Neck Liposuction Recovery – Doctors’ Opinions

Recovery following neck liposuction is relatively quick as this is a relatively minor, non-invasive procedure. Bruising may be present for 3-5 days along with swelling and some discomfort.

The recovery process is expedited with head elevation when in bed, wearing of a chin garment to apply compression to the area, and application of frozen peas or other ice packs to the area. (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Chin/neck liposuction is a fairly fast recovery and over days and some weeks. Bruising is variable but if it happens, it will need concealer.

Best to do over a long weekend. Kybella injections can dissolve the fat and perhaps are a better alternative for a faster recovery.

One vial can help improve the neck and has less downtime than liposuction. More vials injected will tend to give a longer period when the result is noticeable.

However, larger double chins are often treated better with a single session of liposuction. (Keith Denkler, MD, Marin Plastic Surgeon)

How to Shorted Chin (Neck) Liposuction Recovery

Everyone wants to experience less pain, have less bruising, decreased complication rate and optimal results. How do you achieve excellent results with the shortest recovery? Clinical Studies have shown that ultrasound assisted (VASER) liposuction has the most skin tightening (53% more than standard suction only liposuction) compared to 38% for laser assisted.

Laser has a higher risk of skin burning. VASER has 30-35% less bleeding and bruising due to atraumatic removal of fat, sparing nerves and blood vessels. The duration of the procedure is quicker than laser assisted since laser energy delivery takes longer because of the increased risk of skin injury.

An experienced surgeon should be familiar with the anatomy to minimize any complications. The only significant risk is a fluid collection or injury to the nerve near the chin. A pressure dressing for two days should enable the skin to attach to the underlying muscles (mylohyoid and platysma) to minimize swelling, bleeding and optimize the acute cosmetic outcome.

The procedure can be done with local anesthesia alone or adding oral sedation. Most patients only experience mild pain (2-3 out of ten) for the day of treatment or the day after. Most patients (>80%) have no bruising or minimal yellowness to the skin (20%) with a rare patient having a bruise if not associated with a facelift or neck lift.

That data is from over 1400 neck liposuction procedures in my experience. I do recommend using an elastic compression garment as much as possible after removing the pressure dressing placed in the operating room to optimize skin tightening and a smooth outcome with no fluid collection.

Double Chin In Woman

Reframing from working out for one week is also prudent. In summary, you should have no pain two days after the procedure, no bruising (possibly yellow hue to skin under chin), minimal swelling and a result that already looks better than before surgery (if you had moderate or large amount of fat).

Most patients can return to work in two to three days. Chin (neck) liposuction and then return to your busy life with a refreshed look! (Robert J. Troell, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It starts with your health and medications. Then it’s very dependent on the surgeons skills, approach, anesthesia, tools, technology used, and garment. After the procedure, it’s important to follow all the recommendations of your surgeon.

The reality is that there’s not magic bullet when it comes to healing after liposuction. If you want to get good results then you need to do an adequate procedure which calls for some healing.

However, healing after neck liposuction isn’t particularly rough. You’ll be looking and about 4 to 5 days of fullness and tenderness. It is possible to have some bruising which would be the most noticeable sign of having had a the procedure performed.

You’re fine to going out in about 5 days. Have it done on Thursday or Friday and go to work on Monday or Tuesday. You can take Arnica Montana before and after the procedure and eat Kiwi a few times a day after helps.

What you will have to wait on is the final result. About a week after the procedure you may only see a mild improvement. What you’ll find is that with each passing week your chin and neck looks better and better.

It’s a great evolution. (Chase Lay, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

It’s not unusual for my patients to start enjoying their results within 48 hours after their procedure. (Justin Yovino, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

There isn’t a lot you can do to speed recovery. There will be fullness and tenderness for about 5 days. Bruising is possible also but can lessen the possibility by avoiding supplements or meds that increase the likelihood of bruising.

Also wear your compression garment. (Edward E. Dickerson, IV, MD, Fayetteville Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The two mainstay treatments currently are liposuction vs Kybella. Liposuction is a procedure where a small cannula is inserted under the chin and the fat is removed. It is performed within 30 minutes, done under local anesthesia and allows you to return to work within 2-3 days usually.

