy… At this point i’m not excited and I’m just wondering if anyone else out there had the same level of tightening and soreness.
– I had smart lipo yesterday and I feel terrible. Two c sections did not hurt this much. I had upper and lower abs and my love handles and chin. My chin hurts a little but the rest of me feels like it was run over. the compression garment is tight I can hardly breath and there is a pulling, pinching bruising pain. My ribs ache. I don’t feel like any of the good things others do. I tried not to take the pain medication but have two times today. Even after giving birth I didn’t need pain medicine. Please share with me when this swelling goes down a bit and when the draining stops. and to all of you who went to work the day after and resumed your regular activities so soon I’m jealous. I actually have tears in my eyes as I say that. Im doing my best to follow all the rules so I will heal fast. I weigh 128. I was under the impression from my surgeon that this was a bonus for people seeking lipo and made recovery faster when you are not over weight.
_Double Chin_ Correction With Smart Lipo By Dr Anthony Corrado, DO, Philadelphia Facial Plastic Surgeon 873
– I had smart lipo 5 days ago on my upper and lower abdomen and love handles. I am not suppose to excercise or lift anything over 5 lbs for 2 weeks. the first couple of days i did take my pain meds just because i wanted to stay on top of it and didnt want to hurt anymore than i had to, but after the 3rd day i didnt need any pain meds. I am sore, but its very tolerable, it is hard to bend over, it seems like it has a pulled muscle feeling in my middle stomach, however its hard to bend over with the abdominal binder on anyhow! the leaking stopped after the 2nd day and i hardly have any bruising at all, its more of a redness. I took Arnica Montana like my doc said to and I really think its helps alot (for bruising) I am still swollen of course but not too terribly bad. I am glad i went thru it.
– I had smart lipo on my upper and lower abdomen 2 weeks ago. 4 years ago I had traditional lipo on my hip and thigh area. While the smart lipo is a ton easier to go through, it’s recovery time is not as easy as most doctors lead you to believe. I was told and have read over and over again it supposed to be like being sore from a strenuous work out. Well, take that and multiply it by at least 10 or maybe more. I still have skin sensitivity and cannot wear my normal clothing-only sweats. I think it would be very difficult to return to work any sooner than 5 to 7 days after the procedure.
– I went back to work after six days but really needed about 8-10 to recover. I was sore swollen and really uncomfortable. I’m still sore and has been 21 days now. I am still swollen and weigh more now then before the procedure. I had my abs and love handles done. I think results take time before you see the full difference. At least this what my doctor says. I’m still wearing my garment too. I’m afraid to go without it. It gives comfort and security. Also I have noticed about four inches off my waist from the sculpting part of smart lipo, its my abdomen that is still puffy.
– I had Smart Lipo done Wed, 10/6 on my abs, love handles & flanks. Although it wasn’t the worst thing I’ve endured, I don’t know where they get “lunchtime lipo” from! The meds did make me feel sick & I was extremely groggy the first 24 hrs. I did go to work the next day but had to come home due to nausea. I finally figured out it was the pain med making me sick. Once I stopped that, I felt much better! I went to work all day Friday & have been fine since. I’m not really even that sore. I am VERY bruised on my lower abdomen & in the pubic area. (REALLY, REALLY bruised!) He obviously did a lot of something around my c-section scar because it is completely purple above, below & all the way across! I also have a couple of spots around my belly button that look dark purple. As far as results, I can tell a slight difference in my shape already. I know I am still very swollen, but I can tell I don’t have as much of a muffin top as I did prior to the procedure. The compression garment is a bit uncomfortable, but I know I have to wear it. I cannot imagine someone doing this during the summer because this thing is super hot! So far I haven’t had any regrets.
– I had my smartlipo procedure done on Saturday and today is Thursday, Thanksgiving day. I had my abdomen, flanks, love handles and bra line done. I’m concerned about my results because due to horrible itching caused by my allergy to betadine and the uncomfy and chafing feeling of the compression garment I have not been wearing it so I’m worried my results won’t come out so well. I have had bad swelling and the worst skin irritation. The garment caused a rash on my back that opened up because it rubbed against my skin at night. So I have not been wearing it 24/7. I may only wear it like 4-6hrs a day. Does anyone else have this problem? Can anyone tell me if I will ruin my results. Also I have viewed photos of other results and mine don’t look as great. I had one liter of fat removed and I’m wondering if that is a lot. I still have my pooch and part of my rolls.
– I had my smart lipo September 7 2016. I wore my garment for six weeks and then switched to spanx which I wear everyday. I’m still sore and have skin discoloration on both my sides and my abdomen looks like crap. I was not big to begin with, I weighed 126. Now I’m at 133, have been dieting since I got home from my procedure and I’m a pant size bigger. I’m very upset. I need my abdomen re done and I’m scared because the procedure hurt and I’m not looking forward to having more fat removed. This is not for everybody but my doctor said I was an ideal candidate, I thought so too, I followed every rule and I can’t wear a bikini anytime soon. Good thing its 35° out. I was told I’m still swollen. I’m thinkin yeah right, its been 3 months. Feeling down and looking worse. Blah
– I Just had my smart lipo done 2 days ago ..
