Liposuction done under local is possible
For the right candidate, this is a fabulous idea to proceed under local anesthesia. That type of candidate sounds like: young, fit, with local fatty deposits.
Liposuction is based on the assumption that the overlying skin is still elastic enough that it can contract after the fat is removed, and shrink wrap back to a tighter contour.
During your consult your surgeon should be able to determine that most of the time (it is still possible that your skin does not cooperate, but unlikely).
The second issue that your doc will look for is underlying platysmal bands, those cords we see more clearly in much older patients.
It is also possible that the fat under your chin camoflages this band, such that fat removal uncovers the bands. The technical aspect of the liposuction is very straightforward.
The local is very easily tolerated as the region under your chin is not even very sensitive. Under sterile technique the liposuction cannulas require a very small 3-4 mm puncture in a hidden crease, and the rest follows very easily.
Not a great deal of bruising, swelling, or discomfort. Patients are required to wear a supportive sling for days to weeks to help the contracting skin tighten up, and to limit healing time. The extra value of modalities added to lipo is not conclusively proven yet.
So jet assisted, water assisted, laser assisted, or ultrasound assisted liposuction is still an option that might sound cool, but truthfully has no proof yet to provide better results. (Kevin Robertson, MD, Madison Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction under the chin can be performed under local anesthesia, as can liposuction of most body areas. Our patients feel fine immediately after the procedure because they do not have to recover from general anesthesia.
Chin And Neck Liposuction Under Local
Usually a compression strap needs to be worn for three days after, so Friday patients can return to work on Monday. (William P. Coleman III, MD, Metairie Dermatologic Surgeon)
Liposuction absolutely can be done under the chin with local
You can absolutely have Liposuction under chin with local anesthesia. I recommend 12 to 15 watts only for 10,000 joules of energy then a traditional 2 mm liposuction cannula to clean out. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)
Submental liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia. The loose skin under your chin may or may not snap back depending on your skin laxity. This should be determined by your surgeon. (Oleh Slupchynskyj, MD, FACS, New York Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction is easy under local
Sub-mental or chin liposuction is easily done in the office setting. We give our patients some Valium by mouth 1 hour ahead of time. Then the local anesthesia is injected and patients are very comfortable. The key question is actually your second one – are you a good candidate.
Doctor Keshav Magge, MD, Bethesda Plastic Surgeon – 36 Year Old Woman Treated With Chin Liposuction Local Anesthesia
In general patients with a small amount of fat in this area and if you are younger than 45 years old do well. If you are much older or have loose skin in the area you are likely better suited to a neck lift. (Benjamin C. Marcus, MD, Madison Facial Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction under your chin for a small fat deposit is easily performed under local. The area is sterily prepped in the office and injected with Lidocaine.
Once this has taken effect, a small 5mm incision is made under the chin and the area is sculpted with liposuction.
Two sutures are placed and a small pressure dressing applied. Most patients can drive themselves home after this procedure. Recovery is truly a little social downtime from some occasional bruising. (Louis M. DeJoseph, MD, Atlanta Facial Plastic Surgeon)
It definitely is possible to perform liposuction under chin under local anesthesia. Smart Lipo, Slim Lipo, Vaser, Vibraliposuction, traditional liposuction, etc. are all used for this. There is slightly greater discomfort when performed under local anesthesia, but it is a safe and effective procedure.
That being said, it may or may not be the correct procedure for you. Depending on your skin quality, the presence of neck muscle separation, the condition of your midfacial soft tissue, etc., you may be better served by a neck lift or a face and neck lift. (Sam Jejurikar, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)
I have performed chin liposuction thousands of times under local anesthesia with and without some oral sedation such as valium. With an experienced injector you will be nicely numb and comfortable throughout the procedure.
Another advantage is that it reduces the cost of the procedure. (Raymond E. Lee, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon)