There is no 1 price for liposculture since no 2 procedures are exactly alike. Beware of “price lists” offering cookie cutter surgery. Cutting costs by cutting corners in liposculpture can result in unfavorable results or possibly serious complications.
After checking a surgeon’s background, training and experience look at before and after photos. training, ability and interest in providing the very best possible result. Some physicians charge an additional fee for body garments and even monitoring after surgery.
Select your plastic surgeon based on the quality of their work, not the price they charge for surgery. The most expensive plastic surgeon is not always the best, but the lowest price is definitely not the best way to choose a plastic surgeon for liposculpture or any other surgical procedure. (Michael Law, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)
Liposculture costs vary depending on number of areas to be treated.
Our pricing depends on how many areas are to be treated. To give you a ballpark figure, $3700 for the 1st area and $750 for each additional area is reasonable.
Operating room and anesthesia can range for an additional $1500 to $2500. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)
Liposculture cost varies per geography and technique
Needless to say, the cost of tumescent liposuction would vary per geographic regions. However, if a surgery center and/or general anesthesia is used as preferred by most plastic surgeon, the liposuction expense can easily double. (William Ting, MD, Bay Area Dermatologic Surgeon)
Cost of Liposculture in Atlanta
Liposculture in our facility (for one area) is: $3,430.00. This price is for the Doctors fee, Facility fee, anesthesias fee, garments and all follow-up visits. With each additional area of liposuction just add an additional $600.00 per area.
Your only additional fees may be your prescriptions and lab work, if needed. Make sure to do your home work when deciding on Plastic Surgery. Make sure the Doctor is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon.
Make sure the Facility is a State licensed Facility, Make sure that you have MD anesthesiologists administering your anesthesia. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Prices vary a lot depending on size and amount of work required but $7,000 is a good estimate..
It is rare to be able to quote prices without seeing the patient in person since the fee depends on the size and amount of work needed. Some people are large and can only do 1-2 areas at a time such as the upper and lower abdomen in one surgery.
The arms and neck/jowls in a second surgery, etc. As a rough estimate, I would guess that the abdomen,arms and jowls would run about $7,000 if all done at one surgery. Jowls do great as well as the arms and tummy with liposuction.
The Tumescent technique with microcannulas give the best results and is the safest procedure but tend to be a little more expensive and well worth it. If your doc wants to do your liposculpting under general anesthesia, then think twice about it since nobody who specializes in liposculpting does it that way anymore.
Please see at least 3-4 docs for consultations before you make your choice. You will also need to get labs done before your surgery which run about $250-300. Your doc should supply your garments which you will be wearing after the procedure.
Otherwise the only additional costs would be your meds afterwards which run about $35-50. The Op room or surgery center fee runs about $750-1500. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)
Liposculture procedure and costs to treatment: Liposculpture
Liposculture is an important cosmetic procedure with great long term results. The price of any particular procedure is dependent on the following:
- Credentials of your plastic surgeon
- Type of anesthesia
- Location of surgery (surgery center vs. hospital vs. office)
Do not compromise on surgery. Only perform these procedures with board certified plastic surgeons. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)
How much does liposculture cost?
The cost for this procedure varies on each patient, depending on patients body weight. An approximate would be around $2,500 dlls to $4,800 dlls also if you are looking to get fat transferred to buttocks (Brazilian butt lift). (Ricardo Vega, MD, Mexico Plastic Surgeon)
Not all liposuction is the same. It is possible to safely perform a minor liposuction in an office setting and under local anesthesia to correct a small fatty deposit. In these cases the costs are significantly lower because the procedure is not performed in an operating room setting and an anesthesiologist is not involved.
However, for more extensive or larger liposuction surgeries, it is absolutely necessary from a safety standpoint to perform these procedures in an operating room setting and to have an anesthesiologist be present to deliver anesthesia and monitor the patient.
In these more complex cases the cost of the procedure does go up, but it is proportionate to the amount of time needed to complete the operation. More areas of liposuction translates into higher fees.
In my community, three areas of liposuction performed under general anesthesia and in a state certified operating room will cost around $5500. (Paul Fortes, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)
There are many ways to price liposuction. It depends greatly on local vs. general anesthesia. Use of ulatrasound or laser, etc. You also are having a lot of areas done at one time. I can’t imagine getting all of these areas done for less than $7-8000. (Jeffrey Marvel, MD, Nashville Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Surgical fees really vary across the country. The fees for this amount of liposuction can vary from about $5000-$12000 all in. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Although there are always statistics available regarding cost, each doctor, each office, each procedure is different. I wouldn’t shop by price even though that is a common way to do it. I would shop by doctor.
Asking how much liposuction of the abdomen costs is meaningless since each patient will require something a little different. The method may vary and the operating time will certainly vary depending on how much one does.
In the end, it is the result that is important, not necessarily what you need to do to get there. Also, you don’t want to do a procedure just because it is affordable. You have to ask yourself why the low cost provider is the low cost provider. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)