Smartlipo Recovery Reviews

Smart lipo is a laser assisted liposuction technique that uses two laser one to melt the fat and the other to tighten the skin. Smart lipo technique yields less bruising and faster recovery.

Smart Lipo Incorporates Lasers and Liposuction

SmartLipo is a device which was developed several years back to help melt fat during a liposuction procedure. It is laser-assisted liposuction — that is, one uses the laser to help melt the fat and then uses traditional liposuction to remove the melted fat and help sculpt the areas being treated. Clinical studies have shown that when using the laser first, skin tightening is better and faster than traditional liposuction. In order to do this, one should be well-versed not only in liposuction but also in the proper use of lasers — this concept seems, on occasion to be lost.

So when you are discussing having this procedure done, make sure you are speaking with a board-certified dermatologist or plastic surgeon well skilled in both.

Smart Lipo vs. Traditional Lipo

There are some similarities and some differences between Smartlipo and traditional liposuction. Traditional liposuction is typically used for larger areas where alot of volume needs to be removed.

Smartlipo is typically better for more concentrated areas of fat however the benefits of smartlipo compared to traditional liposuction are with Smartlipo no general anesthesia is required and can be done under local anesthesia.

Patients often drive themselves to and from the procedure. With Smartlipo you are gently melting the fat with a laser fiber which is much less traumatic to body and results in less swelling and bruising which lends to a much quicker recovery time then with traditional liposuction where you are manually breaking up the fat.

In addition, Smartlipo will give you a skin tightening effect so you are not left with loose saggy skin after removing the fat.

Smart Lipo Recovery

Recovery with Smart Lipo is much easier than traditional liposuction. Smart Lipo can be done under general anesthesia or local anesthesia. If done under local anesthesia your recovery will be much easier. During the Smart Lipo procedure, medications are administered for your comfort during the surgical procedure.

Also the use of tumescent infiltration will help make the discomfort of the procedure minimal. There are no post operative restrictions, so you can return to your usual daily routine including exercising

Smartlipo recovery patient reviews

– I had smartlipo one week ago on my abs and flanks and I am sore as can be. In bed and on meds for 2 days. I am happy with my results, but today will be the first day I am going to WALK 1 mile on my treadmill. I work out 3 times a week normally. I had almost 2 liters out. I thought was quite a bit and it took about 4 hours during the procedure. Maybe little jobs you can get back to work, but be prepared for some time off.

– I just had smartlipo a week and two days ago, yesterday was the first time I was able to work out, and I extremely sore and did not work out effectively. We can go to work the next day, and there’s no limitation, please if you get this procedure listen to your body not some one who performs the surgery. We are different in many ways. Maybe one person can return to work the next, I’m still shaking my head at that, but maybe, but listen to your body it will not lie to you.

– I had my chin lipo last Tuesday. I have brusing on my neck still. It looks like someone tried to strangle me. It hurts, but is not that much, more like an ache. It is also still numb where the lipo was done. If you have a good doctor he does it up to the sides too, so it just is not under your chin. I would give a week to a week and a half before going back to work. You also have to wear a chin strap for 24 hours for a while. It will be a week and 6 days when I take mine off. Even then, I will wear it at night sleeping.

– I had a smartlipo in december and cant really see much results. I only had the abdomen problem as I am fit and eat healthy but I am wondering if I will really look different in a few months as I see no difference at all! After the operation, I went back to work the following day. I was swollen and my abdoment heart but nothing major, in fact a toothache is more painful. anyone that had a lipo over 6 months ago, please confirm if the results are sooner than 6 months or if they really show around that time.

– Well, I can say that I can see a difference, but not as significant as I had hoped. I too am quite healthy/fit. I’m vegan/raw for over 24 years and workout daily. I just had to have what they call a redirect surgery on my inner thighs because there were very noticable holes on each of my inner thighs. I am 4 weeks out on that and it looks MUCH better. In May, it will be a year since I had abs, inner/outer thighs and love handle area done. Like I said, I am fairly happy, just disappointed that the results were not more significant.

– I had chin lipo. they told me I had to wear the chin strap for two weeks. I had taken a couple weeks off for it and other Smart Lipo procedures. I would say two weeks to be on the safe side. When I tried not to wear the chin strap for those two weeks it felt uncomfortabe not to have it. It felt like you chin is dropping. It’s 4 and a half weeks out and I still feel numb and tender and sore to the touch, but it was really, really worth it. No pain, no gain.

