Chin exercises don’t help fat deposits
Exercise will, sad to say, not provide any benefit to that double chin. If the skin isn’t loose or redundant, chin liposuction is an inexpensive procedure with a short recuperation period. I generally recommend that patients considering this surgery opt for it during winter months when any bruising can be covered with attractive scarves or turtlenecks.
If the skin is lax, then consideration should be given to neck lift, which can achieve excellent results. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)
Double Chin exercises plus or minus
There are two main layers of fat in the neck; The fat under the skin, which will fluctuate with weight gain or loss. The fat under the muscle layer- the subplatysmal layer, which has been shown to be there even in starvation victims.
Working the muscles out will only cause the platysma muscle to be come more visible and contribute to the bands in the front of the neck. (Brian Maloney, MD, FACS, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Double chin exercises – here are some tips
You bring up a good point – can I, as a patient, take control to have my neck look better? Maybe yes, maybe no. If you have extra fat then NO exercise of the facial muscles will give you the result you can obtain with surgery.
If there is a “little” laxity, then exerices makes sense. This is the problem with general questions – that require the doctor to make assumptions that may not be real. It also relies on the patient being able to accurately explain their concern as they look for the best, least effective and most predictable result.
Does Double Chin Exercises Work
That’s what a consult is for. Find a Board Certified MD in your area and your concerns may be dealt with correctly. You have taken the first step. Keep heading in the right pathway. (Michael Kulick, MD, DDS, San Francisco Plastic Surgeon)
Weight loss can reduce chin fat but chin exercises cannot change double chin deformity
Neck or chin fat alone can cause a double chin, and loss of this fat by liposuction or weight loss can help reduce the double chin. But many people who do not have excess neck fat still have a double chin.
This is caused by the shape of their chin bone, neck muscles and the cartilages and bone in the “Adams apple” area and skin laxity of the skin under the chin. Tightening the neck muscles with exercises can theoretically improve neck muscle tone although with these small muscles of facial expression it would be very difficult to place an adequate load on the muscle to create muscle hypertrophy.
Exercises Of Liposuction
Most commonly fat removal and tightening of the neck skin is required to improve the double chin. In the past a Neck Lift was required to tighten neck skin. However, new Laser Assisted Liposuction using SlimLipo or others, will help tighten the neck skin that is partly causing the double chin.
In some people with a small chin (microgenia) or retrusive chin (Micrognathia) only a chin implant or jaw advancement will help the neck profile. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)
Sorry, there are no “exercises” to get rid of a double chin.
In a young person, a “double chin” is usually the result of fat between the skin and the platysma muscle. This can be removed easily with liposuction often done with local anesthesia only. (Vincent N. Zubowicz, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
How To Reduce Double Chin Exercises
Just because you are exercising your neck muscles does not mean that you are losing fat from your neck. It may help to tone the muscles and make them stronger, but it also does not mean that you are changing the shape of the muscle.
You need to feel comfortable with the recommendations of your physician. Go ahead and try the neck exercises as long as you want. We will be here to help you when you realize that it is not giving you the results that you want or expect. (Richard H. Fryer, MD, Salt Lake City Plastic Surgeon)
Exercise for a double chin
You cannot exercise specific fat deposit away. If that were the case, my liposuction equipment would be spending a lot of time in the store room. Liposuction is indicated for cases like yours assuming you are height/weight proportionate. (Lisa Lynn Sowder, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Male Double Chin Surgery
Chin exercisers–no harm in trying, but don’t get your hopes up
You cannot spot-reduce fat from anywhere on your body, including your chin/neck. If you have extra fat, you’ll need to lose it. If the neck is a problem area for you, and you still have extra fat there even when you’re near your ideal body weight, then liposuction really is your only option. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)
Devices for double chin exercises don’t work
Beware of devices that are promoted for double chin correction with exercises alone; they simply do not work well enough if at all. Most double chins are do to anatomic problems related to excess fatty tissue, low hyoid bone position, and lax muscles.
