Liposuction And Garments

Compression garments are very important. I emphasize the importance to my patients. There are many well made garments which are very comfortable.

If the garment you are wearing is not comfortable you should check with your surgeon to see if you can try another style.

There are many available online and a google search will find many results.

I would find an alternative which is comfortable rather than going without to optimize your results. (Evan Sorokin, MD, Cherry Hill Plastic Surgeon)

The compression garments are used for several purposes. First, after surgery the garment helps the edema resolve quicker.

After this the garment helps guide the skin in its retraction. The underlying fat has been removed now the skin need encouragement to tighten up the remove the underlying void.

This is why it needs to be worn for 6 weeks-this is the acute healing phase. Not wearing it means that you will likely not achieve the best possible outcome.

So if you want to spend all that money and not get the best result than go ahead and leave the garment off.

On the other hand if you really want to look the best you can after surgery wear it. (Christopher L. Hess, MD, Fairfax Plastic Surgeon)

We know that wearing a compression garment immediately after the procedure can help control the early swelling. Stopping the use of your compression garment 10 days after the procedure will not ruin your results.

I do recommend a garment for the first 2 weeks as the skin is healing down to the underlying tissues and a garment will prevent shearing forces between the muscle and skin. (Tyler Angelos, MD, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

As the purpose of a compression garment is to add pressure, so no garment will be totally comfortable, but it’s important too figure out if it provides an accurate amount of pressure.

The best compression garments will be specifically designed for use after liposuction, so do your research and please continue to wear them if results are important to you. (Jayanthy Ravindran, MS, DNB, MRCS, India Plastic Surgeon)

In general I have patients were their garments night and day except showering for a minimum of 4 weeks. I think this not only speeds the recover but improves the results.

If the garment is uncomfortable, your surgeon can suggest other options, such as Spanx, which are available in many department stores. (Shahram Salemy, MD, FACS, Seattle Plastic Surgeon)

If the compression is garment is too tight, you might want get a looser one. In general, compression garment makes the swelling go away quickly and help the skin flat to settle on the undelying tissues. (Hisham Seify, MD, PhD, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

Wearing Garment After Liposuction Ruin Results

It is quite possible you won’t get the optimum results without following the correct post-op care.

Following your doctor’s post-surgical instructions to the letter is a big part of achieving the exact results you want.

I generally recommend compression garments after liposuction because I feel they encourage the skin to smooth out better over your new contours. They also help keep swelling under control. I also suggest that my patients take their compression garments off every few hours to give their bodies a little breather.

Check with your own surgeon first, of course, but switching to a schedule that has a few more breaks in it might help you feel less irritated. (David N. Sayah, MD, FACS, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeon)

It clearly depends on the extent and volume of liposuction performed. For modest amounts of fat removal, 10 days is most likely adequate if there is minimal bruising.

For more extensive areas of liposuction with considerable volumes of fat extraction, use of a garment likely is required for a longer period. Discuss your concerns with your surgeon to see if they will permit you to ease up on garment wear. (Otto Joseph Placik, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

I recommend to my patients to use compression for 2 weeks, then switch to a contour garment such as SPANX. Without a garment you will have prolonged swelling and a longer recovery but your final result will be the same.

Follow your Plastic Surgeons recommendations and discuss different garments that are more comfortable. (Jeff Angobaldo, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

It helps with easing swelling and reducing the risk of seroma, as well as helping your skin conform to your leaner body contour. (Jerome Edelstein, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)