Mons Pubis Reduction With Liposuction

Mons pubis reduction with liposuction is a good option if there are no significant stretch marks on the skin. Another option would be a tummy tuck.

This area is called the mons pubis and it can be decreased in size via liposuction.

However, a full physical examination along with a medical history would be necessary to determine the best surgical procedures to assist you to obtain the best possible results.

A believe a tummy tuck or paniculectomy might also help you as the weight of your abdominal fat might also be pushing the mons pubis fat downward and anteriorly.

Liposuction of the Male Abdomen and Pubic Area

Many men who carry excess weight have excess fat and hanging skin in the Pubic Area. This might be best treated and most effectively treated by diet, exercise and weight loss followed by a tummy tuck but you do have the option if you are healthy of undergoing liposuction to thin the padded layer beneath the skin.

The change will be noticeable but possibly not as dramatic as you might hope for without skin removal. Meet with an ABPS board-certified plastic surgeon to review photographs of other males who undergone liposuction or tummy tuck so you can consider your options.

Most important would be to get to a healthier weight before undergoing any anesthesia and surgery.(Jon A. Perlman, MD, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

It is common to have fat in Pubic Area. Liposuction could definitely help. You may need removal of skin in this area as well to get the best results. (Shim Ching, MD, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction is a good start and can help the area. As you feel better about the improvement in this area you can continue your weight loss and improve other areas. Lipo is safe in the pubic pouch area.

Laser lipo will help tighten the skin also in this area. (Keith Denkler, MD, Marin Plastic Surgeon)

Abdominal Wall Panniculectomy

It’s not unusual for patients to be concerned about the appearance of their abdomen. When this situation arises, the problem may be secondary to loose skin, excess fat, or weakened muscles.

Under these circumstances an abdominal wall panniculectomy is almost always indicated.

Although liposuction is an excellent procedure for removing localized collections of excess fat, it’s not indicated when excess skin is present.

If you’re considering surgical correction of this problem, consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon is appropriate.

This surgeon will be able to perform an appropriate evaluation including a physical examination and determine the most appropriate course of action. In some cases it might be appropriate to lose additional weight before proceeding with surgical intervention.

This approach will hopefully optimize the results of abdominal wall panniculectomy. (Richard J. Bruneteau, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Hanging abdomen liposuction or tummy tuck

You can benefit from a liposuction but if an exam determines that there is laxity of thelower abdominal wall, you could benefit from a tummy tuck as well, and this would significantly improve your appearance. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

In order to reduce the fat in the pubic area, I encourage patients to be at their goal weight, and then liposuction of the mons pubis will be best acheived. (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Pubic Mound Reduction

You may be a good candidate for a surgical procedure, such as a gastric bypass.

Or you may be a good candidate for the HCG Diet, but you would have to come in for a full examination and blood work before either of those options could be pursued. After shedding the necessary pounds for both health and esthetic reasons, you may find your pubic mound has shrunk right along with the rest of your body.

If it hasn’t, the next step would likely be liposuction combined with a tummy tuck to remove the fat and excess skin while tightening your abdominal wall to achieve a slimmer and more proportionate silhouette. (Hal Michael Bass, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Mons pubis bulge

Flattening the mons can be done very safely during a tummy tuck , however when there is a lot of loose skin liposuction alone will not give you a pleasing result. (Sheldon Lincenberg, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

lipossuction for pubic area is always associated with excess abdominal fat.lipossuction can improve a lot the lumpiness at that level.the most impressive result will be done with pubic lifting. with or without abdominoplasty.

we reduce the height and width of the pubis and give more natural look for the genital area. (Jacques Haddad, MD, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)

Tummy tuck addresses the skin excess of the abdomen, the skin excess of the mons, the muscle weakness of the abdominal wall and the fat between the umbilicus and the pubic hairline.

The excess skin of the abdomen is removed, the muscular wall is reconstructed, and the skin is rewrapped over the tightened muscles. It is a very powerful procedure and is the only solution to skin excess, muscle weakness and the fat you are bothered by. (Gary Lawton, MD, FACS, San Antonio Plastic Surgeon)