Neck Chin Fat Removal

There are parts of the body that seem to accumulate fat regardless of what type of diet you go on or what kind of exercise you do. One of those body parts is the neck.

Neck and chin fat can severely detract from a person’s overall appearance, even if the person is in good shape or young.

Neck liposuction is one solution that can dramatically increase the neck and facial features.

Because the face and neck are one of the first things people see when they meet you, a strong, trim neck can provide a more desirable look.

Liposuction of the neck can change the appearance of the neck from flabby and fat to trim and sturdy.

Dr Adam D. Stein, MD, Raleigh-Durham Facial Plastic Surgeon – Chin Liposuction

Women can feel more comfortable drawing attention to their necks with more flashy jewelry and men can enjoy wearing better trimmed clothing without worrying about their necklines.

The neck and chin liposuction treatment process is relatively simple procedure usually conducted as an outpatient procedure.

Depending on the recommendation of the doctor, it is typically completed under local anesthesia, but sometimes deep sedation and general anesthesia are called for.

The length of the procedure is usually the determining factor between local and general anesthesia usage. Despite the usage of anesthesia, patients are almost always allowed to go home a few hours after the procedure. Occasionally, however, the patient may be required to spend a night in the hospital if the procedure was more complex.

During the procedure, the doctor will start by marking the areas of the neck where the fat is to be removed. A small cut will be made either under the chin or behind the ear lobes where a thin tube is inserted and guided to the fatty areas. Unwanted fat is torn from the effected area and removed with a high pressure suction device without damaging the skin, muscles, nerves, or blood vessels.

Dr Justin Yovino, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon – 42 Year Old Woman Treated With Chin Liposuction

Common side effects of neck chin liposuction include bruising and swelling that usually clears over the course of a couple of weeks. Most patients are able to return to work within a few days to a week, depending on the surgery and the natural of the patient’s work. During the recovery period, which can last several weeks overall, the patient is normally required to wear a compression band to maintain the shape of the neck until the tissues have healed. The results of the surgery will be noticeable within a few weeks, but the permanent results of the surgery may not be clear for a several months.

When compared to full body liposuction or the new liposuction procedures now in fashion, neck liposuction cost is very low. If it is only your neck being treated, the costs can be as low as $1,500. If you combine it with other liposuction and cosmetic procedures, it can be discounted to even lower rates.

But the results are permanent. If you are still considering the process, be sure to look at results of the procedure’s results by checking out neck liposuction pictures on common search engines. There you can see how much the procedure can improve the looks of patients. Neck fat can severely detract from your overall appearance. Neck liposuction is a low cost solution to making you look younger and more attractive.