Inner Thigh Liposuction Recovery Time

Liposuction of the inner thigh can take longer to heal. You may feel swelling for a longer time than the outer thigh for example. The skin is thinner and reacts differently. Massage and a supportive garment can help to maximize the results. (Frank J. Ferraro, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after liposuction of medial thighs

This should be relatively quick. Other than requiring compression for about 4 weeks, you should feel sore for several days but should be able to do most things rather quickly. With compression swelling should resolve in 3-4 weeks. (John Michael Thomassen, MD, Fort Lauderdale Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery After Liposuction

Liposuction of the inner thigh generally is a well tolerated procedure that uses very small incisions to remove excess fat from underneath the skin. The quality of the result is highly dependent on the quality of the skin. In other words, the more elastic and tight the skin, the nicer the results will be and the looser or weaker the skin, the worse a patient is for liposuction.

After liposuction, the most common issues would be bruising and swelling and these are to be expected. The majority of the swelling for most patients goes away in the first two weeks after surgery. However, continued improvement can be seen up to six months or even beyond this time.

Rarely patients will have very prolonged swelling which can last many months, but this thankfully is a very unusual outcome from liposuction.

I would generally recommend taking approximately 5-7 days off from work after liposuction of the inner thigh in order to allow the body to begin healing.

Compression garments are most often worn for the first 4-6 weeks after the surgery. The time back to work also depends on what kind of work you do as somebody who performs light activity and deskwork would be in a different situation than somebody who performs more active work such as a construction worker or massage therapist. (Robert Cohen, MD, Santa Monica Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction recovery and swelling can last more than 6 weeks. I usually advise my patients to wear compressive garments at least for that duration to minimize downtime and to maximize skin adhesion and uniform contour. (Hani Sinno, MD, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)

  1. the recovery period after liposuction is around 1 week this is where the most pain and discomfort occur.
  2. after that period, the aesthetic results are not yet gained but the patient can go back to regular activities
  3. bruising is mostly the first 2-3 weeks
  4. swelling will take up to a month and disappear after 4 months
  5. we recommend garment use for a month heavy exercises 3-4 weeks, otherwise it will increase the swelling and prolong the recovery. (Jacques Haddad, MD, Montreal Plastic Surgeon)

When I see my patients in the office for their initial consultation we discuss all the details and options of the liposuction procedure. This includes the recovery time. Most of my patients will have the surgery on Wednesday and return to work on Monday but this does not mean the recovery period has ended.

On the contrary, your body will continue to heal for months after liposuction and also continue to improve. (Frank J. Ferraro, MD, Paramus Plastic Surgeon)

If done on Friday, you can return to work Monday

In terms of downtime from work, the recovery after inner thigh liposuction is very minimal.

I always tell my patients that if they have the procedure on Friday, they can be back at work on Monday (assuming work does not involve intense physical activity).

In terms of social/aesthetic downtime, you will be bruised for 2-3 weeks. In terms of swelling, you will be able to see your final result usually in around 2-3 months. The actual time you are “down” is quite minimal with liposuction. (David P. Rapaport, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

Liposuction Recovery – When can I go back to work?

After liposuction procedure of the inner thigh most patients have some soreness that is easily managed with oral pain medication. They are ready to return to work after 5-7days. A garment will be worn for the first two weeks, which can be exchanged for Spanx for the following four weeks.

Swelling improves dramatically in the first one to two months, but some residual swelling may be present for up to 6-9 months. (Austin Hayes, MD, Portland Plastic Surgeon)

In general, I recommend patients leave about 7-10 days to recover after surgery, although many are ready to return to desk-type jobs earlier. Most patients do not require prescription pain medicine after the first few days.

I encourage patients to ease their way back into full, unrestricted activity around the 3 week mark. A garment is normally worn for about 4-6 weeks (or until swelling is largely gone). I hope this is helpful!. (Bryan Correa, MD, Houston Plastic Surgeon)

Expected times for recovery from inner thigh liposuction

Liposuction recovery associates to the extension of the areas to be treated, and the expectations of each individual patient to return to every day activities. Expect at least 2 to 3 days to major swelling and discomfort that can be well tolerated with oral medications,then , is about one full week for healing, this is your “downtime” if the extension of liposuction requires it.

In about one month the swelling should be gone, this is your “garment time”, then your skin will adapt to the new shape this takes about three months this is “skin retraction time”Follow your surgeon’s instructions carefully because this times may vary on individuals and also on the technique tools and skills used by your surgeon.

When returning to activities , pace yourself , do not rush. (Carlos Raul Barcelo, MD, Dallas Plastic Surgeon)

The amount of time you need to recover would depend on how many of areas of liposuction you are having done. We have patients that have it done on Thursday and return to work on Monday, BUT…the more active you are immediately post-op , will increase the amount of swelling and time before you see your final results. I would suggest taking at least 3-5 days off from work to recover and if you feel up to it you can always return to work earlier.

Remember the more active you immediately post-op the more swelling you will have. (Brian K. Reedy, MD, Reading Plastic Surgeon)

It is typically weeks, not days or months. By that I mean 2 to 4 weeks of recovery depending on the extent of liposuction and the number of areas treated. Obviously the more areas treated the longer the recovery. (Mohammed Alghoul, MD, Chicago Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery following liposuction is entirely dependent upon the extent of the operation. If you are small and have small areas to lipo, the recovery is fast and can be measured in days. If you are larger and are having a lot of fat removed, the recovery can be 2-3 weeks.

After 2-3 weeks, most of the swelling is gone and you can resume most of your activities. (Gilbert Lee, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon)

I’ve always seen my liposuction patients that their recovery time is relatively short , but the end result may take up to months to be seen. These patients usually feel fine after the second week, and I always recommend that lymphatic drainage massage and ultrasound done. (Derby Sang Caputo, MD, Dominican Republic Plastic Surgeon)

The downtime with SmartLipo is typically a week. You will feel bad for 2-3 days while your body is flushing the excess fluids; however, lymphatic massages help tremendously with processing these fluids and reducing swelling.

Most people are up to regular activity and light exercise within a week. Wear your compression garment as long as you can stand it for the best results! (David Dellinger, DO, FACOS, Austin Plastic Surgeon)

The length of recovery is directly related to the amount of liposuction. One area of liposuction alone may even allow patients to return to light activities the following day. (Sheldon Lincenberg, MD, Atlanta Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery is very dependent on how many areas are treated, and how much volume is removed. I perform a great deal of Smartlipo which is laser assisted liposuction done in the office. Most of those patients are back to work in 2 to 3 days, and light workouts in 2 weeks.

A compression garment is needed for 3 to 4 weeks at least part time. If a patient has a large amount removed under general anesthesia, then they may be off work for up to a week, and back to light workouts in 4 weeks.

A compression garment may be needed for 4 to 6 weeks. (Keith Hodge, MD, Leawood Plastic Surgeon)

Recovery after liposuction can vary depending on the areas treated, how much liposuction is being performed, and each person’s tolerance for discomfort. However, most liposuction patients report that they can resume to normal daily activities after a few days.

Most swelling, bruising and soreness improves over the first few weeks. (John K. Wakelin III, MD, FACS, Columbus Plastic Surgeon)