Liposuction Long Term Health Risks

Risks of traditional liposuction include over-resection or under-resection of tissue resulting in grooving or bumpiness to the skin, seromas, lidocaine toxicity, and permanent skin injury.

Liposuction techniques using ultrasound or laser energy can result in thermal skin injuries and abnormal subcutaneous scarring.

I would say that any type of liposuction performed by physicians or non-physicians that are not properly trained are more likely to result in complications. (Wm. Todd Stoeckel, MD, Raleigh-Durham Plastic Surgeon)

Probably the biggest risk is choosing your surgeon carelessly or perhaps shopping just based on price. A trained and experienced surgeon, operating in a safe O. R. environment is your most important insurance against potential complications.

No surgery is risk free however, even in the best of hands. The risks of liposuction are disatisfaction or disappointment with the result, infection, excessive bleeding, injury of vital organs, wound healing problems and anesthetic related complications.

Proper evaluation of the patient’s health and medical history, utilization of appropriate anesthesia care givers and surgeon experience reduce these potential risks to acceptable levels. (Jon F. Harrell, DO, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

The main risk of liposuction is waviness, rippling or depressions. They are caused by a lack of skill by the surgeon in removing the fat unequally. Unfortunately, anyone with a medical license can legally perform a liposuction, so make sure your doctor had certification by the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Be sure to ask about the doctor’s redo rate. (Howard T. Bellin, MD, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Risks of liposuction are similar to the risk of any operation performed. Liposuction is not a high risk surgery when performed by skilled board certified plastic surgeons on carefully evaluated patients. Physicans that are not properly trained are more likely to result in complications.

It is important to not only check your plastic surgeon’s credentials, but also make sure that the operating facility meets the most stringent requirements to ensure your safety. Most complications are unusual and unlikely to occur, however, as with most surgeries, patient can run the risk of discomfort, bleeding, infection, scarring, as well as, uneven appearance, indentation, irregularities, fluid collection, and need for re-operation.

The more aggressive volume obtained, the more heat involved, putting you at further risk of complication to occur. If the liposuction is performed within the deep layer of the skin and is not overly aggressive, then a good result is to be expected. (Michael D. Cohen, MD – Account Suspended, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

Today, the biggest risk is probably choosing your surgeon carelessly, either by shopping just based on price or relying on multiple advertisements with tall claims. Liposuction is surgery & all surgeries have their inherent risks even in the best of hands.

However, a trained, experienced, Board certified plastic surgeon, affiliated to an accredited facility with OR facility would significantly reduce the chances of complications. Complications are rare, but do occur. They include hypertrophic scars, blood loss, contour irregularities, asymmetry, poor cosmetic result, infection. (Sameer Karkhanis, MS, DNB, India Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction an liposelection surgeries are not high risk operations, if are performed by skilled board certified plastic surgeons and on carefully assessed patients. Thrombophlebitis ( blood clots in legs ) are extremely uncommon complications very rarely seen in large volume liposuction patients.

Lumpiness, waviness and skin ripples are more common undesirable results. Injuries to the underlining skin should be avoided during liposuction of face and neck areas. (Fereydoon S. Mahjouri, MD, Minneapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Risks of Liposuction

Liposuction is a very safe surgical procedure when performed by a well trained surgeon in an appropriate facility.

As will any surgical procedure there are general risks:

  1. Scarring
  2. Infection
  3. Excessive bleeding
  4. Anesthesia

And risks specific for liposuction:

  1. Lidocaine overdose,
  2. Injury to deeper structures
  3. Untoward reaction to medication such as allergy ,
  4. Surface irregularities

Make sure that your surgeon is board certified well trained and that the facility is certified by AAAASF or state licensed. (Joel B. Singer, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Successful Liposuction techniques

Modern liposuction surgery one of the safest surgical procedures, if done by a well trained, experienced and thorough surgeon.

To achieve this safety the surgeon needs to adhere to a number of guidelines, such as impeccable technique that causes minimal blood loss and minimal tissue trauma, proper fluid management, proper monitoring and use of proper surgical facilities.

Some of the complications of liposuction (other then sub-par aesthetic result) are fat embolism, fluid overload, infection, etc. In a well ran practice these complications are extremely rare. Unfortunately there are a few instances of well publicized complications during liposuction.

Typically this involved surgeons with less than adequate training using improper surgical setting and having poor judgment. It is imperative that the surgeon performing this procedure has lots of experience and a great track record.

In addition do not compromise and insist that this procedure is done in a proper surgical setting. (Boris M. Ackerman, MD, Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon)

All surgeries carry some risk

Having said that, in more than 30 years of doing liposuction I have never had any serious complication.

You should see an experienced liposuction surgeon and ask him what his complication record has been. The type is of no importance: the skill of the surgeon is. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction, when performed by a skilled and experienced provider such as a board certified plastic surgeon, is extremely safe and good outcomes are the norm. While there are various forms of liposuction that use technology to make the procedure more effective, none are considered safer than others. (Shim Ching, MD, Honolulu Plastic Surgeon)

There are common risks and uncommon risks with liposuction. Patients should first remember that liposuction is a “surgery” and like any other surgery there are some risks. Liposuction in 2017 is much safer than when it was first developed though.

Advances in technologies and increased vigilance and adherence to safety standards in liposuction has significantly decreased the risk for this procedure. The most common risks include: Bumps and lumps, fluid collections (seroma), skin discoloration and much rarer skin damage.

Patients who have had previous liposuction in the past and are having more liposuction in the same area of increased risk for all of the above. The best way to minimize risk is to search out an experience liposuction surgeon who follows recommendations for liposuction safety promoted by there board or society. (John Millard, MD, Denver Plastic Surgeon)