Flank Liposuction Before And After

View before and after photos of flank liposuction patients who have been treated by top plastic surgeons.

Removing fat from very specific parts of the body with liposuction surgery is a very popular option among many patients.

It is used to reduce fat in areas that can be hard to target with non surgical strategies such as exercise and dieting.

A very effective body contouring treatment is to liposuction flanks which is the area commonly known as the ‘love handles’.

Flank liposuction can also include treating upper back rolls and is commonly combined with abdominal liposuction for a more complete body sculpting.

What is liposuction of abdomen and flanks

The obvious deposits of fat that seem to bother people the most are at the sides of their torso.

This is commonly referred to as the ‘love handles’ and is one of the first areas to begin to bulge as a person gains excess body fat. It causes tight clothes to look less appealing since it denies a person the body shape they desire.

Despite flank liposuction being a very effective strategy against this bulge, it is not for everyone. Any liposuction surgery is solely for the purpose of further sculpting a body that is already in general good health. That means it should not be used as a means to lose weight and is not a cure for obesity.

Liposuction Love Handles Surgery

What makes treating this particular area of the body different from most other parts of the body is that the fat to be removed is less concentrated. Removing fat from the flanks can involve a wide area of the back as well as the side of the torso.

This means that there will be several incision points necessary to evenly reduce fatty tissues across the wide area. The incisions are approximately one quarter of an inch where the cannula, or suction tube, can be inserted.

This procedure will use various liposuction techniques depending on what the plastic surgeon determines to be best for your particular treatment, the most common being wet and super wet or power assisted methods of liposuction. It is not uncommon for a surgeon to also use laser assisted or ultrasonic liposuction for more detailed sculpting of the area.

Beyond the Surgical Aspect

One limiting factor that can prevent the results from being optimal is the quality of the skin in the area. Ideally the patient’s skin will contain its natural elasticity so that the effect of laser liposuction and the vacuum left after the fat is removed will cause the skin to tighten over the treated area.

This leaves tight, smooth skin. The problem is when the skin is aged or otherwise damaged preventing it from being able to contract naturally. In such a situation a lift or tuck procedure might be recommended to optimize the results of the liposuction procedure.

There are several other recommendations that a plastic surgeon will offer their patients to further assist in the healing and recovery process that begins with pre-surgical preparation. For example, certain beverages like coffee and medicines that contain caffeine are definitely recommended against for several days before the surgery.

Smoking can also complicate matters so patients are advised to stop smoking for at least a week or two before the surgery and at least two weeks after. Some patients might be prescribed compression garments to help reduce the swelling after liposuction of the flanks.

Improper post surgical care can complicate the healing and recovery process. Being prepared for liposuction flanks is more than just the physical aspect of being in overall good health. The patient needs to have the discipline to follow care instructions throughout the process to minimize the risk of side effects and complications.

Liposuction love handles before and after