Doctor Spencer Dermatologic Surgeon in Frisco, Texas

Name: Brent Spencer, MD
Last name: Spencer
Began aesthetic medicine in: 2008
Years experience: 15
Primary Specialty: Dermatologic Surgeon
Business: Dermatology & Skin Surgery Institute of North Texas
Address: 3535 Victory Group Way
Address suite: Ste. 200
Phone: +1 972-712-5100
City: Frisco
State: Texas
Zip Code: 75034
Country: US
Consulting Fees: 100$
Consultation note: Cost of consultation can be applied to any procedure scheduled
Has Sponsored Offer : No

Special Offers
Offer #1: Galderma Offer
Special Offer Treatments: All treatments
End Time: 12/31/2023
Detail: Sign up for Aspire Galderma Rewards prior to your appointment to receive $20 off on each treatment listed below: Dysport®, Restylane® family, Sculptra® Aesthetic.
Clinical Privileges
  • Centennial Medical Center, Baylor Medical Center – Frisco
  • Undergraduate: BS, Microbiology, Texas A&M University
  • Medical: MD, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston

Brent Spencer, MD

Postdoc Training
  • Internship: Internal Medicine, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston
  • Residency: Dermatology, Scott & White Memorial Hospital / Texas A&M Health Science Center
  • Fellowship: Procedural Dermatology & Mohs Surgery, Virginia Commonwealth University Medical Center
Member of
  • American Society for Dermatologic Surgery (ASDS)

GPS coordinates on map: 33.1529,-96.78759766

Primary location
Location name: Frisco
State: TX
Country: US
Map point: 33.1529,-96.78759766
  • Accutane
  • ArteFill
  • Asclera
  • Belotero
  • Blue Peel
  • Botox
  • Botox for Migraines
  • Brow Lift
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Cheek Lift
  • Chemical Peel
  • Chin Liposuction
  • CO2 Laser
  • CoolSculpting
  • Cosmelan
  • Dermabrasion
  • Dysport
  • Ear Surgery
  • Earlobe Repair
  • Exilis
  • Eyelid Surgery
  • Facial Fat Transfer
  • Fractional Laser
  • Fraxel Laser
  • Glycolic Peel
  • Hair Transplant
  • Hyaluronidase
  • IPL
  • Jessner Peel
  • Juvederm
  • Laser Genesis
  • Laser Hair Removal
  • Laser Liposuction
  • Laser Peel
  • Laser Resurfacing
  • Latisse
  • Lip Fillers
  • Lipodissolve
  • Lipoma Removal
  • Liposculpture
  • Liposonix
  • Liposuction
  • Liquid Facelift
  • Microdermabrasion
  • Mohs Surgery
  • Mole Removal
  • Nonsurgical Facelift
  • Nonsurgical Nose Job
  • Pearl Laser
  • Photodynamic Therapy
  • PicoSure
  • Pulsed Dye Laser
  • Radiesse
  • Restylane
  • Retin-A
  • Salicylic Peel
  • Scar Removal
  • Sclerotherapy
  • Sculptra
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • SlimLipo
  • Smart Lipo
  • Tattoo Removal
  • TCA Peel
  • Tumescent Liposuction
  • Ultherapy
  • Vanquish
  • Vaser Liposuction
  • Vbeam
  • Voluma
  • Xeomin

RealSelf Info

Profile views: 3028
Answer count: 79
Review count: 0
Star rating: 2.0473720558371
Anonymous votes: 4
Offer count: 1
Profile created: Jul 2, 2009
Profile modified: Oct 2, 2019
Profile photo modified: Feb 21, 2020
Profile promotion: No
Profile inactive: No
Premier status: Free
Tier: Free-Claimed
Linked url:
RealCare Promise: No
Directory link: Dermatologic Surgeon, Board Certified in Dermatology
RealSelf’s PRO: No
Doctor Designation Start Time: Jun 26, 2014
Doctor Designation End Time: Jan 1, 2033


