The Significant Difference Between Liposuction And Tummy Tuck

Liposuction and tummy tuck have several distinguishing characteristics. For starters, let us begin with liposuction.

Liposuction is a surgical procedure that removes excess fats from different areas of the body, particularly in problematic areas like the abdomen, thighs, arms, or buttocks. Removal of fats is done through the use of a metal rod and a vacuum.

Incisions are made in the targeted area of the body where the rod or cannula will be inserted.

The vacuum that is attached to the rod is responsible for sucking out the fat cells. Before commencing with the actual liposuction, general anesthesia is used for this procedure to numb the targeted area. However, with new liposuction techniques, like the tumescent, local anesthesia is commonly used.

With general anesthesia, the entire body is affected and the patient is completely unconscious. With local anesthesia, however, only the target area is anesthetized. The use of local anesthesia also has fewer risks for complications. Shorter recovery time is also another advantage of the use of local anesthesia. Liposuction incisions are very tiny and are often not noticeable.

A tummy tuck, on the other hand, is a major surgical procedure that uses general anesthesia. This is more appropriate for people who want to achieve a flatter tummy. It involves the removal of fat and large amount of skin from the lower abdomen. The incision is larger because it extends from hip bone to hip bone.

The belly button needs to be repositioned after, and sometimes an entirely different cosmetic treatment may be required to do this. A tummy tuck can result into unsightly scars because of the large incisions introduced into the surgical site. This procedure is more extensive and invasive than liposuction.

During a tummy tuck procedure, lax abdominal muscles can be surgically tightened.

Liposuction and tummy tuck also differ in terms of cost and price. Because tummy tuck is more invasive, it can cost twice as much as the average cost of liposuction. Tummy tuck also has a longer recovery time. While liposuction does not remove stretch marks, tummy tuck does.

Some people find liposuction sufficient, while others would want the result of a tummy tuck especially with the aesthetic side of it.

But there is also liposuction tummy tuck procedure, which is a combination of the two cosmetic treatments – liposuction and tummy tuck.

Ultimately, the type of procedure that you should settle for will depends on your needs and the area of the body where you want the unwanted fats removed. Consultation is an initial process so that the surgeon can determine if you are good candidate for any of these popular cosmetic treatments. More importantly, you need to know everything there is to know so that you can have an informed choice.

Doctors opinions:

Liposuction is the technique of utilizing cannulas to remove fat from underneath the skin. It contours the body by removing excess fat. Tummy tuck is a technique of surgically removing excess skin (and it’s associated fat), and tightening the internal structure of your abdomen.

It contours the body by tightening the underlying structure, and re-draping the skin around the new contour. Patients may or may not be a good candidate for either or both procedures.

It is common, especially after children, to have both problems and need a combination of both liposuction and tummy tuck. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction removes fat from underneath the skin and above the muscle layer of the stomach. It does not tighten muscles that have been stretched from pregnancy nor does it remove any excess skin that you may have.

In fact if there is excess skin, that appearance may get worse with liposuction alone as the remaining fat is thinned from underneath the excess skin. A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) removes excess skin, tightens the stretched muscle layer, thins the fat layer of the stomach and usually includes some liposuction in areas not affected by the tummy tuck such as the hips and pubic areas.

If you have excess skin and/or a stretched muscle layer then a tummy tuck is best. For the best results seek the consultation of a plastic surgeon certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

They have a website listing all the certified plastic surgeons. Members of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery will all be board certified in plastic surgery and have demonstrated an interest and competence in cosmetic plastic surgery as well. (Alexander G. Nein, MD, MS, FACS, Nashville Plastic Surgeon)

Easy Difference between Liposuction and a Tummy tuck (Abdominoplasty)

The easiest way to differentiate between Abdominal Liposuction and a Tummy Tuck is to think whether or not your main concern is actual fat buildup or loose skin. Having liposuction is going to remove fat cells from a given area but not help so much with any loose skin.

It is a very common surgical procedure that can be done on multiple areas of the body. Most common liposuction sites include: abdomen, flanks, thighs, upper arms and the neck/chin area.

There is little to no downtime involved, but some soreness can be expected depending on the person.

Having a tummy tuck can also help reduce bulkiness from the mid section, but also removes loose skin that has lost elasticity either from pregnancy or substantial weight loss. The recovery time from a tummy tuck is going to be somewhat more extensive, especially if your tummy tuck includes muscle repair.

There will be more soreness involved and time off work will be needed to rest and recover. Either procedure can produce fantastic results depending on what your overall goal and needs are. (Lawrence Bundrick, MD, Huntsville Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction versus Abdominoplasty, What is Best?

This is a decision made with you and your plastic surgeon after you have been fully evaluated. After pregnancy(s), there is generally some degree of skin relation seen as stretch marks and muscle wall separation known as a diastasis which causes a bulge of the abdomen.

This combination of lax skin and muscle wall bulging is only corrected by an abdominoplasty, though at the “expense” of a significant lower abdominal incisional scar and a prolonged recovery compared to liposuction alone. Liposuction of the flanks is commonly performed at the same time to help contour the waistline.

If skin tone is reasonably good and the layer of fat in the abdomen warrants liposuction, this can be done as a primary procedure with a much quicker recovery and lower cost, though the results may not be as dramatic. (Scott A. Brenman, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)

After multiple pregnancies a person would need a Tummy Tuck to get the best results possible. A Tummy Tuck would get rid of the extra loose and sagging skin.

It helps tighten up weakened or separated abdominal muscles due to pregnancy, weight loss or aging.

It is best to wait until you are at your desired weight and perhaps done having children. Ideal candidates for liposuction are at their ideal body weight and have good skin tone it does not get rid of loose and sagging skin. (Heather Rocheford, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

In general, a good candidate for liposuction has only minimal loose skin and decent skin tone.

Liposuction creates contour improvement by reducing fatty bulges without affecting the skin or muscles.

If you do have loose skin and/or muscles after having children, a tummy tuck in combination with liposuction may be a better option to tighten muscles and get rid of both excess skin and fat.

Tummy tuck surgery can also often reduce the number of stretch marks on the abdomen after having children to create that “pre-baby” look. (David P. Rapaport, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy Tuck Usually Best for Mothers

In general, once you have had children, the skin and muscle have been stretched enough that liposuction wouldn’t get you back to your pre-baby look. Liposuction to the abdomen can give nice improvement for patients who have good skin elasticity, but in virtually all patients who have had children, liposuction runs a significant risk of producing irregularities in the skin that look very unnatural unless it is combined with a tummy tuck.

I have seen many dissatisfied patients who tried to avoid a tummy tuck and felt their appearance after liposuction was sometimes even made worse.(Thomas A. Mustoe, MD, FACS, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck addresses the skin excess of the abdomen, the muscle weakness of the abdominal wall and the fat between the umbilicus and the pubic hairline. The excess skin of the abdomen is removed, the muscular wall is reconstructed, and the skin is rewrapped over the tightened muscles.

The belly button is revised and reconstructed. It is a very powerful procedure and is the only solution to skin excess, muscle weakness and stretch marks that are common after pregnancy or extreme weight loss.

Liposuction addresses fatty deposits. The fat is removed and the skin tightens over the new contours. It is dependent on a lack of skin excess. If the proportion of fat to skin tightness is right, then liposuction is a powerful way to contour the body. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)