Waviness After Liposuction Influenced By Compression Garment

Waviness is an intrinsic risk or potential side effect of liposuction. A compression garment is usually intended for use most importantly during the first week when swelling and burising is occurring. However, I usually suggest wearing it around the abdomen only when standing or walking.

Not only is the edema increased when standing but the garment makes patients feel more secure. You have to be careful using it when sitting or reclinging since the flexion at the waist can cause creases and folds that then indent the soft tissues.

Be sure to check that the garment is evenly distributed and not causing the creases. It can also irritate the skin so I might advise wearing a form-fitting shirt or work-out type spandex body suit and put the garment on top of the suit. Your surgeon is the best guide to its use. (Robin T.W. Yuan, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Compression Garment Concerns After Lipo

Compression garment after liposuction can cause creases in the skin because of the uneven distribution of pressure from the garment. I use Topifoam under the garment to smooth the contour. These “lumpy” areas are temporary and will resolve over the next 6-12 weeks. (Jeff Angobaldo, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

The compression garment will tend to cause temporary waviness because the tension isn’t even. At this point the waves are due to more swelling being moved out from the areas under greatest tension. It will be nearly impossible to see any divots or high points at this point due to swelling. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

Most patients hate the garments. But, since the purpose of a compression garment is to add pressure, no garment will be totally comfortable.

Compression garments are extremely important post liposuction if you want the promised results. Also they need to fit tightly in order to ensure proper healing. Garments that do not have a consistent fit are only aiding the fluid buildup. (Jayanthy Ravindran, MS, DNB, MRCS, India Plastic Surgeon)

Lumpiness after liposuction

I’d recommend a pull-up spanx girdle type garment. Final result will be apparent as the edema resolves gradually over time; 4-6 months, minimum. (Jeffrey D. Wagner, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Some lumping and rippling a week after undergoing liposuction is completely normal. However, your garment is not the culprit here; the garment is intended only to help your skin as it is trying to reduce swelling.

However, excessive rippling may be due to an ill-fitting garment. If you notice persistent or hardening lumps long after you have undergone liposuction, please consult with your surgeon so as to ensure that you are not encountering any serious complications. (Brian Vassar Heil, MD, Pittsburgh Plastic Surgeon)

Contour irregularities are common weeks after surgery. As long as your compression garment isn’t causing you pain you should continue to wear it to help with your swelling. The lumps seen immediately after surgery usually gradually go away in a couple of months. (Ronald Levine, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Compression Garment Usage Following Liposuction

Compression garments and binders are frequently utilized to manage swelling and edema following liposuction procedures. This procedure creates a series of tunnels as the liposuction cannula is passed repetitively through the subcutaneous tissue. Compression garments collapse these tunnels and increase comfort, decrease swelling, and help remodel the soft tissue.

It’s not unusual for these devices to create ridges, ripples, and waves in the soft tissue. These ridges aren’t related to underlying structural fat, but instead to localized areas of edema. These ridges rapidly respond to repositioning of the compression device and massage.

The use of compression devices needs to be individualized from patient to patient. In the majority of patients, compression garments are worn for 2 to 3 weeks following surgery. This represents the period of peak swelling. Although these devices decrease swelling and increase comfort, they have a potential downside.

For this reason, it’s important to have your progress monitored by your plastic surgeon. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

There are a multitude of options and opinions regarding post liposuction compression. Some patients with flank and abdomen lipo are comfortable with the binder you are using. Many of our patients switch to a more comfortable girdle with a row of hooks in the front.

The care of lumpiness requires your surgeon’s evaluation and guidance. Discuss compression options if you are sore after surgery. Be comforted that only one week after surgery, you are still swollen and your results should improve with time. (Douglas J. Raskin, MD, Colorado Springs Plastic Surgeon)

If you feel the compression garment is not fitting properly then get another device. There are many over the counter Spanx like products that can be beneficial. I would doubt that the garment itself is causing the problem. (Jeffrey Zwiren, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Compression garment doesn’t really add “lasting lumps”

Right after liposuction, surgery patients can be kinda lumpy. The garments actually help reduce this. The folds in them do not lead to long lasting lumps. It is important that your surgeon sees you in your garment and approves of how it fits you howerver. (John P. Di Saia, MD, Orange Plastic Surgeon)