Laser Liposuction Vs. Traditional Liposuction

Academic plastic surgical literature has repeatedly demonstrated no additional clinical benefit to laser, “smart”, or ultrasound-assisted liposuction, vs. standard tumescent liposuction. There is no proven benefit of skin tightening, shortened recovery, improved post-op contour, or shorter operative time.

The greatest benefit of these (often expensive) modalities is as a marketing tool, and nothing more. (Joshua D. Zuckerman, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Laser liposuction is just another liposuction technology that some surgeons like, and others don’t. In my opinion, tumescent liposuction remains my preferred method because of the copious amount of research that has proven how safe it is.

Although the laser assisted liposuction is the latest and greatest thing I do not feel that it is developed fully yet. Electron microscopy has revealed that as the laser is applied to a fatty tissue the substance within the fat cells liquefies and a pore forms at the cell membrane and the liquid fat leaks out of the cell.

Then the liquid fat can be suctioned as usual. Despite the large amount of interest in this subject I do not feel that laser assisted liposuction is as efficient as the regular liposuction with tumescent technique.(Paul Vitenas, Jr., MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

It’s more the talent of your surgeon that makes for a quicker recovery and all around better experience. (Ronald Levine, MD, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Laser liposuction may help you improve your body contour while offering skin tightening. Depending on the patient and their skin tone, laser liposuction may be a good option for a smaller area such as the chin.

However, with larger areas this technique results in melting of fatty tissue and excessive scar formation. (Jeffrey Weinzweig, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction techniques

Basically, all techniques of liposuction (traditional, tumescent, wet, super wet, ultrasound assisted, power assisted, laser assisted) are probably equivalent as far as their ability to achieve similar results for the patient. Your surgeon may have personal preferences as to which he is the most familiar and skilled with, and this is probably the most important factor. (Jeffrey D. Wagner, MD, Indianapolis Plastic Surgeon)

Smartlipo compares favourable to tumescent liposuction

In comparison to “normal” tumescent liposuction, laser liposuction (smartlipo) has got some significant advantages the most important one being skin retraction (all other liposuction modalities don’t really do much to the skin, other than making it more saggy).

The disadvantage is that smartlipo is not suitable for larger fat deposits….we have made best experience with using Body Jet liposuction for the bulk of deep fat and adding Smartlipo superficially for best skin retraction.

This is a really good combination. (Alexander Aslani, MD, Spain Plastic Surgeon)

Smart Lipo no different for recovery

Despite what others say, the media hypes or even studies may show, I can tell you from someone who has done lipo for 19 years on thousands of patients and has incorporated smart lipo in the last 2 years into my practice for select patients and some revision work that there is no difference in recovery.

I do however feel that local vs general anesthesia offers faster recovery as well as the hands of the surgeon not being rough with the skin or jabbing into the muscle during surgery itself. (David Amron, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

The most important predictor in recovery is how much rest you get the first week after surgery and the number of areas that have undergone liposuction. Obviously the more areas addressed, the more difficult the recovery. (Leila Kasrai, MD, FRCSC, Toronto Plastic Surgeon)

Surgeon experience is still key, as handmanship and skill of the surgeon gives the best lipo result

I do not think smart lipo is any better than traditional lipo, even in recovery time. The basic science of this technique does not imply any real improvement – only good marketing. (Alberto Di Giuseppe, MBBS, London Plastic Surgeon)

SMART liposuction does a better job tightening the skin. The recovery time is no different. I prefer to use SMART liposuction in conjunction with traditional liposuction for optimum results. (Robert Heck, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)

Dr. S’ 5 things to know about smart liposuction vs. traditional liposuction

  1. It’s the surgeon not the tool. The most imp thing you must know is that the doctor is more important than the technique.
  2. BEFORE AND AFTER PHOTOS. Make sure your doctor has a lot of results on his website and in his office. Make sure he can give you names of patients to speak to.
  3. The technology is new. Someday the laser may completely replace traditional liposuction but we are not there yet so speak with your doctor about your options.
  4. Technology can be dangerous. I have seen patients with results from other surgeons who were not properly trained with Smart Lipo and their deformities can be difficult to correct.
  5. RFAL (Radiofrequency Assisted Liposuction) is a new powerful technique that may do more to tighten up the skin when doing liposuction.

Make sure your surgeon is familiar with all these techniques. (Douglas S. Steinbrech, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Having tried the vast majority of the “latest and greatest” devices to assist in liposuction I have found that most of them by far are fads, never live up to the hype, have additional complication or dissatisfaction rates than originally reported.

