Power Assisted Liposuction Recovery – Doctors’ Opinions

Power Assisted liposuction is a process by which fat is judiciously removed using small incisions, measuring from approximately ¼” and using blunt cannulas to remove unwanted localized fat.

Different techniques and technologies have been applied to this basic function, which uses what is called super wet solution to dilute the tissues and a strong suction to draw out the fat tissue.

Over the years, ultrasound, lasers, and radio frequency energies have all been applied, both internally and externally.

Most of these modalities require the use of thermal energy or heat. The more thermal energy that is administered, the greater the skin shrinkage that can be achieved, which is always helpful, but the greater the risk of burns and other problems.

The point of this is that the different technique and technology of liposuction depends on an individual patient.

In addition, there are newer water based liposuction technologies that also can improve efficiency, but once again, should be used with the right patient who has the right indications.

Having said this, Power Assisted liposuction liposuction recovery then may be quite variable. A small area, and small volume of fat can recover within just a few short days.

Even a modest multiple area liposuction that is not high volume can recovery in three to four days in terms of getting back to work, and one to two weeks in terms of getting back to the gym in a serious way.

During the recovery period a supportive garment should be worn because when the fat is removed it leaves a space between the skin and muscle and that space is filled with fluid.

The body will absorb that fluid if there is enough support, but if there isn’t, some of it may actually solidify and mar the result.

So, the recovery has to be tempered and individualized. High volume liposuctions, greater than five and up to seven liters have different issues and require even more intense postoperative garment support and re-hydration. T

he bottom line is, an individual consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon to discuss your particular needs, wants and requirements, is the way to go. (Richard A. D’Amico, MD, FACS, Englewood Plastic Surgeon)

Every surgeon has their own specific recovery recommendations, and I encourage you to follow them accordingly. Based on my experience with my own patients, I can share my recovery recommendations.

To begin with, I strongly prefer this procedure be performed under local anesthetic and generally avoid general anesthesia for several reasons: With this method, my patients are up and moving around 30 minutes after surgery.

This is not the case with general anesthesia. Secondly, I tend to have very little bruising and bleeding because of my approach in using local anesthesia. This helps with the recovery process. In my practice, most of my patients go home or to a hotel with a family member to be cared for that night.

I tell my patients to take it easy the day of surgery, and I do require my patients to be with someone the day of their surgery. In complicated cases, I’d like them to go to an aftercare facility or other post-surgery care with a registered nurse.

Commonly my patients will ooze for 12 to 24 hours, caused by some of the fluid that is used in the surgery and will generally stop oozing by the next morning. I generally recommend my patients wear compression garments 24 hours a day for 2 weeks, and then 12 hours a day for another 2 weeks after that.

Rarely is it of additional benefit to wear it longer than that. The day after surgery for my non-complicated cases I ask patients to take a walk, up to 1 mile. I see my patients the day after surgery for a post-operative check.

For my non-lipedema patients, I encourage them to have light exercise and light activity. They do have to wear the compression garments, but they are able to go to the gym and work out as tolerated.

I tell them to take it easy to get back into a more active workout routine. Usually by a month or so, patients can already see a nice improvement. If there was any bruising, 2-3 weeks after the bruising typically resolves.

Typically at about 3 months, most patients have about 50-75% of final results, by 6 months it’s usually at 80-90% and sometimes it is as long as 1 year for 100% of their final result. (David Amron, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

PA liposuction is very well tolerated but again depends on the areas suctioned and the amount which was done. Most people can return to work the next day if 1-2 areas were done with minimal discomfort. (Susan Kaweski, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Power Assisted liposuction recovery can vary, depending on the number of areas being treated and the amount of fat removed. Recovery from average fat removal from 2-3 areas usually involves 1-3 days off from work.

Most patients describe pain after this operation similiar to the soreness felt after a robust workout, more soreness than pain.