  • Frisco, TX, US. GPS coordinates: 33.1529,-96.78759766

Latest ratings of treatments

  • Juvederm (Nov 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 4/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
  • Juvederm (Nov 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 4/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
  • Juvederm (Nov 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 4/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Skin Care (Sep 2017) – Overall rating: 1/5
  • Juvederm (Nov 2013) – Overall rating: 5/5 (Wait times: 5/5, Doctor’s bedside manner: 4/5, Phone or email responsiveness: 5/5, Payment process: 5/5, Time spent with patient: 5/5, After care follow-up: 5/5, Staff professionalism & courtesy: 5/5, Answered questions: 5/5)

Latest Prices

Juvederm Prices

  • $475 – Nov 26, 2013 – Frisco, TX
  • $475 – Nov 26, 2013 – Frisco, TX
  • $475 – Nov 26, 2013 – Frisco, TX
  • $475 – Nov 26, 2013 – Frisco, TX

Special Offers

Start Time / End Time
Galderma Offer
Nov 1, 2019 /
Dec 31, 2023
Sign up for Aspire Galderma Rewards prior to your appointment to receive $20 off on each treatment listed below: Dysport®, Restylane® family, Sculptra® Aesthetic.
Specific treatments

Doctor's answers

Answer Header & Date
Answer Snippet
Tca Peel. I Have a White Frost After I Have Rinsed is That Normal? It Still Burns?
Probably not the best idea to do that
Sep 16, 2012
First off, 50% TCA is not meant to be an "at home" peel. It is very strong and should only be used by qualified individuals. From your picture, it looks as if you did this on your finger. I would have also advised against that. A 50% TCA peel is way too strong for that location.

The frost after a TCA peel does not wash away. You may have over peeled yourself, and there is a potential for you to scar. I would advise you go see your local...

Can Mohs Surgery Be Done Immediately After a Frozen Biopsy on a Tiny Bump Under Lip if BCC is Diagnos
Yes, Mohs can be done after a frozen section biopsy.
Sep 1, 2012
Yes, a frozen section biopsy can be done prior to Mohs surgery. I tend to limit this practice to very few situations though. For example, if there is a suspicious lesion immediately adjacent to where I am working, I want to know what it is, as it could affect my closure.

The potential negatives include:

1. A frozen section biopsy does not provide the same cellular detail and can have artifact that a permanent section biopsy does not have.


Red Spot Beside Mole?
Go see a dermatologist
Aug 29, 2012
It is impossible to tell you what is going on without seeing the lesion. You would be best served by calling a local board-certified dermatologist. The American Academy of Dermatology ( has a list where you can find one.
Moh's Surgery or Blue Light to Treat Basal Cell Carcenoma?
Blue light is not indicated for recurrent BCC
Aug 12, 2012
Blue Light is not my treatment of choice for nodular basal cell carcinomas; the light does not penetrate deeply enough to get nodular BCCs. In low risk areas (like the trunk and extremities), Blue light may be acceptable for superficial basal cell carcinoma. Blue light in my opinion is never indicated for recurrent BCCs (as is the case on your nose). Furthermore, I would not do Blue light for the BCC on your forehead. The cure rate is nowhere close to that of...
Why Does my Mohs Procedure Take 3 Weeks ? Or More?
Immunohistochemical stains take time...
Jul 19, 2012
I wouldn't call what you are having "Mohs". You might call it the slow Mohs variant if they are really doing en face sectioning of the tissue. More appropriately, I would say that you are having staged excisions where they are doing permanent sections with immunohistochemical stains. This is not abnormal to do for rare tumors. The staining and processing take time when it is done this way.

The same day procedure that you read about for Mohs is...

Why is Botox Needed Every 6 Month for Hyperhidrosis?
Botox is not permanent
May 24, 2012
Like any other medication out there, Botox's effects wear off with time. For hyperhidrosis, I find that the effects last from 3- 6 months. The Botox is not "stored" per se in your body. It binds to the nerves and cleaves a specific protein, thus inactivating that nerve. Over time, the toxin is metabolized and its effects wear off.

It sounds like your physician was talking about compensatory hyperhidrosis. This is where you sweat more...