People this is surgery and it is on the stomach of course its gonna hurt …
Now if you have had traditional lipo yeah that is the commparison they are making it too that you feel 10 x’s better with smart lipo than traditional. YOu have to walk and stop taking vicodine that is only gonna constipate you and clog you up stick to the tylenol and the arnica for swelling after 3 days you can switch to Ibuprophen but you need to walk and get up yeah im sore and tender and hard to get in and out of bed and to bend .. etc.. and i can see a difference yeah im swollen to the max hardly no bruising.. just be patient where your surgical girldle and chill i went in on thursday and i will be returning to work on Tuesday .. I mean i work in the office i dont see it being a problem .. you need to get up and walk…. outside – go to the park .. and walk..
– I had smart lipo done on my upper and lower abs. I am on day 4 and omg, the swelling is there. I removed my garment to wash it and it seems I began swelling at its worst. I started feeling depressed, like this was not worth it. However, I have returned to wearing my garment after about 2 hours and drinking lots of water.
– I had Smart lipo on my upper and lower abs on Jan 28, 2016. I am 50, 5’4″ and 150 lbs. I always had a muffin top no matter how much I exercised. I love smart lipo. Here is my experience. I took a valium on my way to the office. I took pain pill when I got there. The doctor then marked my stomach then gave me a shot in each area for numbing.I then went into the Smartlipo room. They gave me a couple rubber balls to squeeze in case I needed to. The doctor then made the incisions and insert the cannula to melt the fat. It wasn’t too painful(I tolerate pain well) until he hit areas around my ribs. However, it was tolerable. Then he stuck another cannula in to tighten the skin. Then another cannula to suck out the fat. I didn’t feel pain until he got around the ribs. I did feel some pulling and tugging. It was quite messy also. After the Dr. was finished, they cleaned me up and wrapped gauze around me because I am allergic to tape and bandaids. So I had gauze wrapped around me and the garment. I drove home. I was in a little pain but not bad. They told me to stand in the shower and squeeze out the rest of the fat.
For me this was the worst part because I squeezed an incision and the fat squirted out. I then got nauseous and almost fainted twice. I had to squeeze the fat out several times the first day until there was no more coming out. Twelve hours later it stopped. They said the remaining fat would come out in my urine and it did. I had a little blood in my urine for about a week. Then it stopped. I was bruised and sore for about the first week but it got easier as the days go by. I was also told to massage the area but it was so sore the first few days so it was tough to massage it. I measured myself around my belly button before I went in and it was 39 in the 2nd day it was 36 in. So I immediatedly lost 3 inches. Now 2 weeks later my stomach is getting flatter. I am still wearing the garment. But I have to say I am happy with my results. I can’t wait another month or 2 to see more results. SO I have to say to people who are thinking about this it is worth it. The worst part is wearing the garment for 3 weeks. I am thinking of getting spanks that won’t be as noticable. Good luck if you get Smart Lipo. It is worth it. Be patient and strong. ALSO, make sure you get a Certified Plastic Surgeon who know what he is doing. Good Luck and think positive.
– I had Smart Lipo at the SmartLipo clinic in NYC 2 weeks ago. It is no lunchtime treatment. I did the lower abdomen and flanks (sides of stomach & lower back). My treatment was spread over 2 days, on the Friday I had the flanks done and the Saturday the lower abdomen. On Saturday once the local anaesthetic wore off I was in so much pain I couldn’t even get out of bed to go to the restroom. I did go back to work on the Tuesday, although very tired and sore, but being at work did help my recovery.
Now 2 weeks in I have noticed a definite change in my shape and appearance. The fat on my flanks and lower back in completely gone. My lower abdomen, although visibly flatter, is still hard and lumpy. I find if you don’t wear the compression garment or Spanx (although very difficult to put on) then the lumps look uneven, but the appearance is much better with the compression garment. I still wear the original compression garment provided at night, I find it more comfortable than the Spanx, although looks too bulky so wear the Spanx during the day.
I cannot wait for the day I don’t have to wear any compression garment or feel like I have to protect my abdomen from passers by who could potentially bump my sensitive stomach! I have lost weight, not much, about 2 pounds, but was rapidly losing weight prior to the procedure so hard to say if that is related. The shape is the most important.
I have to say, some of your stories scared me and I regretted getting the procedure the minute I read them, but really, I think I will be happy with the results when I get there. The jury is still out. I encourage people who have done this procedure some months ago to let me (and others) know if they are happy now, and would like to know how long it takes for my skin to feel normal again.
