Neck Lipo Recovery Photos

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The healing time after liposuction in the neck depends upon how much was liposuctioned and what procedure was specifically performed. Surgeons perform a neck lift which involves removal of fat above and below the platysma muscle as well as tightening the platysma muscle in the neck.

Most patients experience approximately 2 weeks of some degree of bruising and swelling after the procedure before they are able to return to their normal social and work activities

Neck Liposuction will cause more trauma to the skin (than just neck lift) therefore bruising and swelling may take about 2 weeks to settle.

Arnica Bruise Remedy for liposuction and bruising

Neck liposuction is typically performed with tumescent anesthesia and should not cause excessive bruising. If a small vein is injured during the procedure (not a safety issue), then brusing may persist for more than one week. Take a bruising medication before and after surgery (Bruise-Stick or Bruise-Pak)

Neck Liposuction Recovery Photos

Swelling and bruising varies between different individuals. These points might help you with minimizing the swelling and bruising:

  1. Stop all medications that could increase bruising e.g. Aspirin, coumadin, plavix. Some dietary supplements will do the same (fish oil, garlic, ginger etc…)
  2. The use of arnica as a gel or oral tablets has proven to decrease bruising in post-operative patients.
  3. In general if you bruise following surgery or trauma you will bruise this time.
  4. Some medications can help with swelling (low dose steroids) but there are some rare side effects related to this.

The swelling and bruising will take some time between 1-3 weeks to subside depending on the extent of discussion. Prepare for 6 weeks for complete resolution to be well prepared.