– I had my arms, abdomen and hips done 6 months ago. The pain didn’t full go away for 3 months. My arms look great now. I’m still a little lop sided and have lumps so I guess I’m still healing, waiting for my final 6 mon check to decide if I want to “fix it”. After all the pain, I am not so sure. In total I lost 7 inches but my stomach looks pretty gross, but it is flat. :). It was hard for me to work, I didn’t take off enough time as I am a nurse exec and walk alot!!!!! I help staff and wasn’t really warned up front what was real. They just said you will be fine in a couple of days…..No way. How about a couple of months. They need to tell folks this is surgery, major change for your body and takes months for the numbness to go away and heal. Hope you did well when you returned to work.

– I returned work after 2 wks and was still very sore. I work in a factory and its very aggressive so alittle tough. I am almost 2 months out and I agree, my stomach is almost flat but still lumpy and definitely not bikini friendly yet:( Finally starting to get feeling back but all three of my locations are still lumpy, my arms the least. Making sure to wear my “tight outfit” as much as possible as it really does help especially with the lumpiness. I notice them going down after a couple days of wearing the garment. I have been doing alittle of the lympatic massage myself which was recommened from the doc office. Massage with fingers in a vibrating way and then kind of pinch/squeeze the lumps to release the fluid back into your body to get rid of it. May will be my 3 month appt. I have only measured my arms and have lost 2 inches on top part and 1 1/2″ on bottom part by my elbow.

36 Year Old Woman Treated With Smart Lipo With Dr. Kevin M. Johnson, MD, FACS, Spokane General Surgeon

– I had my arms done 6 days ago…still really sore, swollen and bruised pretty badly around my elbows. I don’t have any noticable lumps but was warned it may happen but should go away. I had my bra line and flanks done a year ago and think it was easier then my arms. I’m athletic and very active so this is killing me! Hoping the swelling will go down soon! It will be a while before I can wear anything that shows skin above the elbow.

– I just started wearing shorter sleeves and its been just 2 months today. The lumps show after about 2 weeks or so but your tight garment is really the ticket. My arms are still tender not nearly as bad as earlier on. I want to get my thighs and calfs done this winter once summer is over and not wearing shorts. It really is a great procedure as I had regular lipo on my thighs 15 yrs ago. Was I ever bruised from my waist to my knees and a VERY aggressive surgery. Soar beyond thought for 1 month. My Mom had to shower me for the first week cuz every time I took off my garment I was so light headed I would almost pass out.

– I had the aqualipo and smartlipo done 3 weeks ago on my outer thighs and was told i should be able to go back to work within a day or two and that i shouldnt bruise too much or have too much pain. Ummm, that’s not at all how this is going. I’m still bruised pretty significantly and i am just now getting to the point where i can get up and sit down without cringing. I am still swollen so i do not even know if this was all worth it. I though at first it was but then the swelling set in…i took 3 days off from work but could hav easily taken a week or more. I really wish my doc would have warned me about the possibility of all the pain and bruising. I am still in my compression garment. It makes me feel better when i am active. I am back to exercising finally. Anyone wishing to have this procedure i say go for it. Just know it’s not as easy as theyball make it sound!

– Okay, so I have had my 3 month check up for the redirect on inner thighs. I am one month shy of being a year out on surgery to hips, inner/outter thighs and abs. I can honestly say I have never been so sad. I saw the before and after pictures for the first time today and my skin looks just awful now. My grandmother is 86 and her legs look far better than mine….I am 43:( I have worked out at the very least 5 days a week for the last many years and have been vegan for the last 23 years and now about 75% raw for the last 8 months or more. I am not a sweets person and not a caffeine drinker. Drink water, some almond milk occasionally and one cup of decaf in the am. I am not a large person. I look awful. I am devastated. Yes, I got rid of my saddle bags and yes, my stomach is not a pudgey looking, but I look like a claymation experiment gone terribly bad. I cannot in any way wear a bathing suit once again this year. I had this surgery to hopefully remedy that, but I am far worse looking than I began. Skin is saggey, lumpey and dimpled. I would not recommend this to anyone. $6700 in the hole and completely devastated.

– I am so sad. I had smartlipo on my upper arms. Size wise, it was great. It’s been 2 months and the recovery has been slow. I had 4 sessions of massage and it improved but I have like a glued area in the middle of my arm that hasn’t gone away. It’s like the top and the bottom parts are healed and the center is just sticked to the bone. Looks horrible.

