Liposuction Swelling Pictures

View photos of swelling after liposuction from real patients.

Swelling after liposuction is very normal and to be expected. The majority of the swelling should resolve by 2 weeks.

However mild swelling may persist for up to a year. The discomfort is also quite normal and will continue to improve day by day.

By wearing a compression garment this sweling can be reduced. If you have any ongoing concerns, contact your plastic surgeon.

Final results can take a few months to show as swelling comes down gradually. Fortunately, pain is usually quicker to fade.

There really isn’t much pain for most liposuction patients. That’s one of the main reasons lipo is so popular.

Pain and swelling after liposuction can vary but should last a day or two. If your compliant with the postoperative plan you should experience minimal pain.

It is not unusual for swelling to persist for months after liposuction. Many patients are surprised by the swelling and bruising that occurs after the procedure. With time and compression garment you will notice that the areas shrink and soften.

Just be patient: in 6 months you will see the final result.

Liposuction unfortunately can produce a combination of pain AND numbness! The pain appears normally on the day after surgery, when the local anaesthetic has worn off.

This is usually well controlled with tablet painkilling medications.

The numbness is due to bruising or damage to the nerves that supply the skin in the area that has undergone liposuction – this usually takes a few months to resolve.

The swelling goes away in stages. Most of the swelling has gone by 2 -3 months after surgery, but it take 6 – 9 months for that last little bit of swelling to go and for you to see the final result.

Liposuction is Pain and Swelling Normal

Swelling and discomfort are normal after liposuction. It can persist for up to 1 month or more depending on the person and how they heal. Be sure to drink lots of water and eat a balanced diet, as this will facilitate healing.

The majority of swelling will subside within 3-4 weeks post procedure. However, swelling after liposuction is different for every person and can take up to 8 weeks to resolve. We recommend lymphatic drainage massage to help with any discomfort and swelling.

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