Liposuction To The Chin Is A Great Option For Stubborn Fat

Throughout our bodies, we all have areas of fat that are difficult to lose. If this describes the fat underneath your chin and you have good quality skin, you would be a great candidate for liposuction in this area.

Generally, a good candidate for liposuction of the neck and chin area will be a relatively young patient with isolated “excess” adipose tissue with limited redundant/loose skin.

The quality of overlying skin elasticity is of utmost importance. In my practice, the majority of patients I see who request the procedure are not good candidates. (Tom J. Pousti, MD, FACS, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction is the most definitive treatment for removing fat from the neck. It can be done with or without laser. In a young person the skin usually has very good elasticity so has good recoil and snaps back after lipo.

A Chin Liposuction Procedure

If there is too much skin then you may also need a neck lift after the liposuction. (M. Christine Lee, MD, Walnut Creek Dermatologic Surgeon)

If the neck fat does not thin out with weight loss, you may be better off having liposuction to improve the area. It is a fairly benign procedure with limited downtime. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

The chin and neck can be dramatically improved using liposuction to restore a more defined neckline, jawline, and chin contour. I use liposuction with ultrasound to restore this neck contour and tighten the skin in the postoperative period. (Raffy Karamanoukian, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Laser Liposuction removes neck fat and tightens skin

All liposuction techniques work. However, in my experience SlimLipo laser liposuction not only removes fat but also tightens the neck skin. Laser liposuction is new so it will be hard to find an experienced doctor at this point.

Doctor Allen Rezai, MD, London Plastic Surgeon – 33 Year Old Woman Treated With Chin Liposuction Double Chin Correction Before And After

For many safety reasons, I prefer the Slim Lipo laser lipo device above all others. (Brooke R. Seckel, MD, FACS, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

The distribution of fat on our bodies is something we acquire through genetics so you can thank mom or dad (or grandma or grandpa) for your neck. A young person with an accumulation of neck fat gets great results with neck liposuction. If young skin has lots of elasticity, the skin will retract nicely after removing the fat. The surgery is done in the office operating room with local anesthesia and takes about an hour, start to finish.

My patients wear a chin strap for a week to help speed along healing, and the results can be dramatic. The beauty is that once the fat cells are removed, they wont come back. (Jonathan Hoenig, MD, Beverly Hills Oculoplastic Surgeon)

The Chin Can Make The Most Dramatic Change In A Patient’s Appearance

In some people, Chin Implant surgery along with neck Liposuction makes a wonderful change. Sometimes neck liposuction alone works well. Of course, if you like how your neck looks when you’re at your normal body weight, that’s the safest and most cost-effective option. (Eric M. Joseph, MD, West Orange Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Ridding neck fat

If problem is primarily excess fat of the neck and with mild laxity or looseness, I have had very good success with SmartLipo of the neck. It is performed under local anesthesia with mild oral sedation in the office and besides removing the excess fat the laser does help to tighten the skin.

It also helps with the jowels and to define the border of the mandible (hawline). Tumescent liposuction may help as well as long as there is not too much excess skin. (Theodore Katz, MD, FACS, Philadelphia Plastic Surgeon)