Liposuction Recovery – Reviews Of Plastic Surgeons

Recovery after liposuction varies from patient to patient and varies depending on the area that was treated.

However, there are some general guidelines.

Immediately after surgery: After the surgery you will spend some time in a recovery room monitored by nursing staff until I give the green light to have you released.

After the procedure you will be woozy from the anesthesia. This is why, before your surgery, you were asked to have a ride arranged to take you home. When you awaken from the surgery you will be wearing a compression garment.

Wearing the compression garment is very important to minimize swelling and promote a smooth contour as you heal.

My patients generally rate their pain after liposuction as a 3 0r 4 out of 10. The pain medication we prescribed will help alleviate the pain.

You will be sleepy and tired after the procedure because of the anesthesia.

The first week after the procedure: Continue to wear the compression garment 24/7 Keep the incisions dry. Continue to take the pain medication but start to wean off of them.

Some patients may be able to return to work after 3-4 days.

One week after surgery: One week post surgery you will come to my office for a follow up appointment. I will check on your recovery. You will still be swollen and bruised. Because of the swelling, the final results of the liposuction will not yet be seen. Patients can go back to work and resume normal activities except for strenuous exercise.

Two weeks after the surgery: Generally patients can take off their compression garments. Up to this time the compression garment should have been worn 24/7 except to bathe. Three weeks after surgery Recovery varies from patient to patient.

Because there are no long incisions or muscles repaired during this procedure, as they would be for a tummy tuck for example, recovery is fairly quick. Patients can resume a modified workout routine after 3 weeks.

As the swelling subsides patients will start to see the results of the procedure and a sleeker more contoured body will begin to be evident. By the end of the first month most of the swelling should have subsided. (Francis X. Fleming, MD, Kennewick Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction patients can usually return to work within 4-5 days depending upon their occupation. Our patients are given pain meds to take at home for a few days but can switch to Tylenol within a few days.

You will be expected to wear your compression garment for 30 days. This is key. Controlling the swelling by wearing your garment as instructed will allow you to see your best results sooner.

Most liposuction patients describe the pain as a generalized ache similar to muscle pain following exercise as opposed to sharp pain. (Christopher J. Morea, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction recovery can be quick

Liposuction recovery depends on many factors, including treatment area(s), technique your plastic surgeon utilizes, and the extent of the post operative swelling and bruising. Liposuction techniques that can reduce swelling and bruising will result in less discomfort for the patient and a quicker recovery.

I have extensive experience in conventional liposuction, tumescent technique, ultrasonic liposuction and laser liposuction with SmartLipo Triplex. In my opinion, the majority of patients who have SmartLipo Triplex have the quickest recovery with the least discomfort because it is less traumatic, since the laser liquefies the fat and seals off capillaries so there is less bruising and less discomfort.

This is very predictable for all areas of the body except for the thighs which tend to have more swelling and bruising, but still less than with tumescent liposuction technique. Most of my SmartLipo patients are able to return to normal activities and work within 2-5 days depending on the treatment area and number of areas treated.

I advise patients to limit aerobics for 10 after surgery, but otherwise they are able to resume normal activities based on their own comfort level. Recent studies have shown that patients who undergo treatment with water-assisted liposuction ( Body-Jet ) may have even less swelling and discomfort than other techniques and most report being pain free within 2-4 days of surgery.

As with any cosmetic procedure, if you seek out a board certified plastic surgeon with extensive experience in body contouring, and with the newest liposuction technologies available, your outcome and recovery will be optimized. (Steven L. Ringler, MD, FACS, Grand Rapids Plastic Surgeon)

Some patients are back to work in a couple of days and at the gym in a week while others may wish to take off for several days and feel sore, especially with movement and exercise, for several weeks.

Tenderness is typical for a few weeks but it is tolerable. External compression garments usually make this more comfortable, external ultrasound massages can also help. (Ronald Shelton, MD, Manhattan Dermatologic Surgeon)

Liposuction Recovery can Vary Dramatically.

There are many variables that can determine your overall recovery from liposuction.

Factors such as total volume or amount of fat desired to be removed, type of liposuction performed, anesthesia used and many other factors can determine the length of “down-time” that a patient can expect.

At our practice we are versed in the lower “down-time” liposuction technique that allows patients who are candidates to have a decreased down-time if they are candidates. Liposuction techniques have improved significantly over the last few years and down-time has also improved.