Can RN's Inject Botox in Texas?
They can under proper supervision
May 22, 2012
Unfortunately, Texas allows anyone who is supervised to inject Botox. This leads to several medi-spas with a medical director who is never on site having nurses inject Botox. It is very scary. You should only let a core cosmetic specialist such as a dermatologist, plastic surgeon, facial plastic surgeon, or oculoplastic surgeon do your Botox injections.

Do not take the risk; have a physician do your injections.

How Long Can I Wait to Have MOHs Surgery Done?
It depends on the type of cancer that you have
Apr 13, 2012
It is usually acceptable to wait 2-3 months for Mohs surgery for routine nodular basal cell carcinomas. Now if you had a poorly differentiated squamous cell carcinoma, I would answer this question differently and recommend treatment quicker. The longer that you wait, the more that you risk that you will have a larger defect, but for the most part, basal cell carcinomas grow rather slowly.

If you can get your surgery done in the next few weeks, you should be fairly well healed...

15 Weeks Pregnant with Moderate Growing Mole on Belly. Can Removal Wait?
Controversial questions, but I would err on the side of caution
Apr 3, 2012
Moderately dysplastic nevi are somewhat controversial lesions and you will probably see several dermatologists give you different answers on whether they need to be removed or not.

In your case, you have a history of melanoma in situ. In my opinion, that changes what I would do. I would get it removed. The risks of local anesthesia are minimal in pregnancy (lidocaine is category B by itself). Therefore, I believe that the risk to the baby is minimal...

It's Been 2yrs Since my Mohs Surgery and I Still Have Red Pustules on my Scar. What's The Cause? What
Go see your Dermatologist or Mohs Surgeon
Feb 28, 2012
You need to have the area reevaluated. Recurrences with Mohs are very uncommon, but they can happen. Without seeing a picture it is difficult to speculate what is going on.
Ok to Wait 48hrs Between Mohs for a BCC on my Eyelid and Reconstructive Surgery?
You should be ok.
Feb 8, 2012
This is very common with some Mohs reconstructions. It is very common that someone will have a large tumor that takes several stages to clear - surgery is not complete till the late afternoon. The next day the patient goes to the reconstructive surgeon usually. Sometimes, OR schedules won't allow that next day or the reconstructive surgeon can't do it the next day. A 48 hour wait should cause no problems.
I Had Steroid Injection into my Nose to Help with Pincushioning of Mohs Bilobed Flap. Now my Nostril
I would wait more time.
Feb 2, 2012
There is still a lot of remodeling going on when you are just 6 weeks post-op. This may improve as time goes on. Do you have a picture of your repair? It would be pretty rare for intralesional kenalog to make things worse in regards to pincushioning. Now if it was done too aggressively, you may have some atrophy (depression) at the site.
My Neck Seems to Sag on Side Where I Had Mohs on my Nose 6 Weeks Ago. Is This Common?
Probably not common; see you Mohs Surgeon
Feb 2, 2012
If I am understanding correctly, you had Mohs on your nose, and now your neck is sagging. This sounds very unusual, and I would highly recommend you bring this concern up to your Mohs Surgeon.

More information would be helpful. What type of repair did you have?

What Can Be Done to Correct Asymmetrical Nostril Flare After MOHs? It's Been 1 Month
A picture would be helpful....
Jan 19, 2012
You have mentioned two common side effects of bilobed flaps: nostril distortion and pin cushioning. Without seeing your post-operative defect, it is impossible to see if your bilobed flap was done properly or not. Proper design of the bilobed flap along with extensive undermining usually ensures that this nostril flaring does not occur, but with large defects, this can sometimes be inevitable. Usually 1-2mm of nostril flare will relax itself in a few months. If...
Do Doctors Use MOHS Surgery for Moles That Are Suspicious or is It Just for Cancerous Skin?
Mohs is for skin cancer
Jan 4, 2012
Mohs micrographic surgery is for clearance of skin cancers (i.e basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, sometimes melanoma in situ, and other rare skin cancers). Using it for a mole is not an appropriate use of the procedure, and insurance would not cover it.

Last updated on 11/25/2023