– Today marks week one since procedure, a little down about it. Pretty uncomfortable with garment on at night and my cloths fit tighter guessing from the swelling. Did you have this? I am a runner so have been walking hoping this will help. Was hoping to see more noticeable results, when did you feel good? Trying to be positive since today only marks one week. Boy am I so sore still, my almost 4 year old crawling and wanting picked up I am sure is not helping the healing process. I am small and active as well, got my abs ad flanks done in hopes to feel good about my body again, hoping I can achieve that with having this done. Didn’t prepare myself to feel fatter after the procedure I guess.

– I am 14 months out. I am still pretty devastated that I spent $6700 for my procedures including this highly regarded skin tightening procedure and for what? I’m saggy as hell! I look like a lumpy bowl of oatmeal with skin stretched over it:( I too am a runner and work out religiously every week at least 5 days and am vegan. I am thinking I should have just bought the P90X dvd and been done with it! Certainly would have saved me thousands of dollars.

– I had smartlipo about a month ago on upper/lower abs and flanks. I returned to work the next day. But I was in pain but did not take any pain meds except Tylenol. I would prepare to take off a min 1 or 2 days. Returning to work the next day is too soon. Trust me, you will be in pain but it gets better with time.

– The laser in SmartLipo results in blood vessel coagulation, which means you will have less bruising with your SmartLipo procedure compared with standard liposuction. As a result, you can expect much less discomfort and downtime with Smart Lipo than with conventional liposuction. In fact let me share with you the experiences that we’ve had in our practice. Both my wife and I are surgeons that perform Smart Lipo. About a year ago, I had my abdomen and love handles done by her one morning. Around midnight that night another surgeon in town needed help in the operating room and paged me. Without any difficulty I went to the operating room and assisted that surgeon in his emergency case. I did not have to take a single pain pill after my procedure and had no trouble working that night. For my wife I performed two separate Smart Lipo procedures on her. The first time I did her abdomen and love handles and the very next day she came to work and saw about 50 patients in clinic with me. The next time I did her arms and outer thighs, and the very next day she performed four operations. On our office manager, we performed Smart Lipo of her chin and she stayed in the officesaw patients that very same day. Each person is different and has different recovery times. These are some real-world examples from our practice.

– I just had Smart Lipo on my inner and and outer thighs. Recovery has not been bad. The doctor does provide a script for pain but I have not had to use it. Mostly it is just sore. The biggest surprise is when you pull the tight garment up over your legs, blood squirts (really squirts) from each hole…the was weird for me…but after 1 day not more squirting. I can immediately see results on the inner thighs but my outer thighs are still swollen so it’s difficult to see the results. The worst “pain” is after sitting for awhile and then getting up to move…

– I just had smart lipo 5 days ago it was done on my upper and lower abdomen area and under the chin … this stuff about being able to return to work in a day … was not true. I decided to have my procedure done when my husband started his vacation and thank goodness that I did .. it like I have been hit by a freight train. The doctor give me an RX for pain and I have used it and will continue to use it to be as comfortable as possible … so far I am not saying that I am not happy with what was done …but was it worth it …the jury is still out.

– I just had the procedure done today. My doctor said to wear it for 2 weeks 24/7 so I do plan to sleep in it. 8 lbs! I only had 3 taken off my love handles and inner/outer thighs… I was hoping for 5! I am very sore and leaking like crazy…

– I had Smart Lipo on Friday, 5/8 in Atlanta. I flew home to Boston Sunday, 5/10. And went to work Monday , 5/11. I had my love handles and stomach done. Tomorrow will be one week since the procedure. I’ve worked all week, and only take pain pills at night before bed since being in one position seems to get you stiff. The bruising on one side is already gone. There still is a medium size dark bruise on the other side. And my stomach never bruised. I only have a slight hardness around my belly button. I was told to just massage this area in circular movements when my compression bandage is off(twice a day for about 20 minutes) I did find that the compression bandage that I had with actual metal strips in it was what was causing alot on my back pain after sleeping on it. I only use that kind during the day now and sleep with a compression bandage that is only elastic at night so I sleep better. Also, tight is good with compression bandages but don’t go overboard and wrap yourself too tight.. that only causes undo soreness..

