Non-invasive Way To Remove The Double Chin

Cool mini and Kybella are non-surgical options for correction of a double chin that last.

We are very excited with the development of several non-invasive techniques for correction of a double chin. We offer the Cool mini as a non-surgical alternative to liposuction for the right candidate.

Generally, two treatments are required separated by 4-6 weeks. We also offer Kybella which is another non-surgical alternative to liposuction. Generally 3-6 treatments are needed separated by 4-6 weeks. If there is mild to moderate skin laxity, combining the treatment with Ultherapy is an excellent option. (Andrew T. Lyos, MD, FACS, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Non-Invasive Double Chin Treatment

An exciting new technique for reducing that “double chin” look is through a medication injection treatment called “Kybella.”A series of two or three treatment sessions 4 weeks apart involve the injection of the newly FDA approved substance “Kybella” (deoxycholate) into the fat below the chin resulting in a reduction of the bulge over several weeks.

Kybella (deoxycholic Acid)

Best results are obtained in individuals with average to better than average skin tone of the neck. When performed expertly the treatment is painless due to use of injectable anesthetic prior to Kybella injection although some mild tenderness in the treatment area will occur afterwards and last for about two weeks.

The medication works by dissolving the fat cells creating the bulge under the chin. (Victor Michalak, MD, Issaquah Dermatologic Surgeon)

Kybella – nonsurgical procedure reduces submental fullness

Kybella is an FDA-approved injectable medication to reduce submental fullness. The most important part of the Kybella procedure is a consultation to determine if you are an appropriate candidate and to make sure that you have the right expectations about what the procedure can do for you, as well as the side effects.

Kybella 2ml

The procedure itself is relatively simple – the submental area is “mapped out,” and small aliquots of kybella are injected in a precise grid-like pattern. Kybella destroys the fat cells. The body responds to this injury with swelling and fullness that typically lasts 1-2 weeks.

You will typically see improvement with one treatment, but most patients need two to six treatments, spaced 4-6 weeks apart. (Melissa Chiang, MD, FAAD, Houston Dermatologic Surgeon)

While liposuction with platysmaplasty is the gold surgical standard, there is now an FDA approved non-surgical option for sub mental fat called Kybella. It consists of one to two sessions spaced one month apart. There is little to no downtime with this treatment, and early studiues showed good patient satisfaction. (Greg Chernoff, MD, Indianapolis Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Kybella For Chin Before After Photo

Surgical Intervention is Best to Remove Chin Fat

A variety of non-invasive procedures exist to address double chin deformities. Unfortunately these procedures have significant limitations for managing neck fat. In patients with tight skin and fat accumulation within the neck, liposuction is the gold standard.

Unfortunately this procedure is often accompanied by swelling and bruising in the post-operative period. In some cases, liposuction could be performed on a Friday and patients might be able to return to work on a Monday.

It might be possible to discontinue the pressure dressing as well. Even with these maneuvers patients might have noticeable bruising and swelling which might be hard to disguise. For these reasons consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon is appropriate.

This surgeon can determine what procedure is best for you and whether it’s feasible within your time constraints. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Kybella Injections

Limited lipo may help. I understand your need to not want surgey, not have time off and not wear bandages. Your desires is the holy graile for every cosmetic complaint and the science has not gotten us there yet.

Visit with a plastic surgeon to see if your expectation are realistic before committing to spending thousands of dollars for treatemt that gives you nothing (or very little). (Raj S. Ambay, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Laser liposuction will muscle tightening is a great procedure

Laser liposuction to the chin and neck areas is an excellent option to improve the contour of the neck and jawline. The incisions are small, and the downtime is minimal — although it would be wise to take at least a few days off as suggested by the previous expert posters (ie., peforming the procedure on a Friday so that you have a few days off before returning to work). I have found that while laser liposuction (whether it be SmartLipo or ProLipo) is, in general, a great procedure, there is some unpredictability with respect to results.

Kybella Reslults Photo

In my practice, I combine laser liposuction to the chin / neck areas with the jowls / lower face areas in addition to an associated neck muscle tightening procedure (called a “platysmaplasty”). This engenders excellent neck contours and yields a more defined angulation which is what most patients desire.

The procedure can be done in approximately 30-45 minutes and under local anesthesia. (Vish Banthia, MD, Los Angeles Facial Plastic Surgeon)

You can have chin liposuction on a Friday and return to work on a Monday without a compression dressing. Many of my patients prefer to put the compression bandage back on when they return from work.

However it does not need to be worn all day every day and you will heal up nicely either way. Non surgical options in my opinion would be a waste of time and money (Michael Elam, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Ulthera For Chin

Coolmini is the most advanced non-invasive fat reduction treatment used for smaller areas such as the neck. The device is applied under the neck for 45 min and it reduces 25% of the fat on the area.

There is no downtime with this procedure. (Michele S. Green, MD, New York Dermatologist)

For non-surgical neck-tightening, I recommend Ulthera (Ultherapy). Using ultrasound technology, Ulthera uses focused ultrasound to lift and tighten loose skin over time, without any downtime. However, nothing can quite compare with the fantastic results of a surgical necklift.

Non-surgical procedures have to be repeated to maintain the look you want – which means in the end you’ll likely end up spending as much as you would have on a necklift, which is longer lasting. (Cory Torgerson, MD, PhD, FRCSC, Toronto Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Non-invasive way to remove the double chin

In chin, there are fatty deposits located above and below the platysma muscle. Both of these must be removed in order to obtain a better jawline. Once the subplatysmal fat has been removed, a platysma plasty will be required.

In our practice we used drains in the neck for 2-3 days after the procedure and not pressure bandages. Most patients still take at least week or 2 off from work and social activities. Noninvasive procedures simply cannot remove the subplatysmal fat and tighten the Platysma muscle. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)