Neck Liposuction Before And After

View before and after neck liposuction pictures from best plastic surgeons.

Liposuction of the neck is one of the most favorable procedures a surgeon can do if considering the cost / benefit ratio.

The issue is that you have to chose the right patient which ideally is young with tight skin and good elasticity.

Youth and good skin quality allows the skin to re-drape favorably after suctioning under the chin.

The more fat under the chin, the less the skin will be able to re-drape nicely. Proper skin re-draping is also a problem in older patients with loose skin.

Finally, the surgeon must look for muscle looseness and banding in the neck as removal of fat will only expose any underlying muscle laxity. In summary, chin liposuction can be a fantastic and wise choice for young patients with localized fat and tight skin.

However it can be disappointing for older patients who really need a neck lift and want to try a short cut and lesser procedure which will not meet their needs.

The benefits of liposuction are improvements in the contour of the neck, reduction of the accumulated and undesired fat under chin and creation of a delineation line between chin and neck. It also eliminate the ilusion of having a short neck.

Liposucion or liposelection using ultrasonic is the common technic to address double chin deformities and is done under local anesthesia as out patient.

Chin liposuction is great

Chin/Submental/Neck liposuction can produce great results, especially if it is laser assisted (ex: Smart Lipo). The addition of the laser component allows for a greater degree of skin tightening. This can be performed as a stand alone procedure for patients who complain of neck fullness and poor definition to their neck/jawline.

It can also be used in conjunction with neck lifts, and face lifts. It is quick, safe, well tolerated, affordable, and has a short recovery period.

Liposuction of the neck to correct a “double chin”

Liposuction of the chin/neck (submental area) in the right candidate can give very dramatic results. Patients who are good candidates for this have good skin tone, no loose skin and are relative young (<50 years old).

The fat in this area needs to be assessed on physical exam to determine if it is the type of fat (superficial) that will respond to liposuction. This area, because it is concave, responds very well to liposuction.

Patients have to wear a chin strap garment for a few weeks which helps to mold the final contour.

Gallery of liposuction on neck before and after