The surgical treatments vary from simple liposuction (with or without laser) to submentoplasty and neck lift. Occasionally, chin augmentation will also be benefical along with one or more of these procedures. Downtime and recovery are related to the nature of the procedure that is required, but are relatively short. (Harrison C. Putman III, MD, Peoria Facial Plastic Surgeon)
If you are successful in contouring your neck and chin with an exerciser, it will be what we refer to in medical terms as “a case report”; in other words it would be a very unusual occurrence.
My mantra in surgical terms is “do the least to accomplish the most”. If a patient can have a great result with something short of a Facelift, that technique should be employed. However, if the indications exist for a Facelift, there is no substitute.
Please understand that chin exercisers and other such gimmicks are being sold to you on a “miracles-do-happen” basis. (Stephen Prendiville, MD, Fort Myers Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Neck exercises for a double chin
There is a belief in the general public that you can spot exercise away certain problem areas such as love handles , abdominal fat and a double chin.
Double Chin
In order to reduce excess fat in any area requires proper diet (most important) and then aerobic exercise such as running, biking or swimming. Spot exercising a specific area such as neck exercises to remove neck fat or crunches to remove abdominal fat does not work.
While it is true the underlying muscles will get stronger, the overlying fat and skin will not be directly affected. You cannot exercise away loose skin. Fat reduction requires a reduction in caloric intake and increased burning of calories. (Robert M. Jensen, MD, Medford Plastic Surgeon)
Double chin exercises
Believe me, if exercises would reduce or eliminate a double chin, I would have used it on myself. Instead, I had surgery. Unfortunately, exercises do not work, no matter what you see on TV. A double chin is due to excess fat and/or lax muscles.
Do Double Chin Exercises Work
Losing weight will help, but not as much as one would think. Sometimes, all that is needed is removal of the excess fat. Although we are working on ways to do this without surgery, still the best way to accomplish this is with liposuction.
This can, however, occasionally be done in the office with local anesthesia and no sedation. Although exercises will tighten most muscles, it does very little for the neck. In fact, it may make the appearance of the neck worse.
If you look at the neck from the side and imagine a tight muscle from the chin to the top of the chest with no flat area under the chin, this is what a tight muscle from exercise would look like.
What we, as surgeons, do is tighten the muscle from side to side (not along its length as exercise does) to recreate the flat area under the chin. Also, sometimes we need to pull the fat back into the face from where it came an addition to tightening the muscle. (Robert T. Buchanan, MD, Highlands Plastic Surgeon)
Exercises To Get Rid Of A Double Chin
A double chin is often due to submental fat (fat under the chin). If you lose weight, the double chin may go away. If not it can always be suctioned. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)
No such thing a “spot reducing” fat with exercise in the chin or elsewhere
Question about chin exercises and toning the neck muscles for better shape is one that applies for other areas in the body. The idea is that toning muscles in a specific area will tighten skin and burn fat from that area, but it just doesn’t work that way.
When a muscle is being exercised, it releases a hormonal signal into the blood stream which circulates through the entire body that it needs energy. This first comes from what is called glycogen in the liver, not fat.
Extreme exercise from large muscles is needed to start burning fat, and it will come from the fat in areas where the body likes to give it up, not necessarily the fat overlying the muscle being exercised.
That is why liposuction works, because it targets the fat resistant to change with diet and exercise. In fact, exercising facial and neck muscles usually makes things worse, by exaggerating the “turkey neck” muscles and deepening facial wrinkles (that’s why Botox works). (Richard Baxter, MD, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)
Need proven and safe reduction of double chin
There are many treatments that are promoted to achive weight loss, trim waist lines and reduce double chins. These treatments that are pushed on the TV and internet do not have studies to back them up.
They abuse people’s desire for great results with no down time and risk to sell their products. All of us (board certified plastic surgeons) try to inform our patients and direct them to treatments that proven and are safe. (Kamran Khoobehi, MD, New Orleans Plastic Surgeon)
There is no exercise device or regimen that can reverse a neck with redundant fat, loose muscles, and a loss of depth and youthful angularity.
I have seen the ridiculous infomercial advertising the pump placed under the chin and have seen their photos claiming spectacular results. What a shame they would prey on the public like that. Surgery can fix this though and you will eventually need to adjust to this and accept it. (Richard P. Rand, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)