Pain medication is prescribed to last one week, as pain thresholds vary among patients. Normal physical activities may resume 2 weeks after surgery. I usually recommend my patients wear the elastic garment I provide for 4-6 weeks postop, as it helps decrease swelling faster and assists skin contraction and re-contour. (Robert M. Tornambe, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

PA liposuction Recovery will depend on the development of each patient. Because each patient heals differently. In a period of six weeks you can begin your daily routines. But the swelling will take up to six to twelve months. (Tania Medina de Garcia, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery varies by patient and it depends on how many areas and what the patient starts with (more liposuction = more recovery). Some of the recovery involves compression for 6 weeks and pain medications are usually for 3-5 days.(Leonard Lu, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Power Assisted liposuction Healing

There are several stages of healing. A patient can return to light activities including most work in 7 to 10 days. Swelling (edema), numbness, and lumpiness can persist up to 6 months. Continued improvement can take up to 1 year. (Kris M. Reddy, MD, FACS, West Palm Beach Plastic Surgeon)

Most of the time patients are in pain the first several days, every day it gets better and if you work at a desk or where there is not much lifting or bending you can go back to work in a week.

You will be prescribed pain medication that will help in the post operative period. Also you will find that certain areas are still sore and as each day passes it does get better. (N. Bill Aydin, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)

Power Assisted liposuction Recovery Time

What does PA liposuction Recovery Time depend on? Amount of Liposuction The more Liposuction; the longer the recovery. If it is a small area then I think 3 to 5 days is sufficient.

If it is a large amount of liposuction then I think you will need at least 1 week. This is to “recover” from the surgery; it does not address bruising or swelling. Location of Liposuction Certain areas take longer to recover from then other.

PA liposuction of the inner thigh has a longer recovery because you are always moving that area when you walk. How strict you are wearing compression garments The more diligent you are about wearing the compression garments, the quicker the swelling will go down.

You will not be able to see the “full” results until after the swelling has resolved. Swelling begins to go down at 6 weeks; but it takes at least 3 months for all swelling to go down.

The last part I want to talk about is bruising. A small area like chin liposuction will have a quick surgical recovery. But, your surgeon may want you to wear a chin strap for a period of time.

Also, the chin liposuction area will have some bruising and this can take at 2 weeks to resolve. Even though you are fully “recovered” from surgery, you may not want to be seen until resolution of the bruising. (Matthew J. Nykiel, MD, Ontario Plastic Surgeon)

Recover is usually very fast and return to work is within days. Complete recovery with skin tightening usually takes weeks to months however this is expedited and helped by use of a compression garment. (Sergio Alvarez, MD, Doral Plastic Surgeon)

Power Assisted liposuction swelling and pain

This will vary somewhat from patient to patient and surgeon to surgeon. In my experience, most individuals will be able to return to work in a 2-3 days, sometimes even less. Some patients will feel they need a few more days.

I tell patients there will be bruising and swelling. The bruising is usually gone in 2 or 3 weeks but swelling takes longer. I advise patients that about 80% of edema will resolve in 6-8 weeks but it may take 6-8 months for the remainder of the edema to resolve completely and see the final result.

Compression garments are recommended to the treated areas for the first 4-6 weeks, after which I tell patients to wear them as needed for obvious swelling or comfort. I allow activity as tolerated after the first postoperative visit.

Palpable lumpiness if often initially present but usually resolves during the first 6 months. After this time, some minor palpable lumpiness may persist, but visible irregularities or asymmetries that persist longer may be considered for revision. (Jeffrey D. Wagner, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Seeing your final results may take more than four months.

Although almost all patients should see their post-lipo swelling resolved by four months, it definitely could take longer. Lumps are also common right after surgery, either due to fluid buildup (those feel softer) or collections of dead fat cells that the body is working to eliminate (these are harder to the touch).

Both of these issues should be resolved by the four month mark in most cases, although not always. If you’re worried that your recovery isn’t progressing the way you’d like, don’t hesitate to contact your surgeon for a follow-up. (Glenn M. Davis, MD, FACS, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)