Although overall results can still take several months, the recovery is far less extensive than previously. When researching a surgeon, ask about the many options available and what techniques they offer. Depending on your requirements, you may qualify for a reduced “down-time” approach. (Reps B. Sundin, MD, Washington DC Plastic Surgeon)

Most individuals take approximately 3 to 5 days to recover, depending on how many areas are done. Most patients return back to work within 1 week after surgery. (Mel T. Ortega, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

The recovery from liposuction is easy but obviously depends on the number of areas addressed.

Most of my patients take at least one week off work/school for recovery. The swelling takes 2-6 weeks to resolve and you may resume exercise after 3 weeks. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

One of the big advantage of liposuction and liposelection ( ultrasonic/vaser ) operation is a rappid recovery. The recovery time is usually days not weeks and depends on the site and the volume of liposuction. We encourage our patients to return to their daily activities as soon as possible, they can resume their fitness activities whithin weeks. (Fereydoon S. Mahjouri, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery time after liposuction can vary depending on the amount of fat aspirated, the surgical time spent, and the amount of areas treated. However, most liposuction patients have about 1 week of down time. You are not home sick in bed, rather fully ambulatory but typically excused of work-related activities, house-cleaning etx.

Soreness and discomfort is the worst for the first 2 days, then lets up considerably. Swelling and bruising is to be expected, requiring wear of a compression garment, and mostly resolves by 6-8 weeks, with the remainder resolving over several months. I allow increased activity and exercise by 3-4 weeks. (Hayley Brown, MD, FACS, Las Vegas Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction recovery varies with the procedure

Recovery from liposuction will vary somewhat depending upon the extent of the procedure performed. Limited liposuction procedures may only require a few days while more extensive procedures may require 1-2 weeks. While the visible incisions from liposuction are quite small, most of the recovery derives from the extent of the areas treated.

This “minor” surgery can cause dramatic shifts in your body chemistry requiring extended recovery periods. Once you have returned to normal day to day activities, you should still wait 4-6 weeks before beginning strenuous exercises.

Continue to wear prescribed compression garments during this period to maximize your outcome. (Mitchel Krieger, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after liposuction varies depending on how extensive the procedure (multiple sites, thickness of fat layer, volume removed), patient response to pain and disability, and surgical technique. In general, you’ll feel 50% recovered at one week and 80 to 90% recovered at two weeks in a modreate volume (2 to 3 liter) liposuction.

Thighs tend to hurt more than abdomen and flanks. (D. Scott Rotatori, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery from liposuction varies with each patient. In general, I recommend that patients plan to take a week off of work but sometimes, they can go back before that depending on their job responsibilities. Patients that work from home are often back working as soon as they are able to discontinue pain medications.

If you wear your compression garment faithfully and take it easy for the first three days, your recovery can be more rapid. I will also recommend to some patients to use Arnica Montana before, during, and after the surgery to minimize bruising and speed recovery. (Brian Kiesnowski, MD, MPH, Appleton Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery following liposuction is widely variable with the number of areas treated and the amount of fat removed. For example, in a typical patient where I have removed between 1L and 2L of fat from their abdomen, flanks, and lower back, I recommend 3-7 days off of work, depending upon how they feel and the nature of their job.

Most patients do not require narcotic pain medication beyond 3 or 4 days. A compression garment is worn beneath the clothing, ideally for 3 months following surgery. While activity is not limited for this entire period, it does indeed take up to 3 months before all swelling has resolved and the final liposuction result is revealed. (Joshua D. Zuckerman, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction recovery is amongst the quickest of any plastic surgery performed. I tell my patients it takes about a week to get back to regular non-exertional activities. Key is to hydrate well, eat high protein/nutrient diet and take it easy immediately afterward. (Michele A. Shermak, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction Recovery

The amount of recovery from liposuction depends greatly on the extent of the operation. If liposuction is performed on only a few relatively small areas of excess fat, then the recovery is much faster than a multiple-area, high-volume liposuction (more than five liters).

Drainage from the liposuction incisions is highest during the first few days. Even with small volume liposuction, expect several days of limited activity and time away from work. With extensive liposuction, expected a full six weeks or longer of recovery to start feeling closer to normal and of compression garment use.

Of course, every person’s experience will be different in terms of the degree of discomfort from the operation and the length of time for a full recovery. (Paul Fortes, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery depends on the liposuction technique, the level of sedation anesthesia, the individual’s sensitivity, and to a lesser extent, the amount of areas treated and aspirate volume. It’s not unusual for my patients to have liposculpting on Thursday and return to work on Monday or Tuesday.

These are nurses, stylists, teachers, business men and women, actors and actresses to name some. You’ll return to unrestricted activity like the gym in 2 weeks. It’s doable. (Justin Yovino, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)