If you gain weight the fat will distribute itself to places other than where you got the liposuction. It’s best to keep your weight stable. With time the skin could start to sag but that is a function of normal aging.
In general, if you keep your weight stable and have healthy habits, the results should last about 10 years. (M. Christine Lee, MD, Walnut Creek Dermatologic Surgeon)
After a liposuction of the chin, patient compliance is an incredibly important factor to get a great result. In our practice, we let our patients know that they must wear a compressive garment 24 hours a day for the first two weeks after their surgery.
After this time, they may wear the compressive garment when they return home from work and throughout the evening.
Once they have completed the healing process the results are theirs to keep. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Chin Lipo For Diuble Chin
Liposuction Lifespan
As we get older the skin loosens and starts sagging. So a generalized sagging will occur eventually. As long as you do not gain excessive weight there is no reason to worry about fat accumulation under your chin.
Results should last well over ten years. (Ivan Thomas, MD (retired), Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
Long lasting results with liposuction of the chin and neck
The results of liposuction of the chin and neck are frequently spectacular and long-lasting. Liposuction removes stubborn fat deposits directly beneath the skin, but does not remove deeper fat pockets beneath the platysmal muscle. Nothing lasts forever, and unfortunately, liposuction does not stop the aging process.
The fat should not re-accumulate if your weight remains relatively stable. I have observed that liposuction does have a protective effect on further aging of the neck, possible due to the deposition of collagen during the healing process.

Chin Liposuction How Long Results
Healthy lifestyle changes, such as exercise and avoidance of sun exposure, smoking, and large weight fluctuations delay the aging process. Eventually, a neck lift or a cheek and neck lift may be recommended to correct loose skin, jowls, or neck bands. (Andrew T. Lyos, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
The results of chin liposuction are permanent.
Liposuction results are permanent even if the patient puts on a few pounds afterwards. I am not referring to massive weight gain where liposuction is not suitable therapy. Aging of the neck will occur after liposuction, however, as in people who have not had liposuction.
Over time, the platysma muscle might descend and the skin can become excessive. Operations other than liposuction are indicated to correct these problems. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Once liposuction of the neck is performed, as long as the weight stays off, fat should not accumulate in this region. On the other hand, with age, the skin will normally and gradually hang. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Results after liposuction are usually permanent. However, sagging skin with aging can happen. The fat should not re-accumulate in the area that was liposuctioned. Should skin sagging occur, the best solution would be neck lift. (Khaled El-Hoshy, MD, Detroit Dermatologic Surgeon)
Assuming you have good skin tone and have not lost elasticity and do have excess fat, the results are long lasting. We combine Laser Liposuction with Power Assisted Tumescent Liposuction. It’s all local anesthesia, outpatient and results are superb. (Edmond A. Zingaro, MD, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
What to Do to Get the Best Results from Chin Liposuction: The Dos and Donts
It’s fair to say that when plastic surgeons perform neck liposuction, they set the clock back, but don’t stop it from ticking. Normal facial aging, weight fluctuations, environmental factors and genetic tendencies can all continue to impact the aesthetics of this area.
For these reasons, the best and the longest lasting results occur when this procedure is accompanied by life style changes. This means eating healthy, avoiding significant weight gains and exercising regularly. When these steps are taken neck liposuction results last longer and are associated with high levels of satisfaction. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)