Vaser Lipo Results

View results of vaser lipo which was performed by top plastic surgeons. VASER Lipo is a surgical procedure in which ultrasonic energy is used to assist the surgeon in the removal of fat.

Tumescent liposuction, considered by many to be the Gold Standard, is performed by injecting the treatment area with saline (sterile salt water) that contains Lidocaine®.

The blood cells shrink and the fat expands, making it easier to suck out the fat with the cannula (a hollow, pointed stick, like a large pointed straw) which is connected to a machine that provides suction (like a vacuum).

VASER Lipo, in comparison, also uses fluid but before suctioning, the treatment area receives ultrasonic waves that are specific for fat.

The risk of injury to surrounding tissues, blood vessels, nerves, etc, is much lower with VASER compared with any other type of liposuction.

VASER provides a faster recovery, less discomfort and smoother results than any other kind of liposuction.

Vaser Liposuction involves inserting a solid, small diameter (2 mm) Titanium rod into the area that is going to be treated and gentle ultrasonic waves that break the cell membrane only of fat cells and the mild heat melts the fat to a liquid.

This liquified fat can now be gently suctioned out without doing damage to the support tissues. Vaser lipo allows 98% of patients to be able to return to work on the Third day after surgery.

VASER liposuction is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat

Vaser technology uses ultrasonic energy to emulsify fat for easier removal. In stead of using brute force, the vaser probe helps me target the fat and leave the support structures of the skin intact.

Vaser Liposuction vs. Traditional Liposuction

Unlike regular liposuction, in Vaser liposuction the fat is first broken up by ultrasound, allowing it to be more easily removed with less trauma to surrounding tissues, resulting in less bruising and swelling. Also the Vaser ultrasound shrinks the skin more and unlike laser liposuction there is less heat directed to the tissue therefore lessening the chance of skin burns.

Gallery Of Vaser Lipo Results