– I just had smartlipo yesterday. Unfortunately I had forgotton about my body being partially immune to Vicadine..which is a derivative of Codeine. I’d had major back surgery, several years ago, and that’s when the codeine stopped working. I arrived at the doctor’s office, took the Ativan and the Vicodine, got measured then the procedure started. I could not figure out why it was so painful. Some part of my abs were numb and other parts were not. The doctor tried to get my numb with the ladicane going into my abs area and also the Vicaine pills. It was pretty hardcore and the doctor almost quit at one point because she didn’t want to hurt me. We got through it, but I now know that Codeine no longer works for me. I am going in for my thighs and knees, but will be taking Percaset this time. So, bottom line ladies and gentlemen…remember what pain meds your body works well with and which ones you’ve taken over time that you are immune to. I felt so bad for the doctor, she was almost in tears and we took several breaks. If I hadn’t been in so much pain, she probably would have been able to do a better job. I figure it’ll be better than what I had before. I’m happy this morning as my stomach appears pretty flat….flanks are gone and as soon as the swelling goes down, I should be heading down a pant size.
– I have my hybrid (first tumenescent and then laser) lipo done almost 2 weeks ago. I’m a 42 (almost) guy, eat well and exercise daily (1000 crunches every day). Used to weight 220 lbs and in a year I went to 130. very lean. zero visceral fat but with a small problem area: around my belly button and flanks. No matter how much exercise, it was always there. So I decided to take it out. At fist the doctor said that I need 10 days off and it sounded like a lot. Thank god. There’s no way you can go back to work next day. One word of advice: even that my flanks disappeared almost immediately after surgery, the abdomen is another story. When I removed my garment 5 days after surgery for cleanout, I almost faint. I looked like I was 4 month pregnant. And I am a guy. Went to see the doctor for stitches removal and he said everything looked fine and that I will see some improvement around week 8. Still 2 more weeks to really start exercising and today (almost 2 weeks after lipo) I look much better. I guess is only recovery from here. I wear my garment 24/7 and real tight. I look like dita von teese and my wife makes fun of me. (I don’t care!) I don’t see how I’m going to have sex with this garment as it makes me self concious but when I take it out (for showering) I feel so vulnerable.
– I just has Smart Lipo done yesterday (04/2/17) upper and lover abs, flanks, and bra strap area, pretty much the entire mid section. I am not in too much pain, more of extreme soreness like I work out way way too much. I have not taking any pain mess either. I was told I can shower tomorrow, that i am very much looking forward to. And I have the follow up appointment.
– Soooo,i just had smart lipo done today on my upper and lower abdominal,flanks and bra roll.I’m 5’6 and weight 170 wih most of the weight in my boobs and tummy…..I must say the surgery was NOT a breeze like i thought.My doc said i had a little scar tissue from my pregnancy by my naval and that part hurt like—…Its been 3 hours since the procedure and that part is really sore!!The compresion garment is so tight i feel like its cutting off my circulation.Im trying to relax because im sure it will all pay off in the end.(I hope).I will soon post before and after pics
– I want to share what I’ve experience after 6 days of my upper, lower, and waist laser lipo. I also want to know if my experience with bruising is normal. On the day of the procedure, after taking pills and shot on my right arm, I felt the drug flowing into me. I remember my doc and nurse assisted me walk to the surgery room. I saw the blue table then I couldn’t remember anything else until I saw my md look so stress that even he has mask on I can tell. Then, I start saying ouch everytime he move his hands. I also remember the pink rubber thing that they want me to keep on my face and telling me to stop talking. I think a scream the whole procedure. I recall the nurse is beside me who gave me two blue balls to squeeze when I feel pain but I can’t… then she game me her hand to hold on and I think I broke her hand for I squeezed her so hard. Then I tried to ignore the pain by joking and telling them to go with me in Vegas for pool party. I remember the md told me let see if you will remember that tell me later when you are not on drugs. I tell you I wish I did the traditional procedure under general anasthetia for pain free procedure.
The next day I was hurting so much that I have to take the prescription pain meds and cannot move at all. The second day I felt a bit better, I only take advil for pain. I was still sore and hard to move with the tight garment that the front zipper is digging into my sore abs that causing more pain especially when I sit down. That second day I took a shower and washed my garment with no likage at all but the wound on my buttocks are so painful and sting when it get wet. I took pictures fron the second day to see the progress. So far the bruised on my left and right waist are stiil big like square mouse pad with lots of red long lines that I think it was from the laser heat reaction.
While taking pictures everyday I’ve noticed my right waist is not even from the right waist that I need to ask my md on my 1st week follow up.
Today, the 6th day, the swelling down a bit but still hard on all part of the affected area. I was itching since day two that drive me so crazy. They told me to take allergy pills to stop itching.
Anyway, to me my experience is not good and I don’t recommend the local anasthetia. I suggest for everyone whose thinking about doing this will read all necessary materials and educate yourself for no turning back.