Liposuction is a fantastic treatment for love handles. Liposuction works very well for love handles! If you have decent skin tone in that area, you should do fine with a tummy tuck and liposuction of your love handles.
Liposuction vs. Belt Lipectomy
Whether you need a “Belt Lipectomy” or simply doing liposuction alone needs to be determined by an examination. It is purely whether you have adequate skin tone of the love handles to be able to redrape the skin on its own.
Your worst case scenario would be that after liposuction alone of the love handles, you felt the skin was too loose. You would then proceed with direct skin excision at a later date. (Scott R. Brundage, MD, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)
Liposculpture for treatment of love handles & “muffin tops”
large volume liposuction and liposculpture is very effective in the treatment of love handles and “muffin tops”.
I have had patients that were able to go down several sizes after liposuction procedure- for example from size 12 to six.
With liposculpture you can have a more curvaceous and proportional figure .(Sean Younai, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction works for love handles.
Liposuction works very well for love handles. Belt lipectomies are usually reserved for patients who have had massive weight loss and have very loose skin all the way around their midsection. (Sanjiv Kayastha, MD, Albany Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction of the flank and iliac areas (love handles) is not difficult and often provides wonderful improvements. Waistlines shrink. Clothing fits better.
The figure has more of an hour-glass shape. Skin looseness does not commonly happen. The buttock area looks better without the excess above it. This is often combined with abdominoplasty – tummy tuck or liposuction of the abdomen, thighs, etc. (Sutton Graham II, MD, Greenville Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction Of The Love Handles Can Be Very Effective
Liposuction of the love handles (or flanks) is one of the most successful areas for good results. This is because there can be a lot of fat in the love handles and liposuction can be done fairly aggressively as the fear of skin irregularities and asymmetries is less risky in this area with very thick skin. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)
In order to create a new waist line and get rid of the redundant skin and fat around on waist and abdomen it is best to do liposuction of waist (love handle area) and your abdomen, in combination with an abdominal paniculectomy and plication diastasis recti (suturing you abdominal muscles together).
With the liposuction you can get the narrowing of the hip area and thinning of abdominal flap.
With the tummy tuck you can get rid of the extra skin and with the muscle plication you can get a narrowing of you waist.
Also by extending the scar out further you can get a nicer more refined waist. Put all these together and you get the best results. (Carl W. “Rick” Lentz III, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
Liposuction is very effective in conjunction with a tummy tuck procedure, but it will not take care of excess skin. Lipo can effectively improve the contour by removing the unwanted tissue deeper along the waist. This should be significantly better after your surgery. (Vincent P. Marin, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)