Liposuction And Cellulite Reduction

Liposuction is not an effective treatment for cellulite. In fact, it can actually worsen cellulite’s dimpled appearance.

Liposuction is the right treatment for removing fat that is located in deeper skin layers; whereas, cellulite forms just below the skin’s surface when excess fat is pushed through a fibrous network that causes surface skin laxity and a lumpy texture.

When you eliminate significant amounts of deep-seated fat via liposuction, the skin responds by retracting around the body’s new proportions, and that’s why surface cellulite may become even more noticeable. To treat cellulite, I recommend one or more of the following non-surgical options. Carboxytherapy and Mesotherapy involve all-natural injections just beneath the skin’s surface. These injections dissolve cellulite.

Alternatively, Z-Wave is a radial pulse therapy that also dissolves cellulite, and Venus Legacy relies on the heat generated by pulsed magnetic fields to break down and remove cellulite. Depending upon your individual response to treatment, it may be recommended that you combine treatments for best results. (Hal Michael Bass, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction does not markedly improve cellulite

Cellulite is a frustrating problem! – It affects at least 85% of women after they have gone through puberty. Cellulite is still a pooly understood problem – it is likely a condition caused from multiple factors — underlying inflammation, fibrous connections between the skin surface and underlying fat, and abnormalities in circulation.

Liposuction, unfortunately, has been largely unsuccessful at increasing the appearance of cellulite. Liposuction is used to re-shape body contours, making patients look better in their clothing. At best, I see perhaps a 10% improvement in the texture of cellulite following liposuction.

Temporizing measures, such as massage (endomologie) and laser/light/radiofrequency technology (e.g. Triact, Velashape/Velasmooth/Thermage) may offer some modest improvement in the appearance of cellulite. (Melanie D. Palm, MD, San Diego Dermatologic Surgeon)
Liposuction does not improve cellulite and might actually worsen skin wrinkling and rippling. There are some proven treatments for cellulite that can be combined with liposuction or used alone, such as Endermologie or LPG. I have been using Endermologie for 15 years and it improves cellulite dramatically. (David Finkle, MD, Omaha Plastic Surgeon)

Tumescent liposuction unlikely to improve cellulite

Many promises have been made though liposuction has a poor record to control cellulite. Liposuction can contour very effectively and should not affect cellulite for better or for worse. Alternative treatments for cellulite also have a very mixed response and unfortunately we just do not have an answer yet for this one. (Peter E. Johnson, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Cellulite and liposuction

In my experience, liposuction does not improve cellulite. EIther it remains about the same, or gets a little worse as the treated area is “deflated”. You will be smaller in your clothes, but the skin probably won’t be any smoother. (Thomas Fiala, MD, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)
No Type Of Liposuction Can Improve The Appearance Of Cellulite

It is critically important that all patients considering liposuction are not under the belief that it can improve or eliminate cellulite. No type of liposuction has been proven to provide any benefit for that very common and aesthetically troublesome problem.

In fact, areas that have cellulite are actually at risk for having it look worse after liposuction. (Barry L. Eppley, MD, DMD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Tumescent liposuction is not a fix for cellulite

Claims that tumnescent liposuction can correct cellulite are largely fiction. Some people have reported improvement in the appearance of cellulite but this is not the rule. Not only has tumnescent liposution not been effective, this is true for power assisted, ultrasonic, SmartLipo, etc.

The hard truth is tumescent liposuction does not improve cellulite and may ideed make it worse. (Jeffrey M. Darrow, MD, Boston Plastic Surgeon)

Cellulite tends to remain following liposuction

Liposuction is a method of changing your overall contour. It doesn’t do much for the more superficial contours related to cellulite. I’ve found that computer imaging helps a lot in communicating the goals and limitations of any liposuction surgery.

When you look at the projected image, it can help you determine if something would or would not be worth it for you. (Mario Loomis, MD, Middletown Plastic Surgeon)

Tumescent liposuction for cellulite

Tumescent liposuction is a very popular and effective technique for recontouring the body. It works by working in the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat to remove excess fat and allow for contouring.

Unfortunately, cellulite exists in the more superficial layer of skin. For this reason, liposuction will not treat cellulite. (Pat Pazmino, MD, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Slim chance of cellulite improvement from Tumescent Liposuction

There is a very slim chance of some slight improvement, but do not count on it. There are many many treatments offered for cellulite, most are temporary. Just be careful and do not get sold. (Darryl J. Blinski, MD, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Tumescent Liposuction with micro canulas usually does improve cellulite

Tumescent liposuction is by far the safest way to do your procedure with you awake and not under general anesthesia, but the next most important thing to make sure is that your surgeon is using the microcanulas.

Micro canulas are what helps remove the tiny fat bulging out under the skin and what frees up the tiny bands pulling in on the skin which all contributes to the dimpling of the cellulite effect.

These microcanulas when used from several directions can give the smoothest results and that is why cellulite generally improves with this technique whereas most other techniques of liposuction don’t improve cellulite. It is more expensive and time consuming for your surgeon but it is so well worth it for the results. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

Liposuction is NOT a treatment for cellulite. In otherwords, cellulite is not an indication for liposuction. I have occasionally noted that cellulite may be improved if done carefully, and good luck prevails. So if you are spending $1 or $7K, be clear on that.

Your trusted surgeon should also be up front and clear about the expectations, indications, contraindications, risks, etc. (Scott E. Kasden, MD, FACS, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)