Ultrasonic Liposuction Before And After

View successful before & after photos of ultrasonic liposuction patients who have been treated by top plastic surgeons.

Ultrasonic Liposuction is a very useful technique when liposuctioning dense tissues like flanks, breasts, or redo liposuction areas.

The ultrasonic probe helps to melt the fat out of the interstices of the connective tissue allowing for a smoother outcome in dense fibrous areas.

It is not necessary for areas of buttery fat such as the lateral thighs. Vaser is the trade name for ultrasound liposuction.

Surgeons like using the vaser-lipo for areas that are particularly fibers such as the upper or lower back.

Surgeons can really get in and shape these areas much more effectively with it’s help than without. Additionally the fat that is loosened up can be harvested and re-injected into other areas like the breast and buttock for augmentation purposes.

The amount of post operative pain in my opinion is also less because the ultrasound energy allows the tissue to be extracted with less tearing than typical liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction and ultrasound-assisted liposuction are the same thing. Ultrasonic liposuction involves the use of ultrasonic energy to assist in fat removal. The fat is liquified by this process and then removed by traditional liposuction.

Surgeons have used traditional and ultrasonic liposuction for years and don’t see much difference between the two in terms of results. However, if secondary liposuction in needed in the area, it is more difficult to do in areas treated by ultrasound d/t scarring.

Ultrasonic Assisted Liposuction

Ultrasonic assisted liposuction is now in its third generation of technology. Initially the probe was created at about 1.5cm in diameter. Companies have evolved this technology with the most state-of-the-art advancement being Vaser liposuction. Vaser liposuction utilizes a titanium probe that is 3.

9mm in diameter for the body and 2.2mm in diameter for the face and neck. The patients undergo general anesthesia because large areas of liposuction can be performed at the same time. Vaser liposuction, in my opinion, has become the gold standard for patients for body contouring and can be performed in conjunction with abdominoplasty techniques or at the same time as a breast augmentation or breast lift.

With this, the patient can still have a safe and comfortable recovery. Ultrasonic energy is used under the skin to specifically target the fat cell. Because it is utilized for fat only, the patients lymphatics, blood vessels, nerves, and collagen are spared damage.

In contrast, traditional forms of liposuction do not offer the same degree of selectivity in targeting fat cells.

Gallery Of Ultrasonic Liposuction Before And After