The combination of Liposuction and Neck lift can cause significant bruising. Some people do not bruise much, but you cannot predict who will or wont. Thus it is best to be prepared for bruising. The bruising can take 2-3 weeks to resolve.
Fortunately the bruising migrates down toward the chest and can be hidden with clothing. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
After liposuction and a neck lift normally expect minimal discoloration. Approximately two weeks for recovery to drive and do your everyday life. (Alejandro J. Quiroz, MD, FACS, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling and bruising after neck lipo and lift.
Everyone is different. Usually most swelling goes away in a few weeks. Our office has patients keep their head elevated for a week after surgery. We like ice to the area for the first few days.
We also like compression garments. Arnica can also be helpful. (Jeffrey J. Roth, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)
Avoid aspirin, advil, fish oil etc for 2 weeks before and after as I am sure you have bee told. Otherwise bruising varies much from person to person but is usually minimal. Avoid Sodium one week before and 2 weeks after surgery to minimize swelling.
Tis will help but swelling differs from person to person. If you do all right and keep head elevated etc you should be back to work in 4 days and look ok. (George Commons, MD, Palo Alto Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling after necklift
There is typically not much swelling after neck liposuction and necklift. The bruising is ussually minor. Most patient can go back to work after 6-7 days after this procedure. There, is however, more bruising and swelling after a facelift. (Andres Bustillo, MD, FACS, Miami Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Neck Lipo Recovery 1-4 After
Swelling and Bruising After a Neck Lift
Swelling and bruising after a neck lift is not uncommon but can be minimized by appropriate pre and postoperative instructions and gentle surgical technique. Think of the RICE pneumonic to help remember ways to minimize swelling post procedure:
- R – Rest – don’t be too active too early
- I – Ice – Ice consistently for the first three days
- C – Compression – Keep a compression garment for the first few days and then at night to minimize swelling
- E – Elevation – Keep head above heart to minimize dependent edema (Anil R. Shah, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling and bruising varies for neck lift vs liposuction.
Swelling and bruising varies for neck lift vs liposuction. I personally am very impressed with the results of SmartLipo of the neck. This tends to have less bruising and down-time than a neck lift and for most people I think that the results are just as good — as long as you’re a good candidate.
If you have laxity of the muscle layer SmartLipo may NOT be the best option for you. Not all plastic surgeons have access to a SmartLipo laser and therefore they may not offer this as an option.
Make sure you know before your procedure what you will be having done and talk with your doctor about what to expect. (Richard H. Fryer, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
Recovery from a necklift
You can expect it to take about two weeks from bruising to resolve. Swelling will take longer but most people can be out in public after about a week and a half and look good.
Swelling may take up to six months to fully resolve. Wearing a neck strap and keeping your head elevation in the early recovery days can help this process move more quickly. (Susan D. Vasko, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)
Neck Liposuction Preop And Postop
Bruising can be controlled with arnica.
Please don’t worry too much about bruising, swelling or pain. Even though the face/neck can bruise significantly, it also resolves very quickly. You can wear a scarf loosely around your neck to camouflage the area. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)
Lipo of the neck and then lifting the neck is one approach to sculpting the neck. I prefer to inject the neck with the fluid that we use for liposuction and then surgically recontour the neck , including the fat, under direct vision without suctioning.
I believe this gives superior results. The bruising should be minimal and the majority of the edema should be nearly resolved in ten days. (Talmage J. Raine, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
One to 3 weeks… it varies…
Bruising after facial surgery varies. Be sure to follow your surgeon’s instructions to the letter, and avoid medications that can cause bleeding or bruising (such as vitamin E, fish oil, aspirin, etc). Avoiding “overdoing it” in the early post-operative period can also decrease bruising.
The amount of visible bruising depends on the meticulous technique of your surgeon, your intrinsic ability to form clots, and following post operative instructions carefully. If everything goes well, you may have almost no bruising.
Typically, something is visible for 7 to 10 days, and if you are unlucky, it can last around 3 weeks. (Michael A. Bogdan, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling and bruising may vary
Swelling and bruising after surgery may vary greatly, and depends on your surgeon and your skin type. However, in general, they may last about 2 weeks. (Stella Desyatnikova, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)
The average is 1-2 weeks for bruising.
It should not be much with liposuction. It depends on what type of necklift you are having as to the amount of swelling and bruising. The more extensive the lift, the more swelling and bruising you will have.
Most patients can go to a party 2 weeks later without visible signs of surgery. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Bruising and swelling should be minimal after neck liposuction and/or lift. It really depends on you. If you bruise easily when you bump into something, then you should expect to have more bruising than someone who never bruises.
You can also take Arnica Montana pills or apply cream which have been shown to decrease bruising. Also, if you have Smartlipo of the neck, the laser helps reduce bruising by coagulating the small blood vessels. (David Shafer, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Swelling is normal after every procedure. It is difficult to assess how much swelling you will incur because it really varies on an individual basis and the amount or work that is performed. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)