“Smart Lipo” was discussed last year at the American Society for Aesthetic Surgery Meeting in Boston and was found to be anything but “smart”. Multiple complaints were noted that the market for this was media-driven by the company rather than the advantages of this technique.

I agree! Laser-assisted liposuction has not been demonstrated to produce better results than tumescent (“traditional”) liposuction. Here is the best advice I can give you.

Do not select the technique—but by all means select the best Plastic Surgeon you can find. Selecting a skilled, experienced surgeon will give you the best surgical outcome with minimized pain and recovery time. I suggest you start by looking up surgeons who are certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery. (Larry S. Nichter, MD, MS, FACS, Orange County Plastic Surgeon)

No difference in results between smart lipo and conventional procedure

A recent paper in the refereed journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons found no difference in results between smart lipo and the classic procedure. Tumescent lipo produces fine results without the complications involved in the use or misuse of the laser.

The manufacturers of these machines do an excellent job of promoting new methods in their own self interest but there is no evidence to date of improved efficacy. (Robert L. Kraft, MD, FACS, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Advantages of laser-assisted liposuction

Laser-assisted liposuction uses a carefully calibrated laser to melt or “liquefy” unwanted fat. The procedure is always performed in combination with traditional liposuction with the superwet tumescent technique of anesthesia. As a board certified plastic surgeon, I’ve been performing laser-assisted liposuction for over 5 years.

While the laser manufacturers advertise or hype the potential skin tightening benefits, this has yet to be proven in the scientific literature. However, I can unequivocally state that there are several benefits worth mentioning. The laser procedures significantly reduce the rate of bruising, and consequentially, improve a patient’s level of comfort, and offer a quicker road to recovery.

We frequently perform these procedures on small areas directly within our offices under local and oral sedation with a high level of patient satisfaction. (Jeffrey D. Hoefflin, MD, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction Recovery with Smart Lipo

Liposuction recovery depends on several things. First is your basic pain threshold – someone with a very low pain threshold will generally be more sensitive for any given amount of surgery. Second is your desire and motivation for the procedure – the more motivated you are the better the process will be.

Most important of all – at least to me – is how much liposuction is being performed. The more fat that is removed – the more discomfort a patient will have after surgery – and this is true regardless of what technique the surgeon uses.

Unfortunately we live in an age where medical technology is unleashed upon the public before it is adequately reviewed for efficacy. There is an abundance of hype surrounding the technology when it first comes on the scene and there is an intense amount of marketing directed at would be patients.

Laser treatment of the fat is just the first step. After the laser is used the fat has to be suctioned out. A portion of the fat will be liquified but much of it – even most of it will still need to be suctioned out in the standard fashion.

You want a great result – so find a great surgeon who can show you his/her results and who can explain the pros and cons of the differing technologies without obvious bias. (Jon F. Harrell, DO, FACS, Miami Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction – Fact and fiction

As a general rule, lipoplasty recovery is not very difficult. The amount removed, number of areas treated, and general health of the individual are more important issues in the recovery process than the form of lipoplasty method.

The use of Smartlipo is generally for improving skin tightening in association with traditional lipoplasty. It can be useful for small areas that don’t require much tissue removal. I believe that results are tied to the experience and overall skill level of the Board Certified surgeon performing the procedure, not the tool employed. (James M. Kurley, MD, Champaign Plastic Surgeon)

Generally speaking, you should realize that whenever you are being heavily sold on the machine the provider uses, and the miraculous things it will do for you, rather than on the surgeon’s education training, experience, and Board Certification, you should run away from that practice as fast as you can.

In my practice, we pride ourselves on staying on the cutting edge- offering the latest treatment options once we become convinced of their safety and efficacy. But even in cases where we ARE enthusiastic about some new treatment or technology, we ALWAYS remind our patients that the surgeon will inevitably and undoubtedly make a much greater difference in maintaining your safety and achieving your goal than the tool that surgeon chooses. (Armando Soto, MD, FACS, Orlando Plastic Surgeon)

Laser liposuction is one form of liposuction using laer energy to non-specifically melt fat. The idea promoted with this technology is that skin tightening should occur.

I am not impressed with the skin tightening. Other forms of liposuction are just as good if not better. (Steven Wallach, MD, New York Plastic Surgeon)

Laser Lipo VS Liposuction

There are many advances sice the introduction of Liposuction in 1982. Smart Lipo is the latest, which is a gimmick to part you from your money and feel you got the latest but not necesserly the best.

Liposuction depends on the person performing the surgical procedure, not the tools. The same is true for water jet liposuction. (Samir Shureih, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)