– Had smartlipo done 5 days ago today. They lied about the rate of recovery. I am extremely swollen and very sore to the touch. Had my flanks done. This stuff about going back to work the next day is really not correct. I’m glad I had it done on a Thursday, took Friday off of work and then had the weekend to recover too. Went to work on Monday and have been going in every day. I see the doctor for a follow up tomorrow and am glad I am going. My hips have changed shape over these few days – right after the surgery it looked pretty good and could really see the difference – next day swollen and sore. They said that the second day after surgery would see a return of pain and more swelling. They were right! This compression garment is driving me nuts and I really miss being able to sleep on my sides. I do it but is very sore. The bruising is extensive. At this point, I am not sure this was worth it and I really wouldn’t recommend it to anyone – or at least they better think long and hard. Maybe 6 months from now I’ll be happy with it – let’s hope so.

– I had my inner knees done…they were huge (hereditary). I was up and took care of my kids that night, and went to work the next day. I think they took about 250cc out. So, for inner knee area, I consider that significant. I’m still sore to the touch and hard and retainign fluid, but i am completely operational in every way, from Day 1. I even drove home afterwards (i declined the sedatives and my blood pressure was ok afterwards).

– I had Smart Lipo last Wednesday on my torso and flanks. It took close to 36 hours before I was able to sit up and 48 to be able to eat something. It now has been 5 days and I feel like I went 10 rounds with Rocky. My body is still stiff and soar but it does feel better with the garment holding you together. I can not take the pain meds they make me sick have to stick with Tylenol. Hopefully when the swelling and horrible bruises go away I will be happy with the results, the jury is still out but knowing what I know now if I had to do it again I would not do it. Thank God my husband is so good to me you have to have someone around to take care of you and dress you for the first couple of days.

– I had liposuction a month ago in Bangkok at a Cosmetic surgeons office. He took 2 kilos of pure fat from my abdomen area. He was quite surprised how much he took out. The local anesthesia started to wear off during the procedure and I was SCREAMING in pain and asked him to stop which he did. It felt like I was being stabbed – which I was under my skin by his suction. I stayed at a hotel that night and woke up to soaken wet PJs, bedspread, sheets, matress etc. I wish I had been warned better about what to expect. My question is to any doctors or patients out there is that I had this procedure over a month ago and my stomach is still in pain. I can do everything but it is still painful- I am wondering that since the doctor took so much pure fat out that this is normal? Since he was literally jabbing me inside with a stick perhaps this is normal and takes time to heal? Would there be any other reason why I would be in pain this long?

– I had smart lipo done on 3-24, one week ago. I am still soar all over but I am able to move around. I no longer take any pain meds. I did my full stomach, inner thigh, and upper hip. I did not have any leaking at all , just swelling and a bit bruising.My surgeon made 8 small incisions but he placed dissolvable sutures. I noticed a great difference on my stomach and upper hip. But I don’t notice much change on my inner thigh. I had 2 cesarean and my doctor recommended tummy tuck but I did not want such a big scar, longer downtime. I decided to do the smart lipo and the results on my stomach is great so-far. I am glad I did not do a tummy tuck.

– I had smart lipo on my stomach and flanks. I has a baby 7 months ago and couldn’t get rid of my stomach even with working out. After smart lipo I saw a flat stomach immediately when I got home. My sides were gone. I am swollen in those areas however no bruising I am happy. Looking better each day. I would say down time about a week as well. Lastly, the procedure was not pain free like I thought. The numbing meds did not help with me. I would advise general anesthesia.

– I had smart lipo 2 days ago on my bra rolls in the back and on my chin and neck. I’m swollen but I can see definition on my chin already, no more double chin. Yeah! I had 3 rolls of fat on each side of my back. In only 2 days I only have a small crease on each side, which the Dr says it should be gone within 2 weeks. It’s amazing. Tomorrow I’m being a guinea pig for the radio frequency assisted lipo on my upper and lower abdomen. I’m very excited to see the results of that as well. If I like what I see, I’m going to do my arms as well. Right now I feel fine, like I can start working out already but my hubby doesn’t want me to. I did not bleed, nor had any drainage. I’m starting to itch, that’s all.