Kybella, is a less invasive technique where multiple injections are performed under the chin in order to ‘melt’ the fat. It does not require anesthesia or surgery, but it may require more than one treatment.

Double Chin In Men

I personally find liposuction to be more effective in removing the fat and more cost effective in the long run. This however depends on the cost of surgery per physician. (Christian A. Prada, MD, FACS, Saint Louis Plastic Surgeon)

I would tell you that the first week, you’ll likely be a little swollen and bruised. As long as you’re off pain medications – which usually takes 2-3 days, you should be able to go back to work.

The main issues if you are busy or have a job around a lot of people is that your surgeon will likely want you to wear you neck compression garment 24-7 for the first week. Overall, it is a relatively quick recovery. (Catherine Huang-Begovic, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

Neck Liposuction Before And After Results

Weekend recovery neck liposuction

Neck liposuction is not a particularly difficult procedure to recover from. It is very common to have this done on a wednesday or thursday, and be back to work on Monday. Bruising is variable and may need to be covered with foundation or a turtleneck.

However, often when the liposuction of the chin is performed really well bruising is minimal. (Pramit Malhotra, MD, Ann Arbor Plastic Surgeon)

5 days down time for liposuction of chin and neck.

Liposuction of the chin and neck is a simple 30 minute procedure. In our New York City office, patients go back to work in 5 days or less. You can go to work in 2 or 3 days with a turtle neck. (George J. Beraka, MD (retired), Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Male Neck Lipo Before And After Photos

Tumescent liposuction of the neck generally has a very brief recovery. I recommend to my patients to take just a couple of days off from work after the procedure. (Scott C. Sattler, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

The neck is composed of 3 types of tissues, and these are skin, muscle, and fat, and all 3 must be addressed to rejuvenate the neck. Minimal liposuction of the submental fat will only give minimal benefit, and may not be worth performing.

Any type of cosmetic surgery can lead to some degree of bruising and swelling for upwards of 2 weeks after the procedure. (William Portuese, MD, Seattle Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Neck liposuction can be minor or major, depending on how much you need removed, and how extensive the procedure. I have many patients who are fine to return to their activities within 3 days. The main limitation is the need to wear a supportive wrap – I usually have my patients wear this for at least 3 days, but sometimes as long as a week. (James Chan, MD, Portland Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction of the neck recovery from what I have noticed with patients is painful but bearable. You will have to wear a wrap around your face for about 7 days. You will have bruising and swelling which varies for each individual. (Jaime Perez, MD, Tampa Plastic Surgeon)

Generally, I advise my patients to wear a Velcro chin-strap for 1 week following neck liposuction. After the first week, the chin-strap may be worn just at night for 1-2 additional weeks to aid in the healing process.

After the first week following liposuction surgery, any bruising and swelling is largely resolved. The incisions used are less than ¼ of an inch. One incision is placed in the natural crease behind each ear, and a third incision, if needed, is placed in the natural skin crease under the chin.

These incisions are so small that they are left to heal without any sutures. (Michael R. Macdonald, MD, Bay Area Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after neck liposuction is quick. I personally perform micro-sculpt liposuction for quick recovery and resumption of work. Micro-sculpt liposuction is a minimally invasive liposuction alternative. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

You should be able to have your chin/neck liposuction procedure done in the office under local anesthesia on a Thursday or Friday and easily be back at work on Monday. Now, you may have some bruising, and you’ll have some swelling, but these don’t typically stop most people from being able to perform at work. (Carmen Kavali, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction under the chin is quite effective and can be done with minimal discomfort. Patients may leave the office or surgery center shortly after the procedure and will require mild pain meds to stay comfortable.

Patients may also return quickly to work. However, in our practice, we recommend that patients use a compression garment under the chin for best results. We ask our patients to consider this when planning their recovery. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Chin liposuction can be done under local anesthesia in usually 30 minutes or less. My patients experience very minimal bruising and swelling. I ask that they wear their comproession garments for at least a week following surgery.

Exact time of recovery will of course vary from patient to patient. (David Amron, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Liposuction downtime is certainly less than other procedures. Everyone heals differently, so it is hard to predict if your recovery wil be any shorter than anyone elses. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)