– I had Smart Lipo one week ago today on my abdomen, back and flanks. And while I am still a little sore, I have been to work the past 5 days…though I do think I have overdone it a few times. I feel I should be smaller, but my doc told me I would be swollen and would not see the immediate results as soon as I thought I would so I am waiting… I went for a check up last Thursday and they said I am healing fine. They gave my an ultrasound massage on the areas and I gotta say, that helped A LOT! I have purchased my own machine and am waiting for it to arrive. The doc said that doing the ultrasound massage as often as possible will help the swelling and healing…and it did help with the pain level. I am glad I did it…just waiting to voice criticism when I get all healed and less puffy feeling. Anyway, its good to hear all of you, Ill keep you updated on my progress…but I recommend you all do the ultrasound massage. IT WORKS!

– I had my lower back and upper abs done yesterday. For me, the lower back was almost unbearably painful then the local anaesthetic was being put in. I was crying with the pain. If felt exactly as it was, large needles being put under my skin and rotated. I am not a baby when it comes to pain, I have had 4 children, 3 of those naturally with no pain relief. I have to say having my lower back done was almost as bad (but in a different way) to being in labour. Awful and I would never put myself through that again. I almost told the doctor not to do my upper abs but this was the area I most wanted doing, I had a big lump of fat there from a past traditional lipo. So, i went ahead. That part was fine, minimal pain at all and I’m really pleased I didn’t bail out of it. I am swollen like a beach ball today and sore, tylenol are helping but I am stiff and sore. This wasn’t the quick lunchtime treatment I was sold but I am hoping the results help me to forget the horrible experience I had.

– I had the procedure done on 7-6-2017 and then a breast aug on the following day. I was told I would be in more pain from the breast aug then from the smart lipo (which I got done to my thighs, flanks, and abs). THEY LIED!!! I took 10 days off of work. My breasts are fine but I am super stiff and still very very very VERY sore from the lipo. I am bruised and forced to take more time off of work.

– I had a procedure on my abs & “love handles” 8 days ago which the doctor used a combo of Slim Lipo, Vaser (ultrasound) & Bodyjet (water) to break up the fat. They gave me meds for pain, anxiety & nausea before hand then used lidoacaine so I wouldn’t feel any pain in the local area. I remember being awake for the procedure but not a lot of pain except a little on my left side where I think the Dr. hit some muscle (ow!). I only had about 24 hours of drainage but the swelling still is taking a while to go down. So far I can see a little results in my upper abs but my mid & lower abs & pelvic area are very swollen (gravity?) along with bruising at my pelvic area & some small spots here & there. Even though the “compression garment” (long girdle) I have seems to be holding together well I am tired of being in it already. I had the procedure done on a Friday then took the following Monday off so I wouldn’t have to rush my recovery. I am having to really take it easy at work (no heavy lifting, etc) so as not to strain myself or overdo it. I seem to be recovering well but I feel worn down from it all & I don’t like having to wear extra baggy pants because of the treatment (I wanted to get smaller not bigger!). Like everyone here I wish I could see quicker results, but I’m confident that after the swelling goes down & I’m back to my normal activity level it will look better. It just doesn’t get that way as soon as I would like it to! I’m sure most would agree…

– I had Smart Lipo 12 days ago on my butt, saddlebags and backs of my thighs, and I am wearing the compression garment 24/7 (even though they said I can take it off for up to 8 hours per day on my second week of recovery.) I’d rather err on the safe side. Next Tuesday, I’m going to start a series of 3 VelaShape treatments, one each week for 3 weeks, to smooth everything else out (I hope!!!) Has anyone else done Vela Shape after Smart Lipo? I am a 29 year old female, I don’t consume any starch or processed foods/sugar, and I am physically fit, but I had disproportionate fat deposits on my lower half. I have also had awful cellulite since I was 10 years old. I can see that the swelling has gone down and I am very pleased with the circumferential reduction, but when I take off my garment to shower, I can still see some dimples that looks like cellulite. Will the Vela correct that? For those of you who were wondering, I needed to take 3 days off from work. I had a total of 8 incisions: one on each saddlebag, one at the lower thigh on each leg, and two in each butt cheek. The drainage afterward was the weirdest part. It wasn’t really blood… it was the numbing fluid mixed with a tinge of blood. I had to pee every hour the day following the procedure because a lot of the saline numbing fluid that they had under my skin was absorbed. It was moderately painful at times (during the aspiration) but I’d do it all over again in a heartbeat. If anyone can comment on the effectiveness of Vela Shape after Smart Lipo to plump things up and smooth things out, I’d be so grateful! My expectations are not out of line (I know the results won’t be totally perfect.) I am trying to stay positive about that aspect of it. I am still in the garment, hoping that there is some benefit to playing it safe, but those dimples are still very frustrating