Cost Of Submental Liposuction

Submental liposuction is an excellent procedure to remove the fullnes / fat underneath the chin.

Depending on the exam, Patients may need:

– Lipo
– Lipo and platysmaplasty
– Lipo, platysmaplasty, and skin excision
– Laser lipolysis may be an adjunt procedure that is also done with the above procedures.

The cost range may be $3,500 – $6,000 depending on what needs to be done. There may be facility fees and anesthesia fees as well. These procedures may be performed under local anesthesia to reduce your costs. (Raymond E. Lee, MD, Orange County Facial Plastic Surgeon)

Chin, or submental liposuction can range anywhere from $2000 to upwards of $5000-$6000. It has multiple variables, such as how much fat is present, how large an area is being treated, whether the jawline is to be enhanced, the area you live in, to name a few.

1 Day After Submental Lipo

Obtain a few quotes from consultations with local board certified plastic surgeons for an idea of costs in your area. (Kenneth R. Francis, MD, FACS, Manhattan Plastic Surgeon)

The cost range for liposuction to the chin /neck ranges from $1,900 to $2,800. The cost range depends on the area of liposuction and the patients’ preference of local anesthesia alone or with IV-sedation anesthesia. (Ricardo L. Rodriguez, MD, Baltimore Plastic Surgeon)

It depends on the surgeon and the surgery.

If the area is done under local anesthesia you will save money. I often do this with the patient awake as it doesn’t hurt. The patient can get up and leave and go to work the next day.

Doctor George Commons, MD, Palo Alto Plastic Surgeon – Submental Liposuction Preop And PostOp

The average cost is $2600. (Toby Mayer, MD, Beverly Hills Facial Plastic Surgeon)

I charge $1600 and the facility where I do it charges about $900. So total is around $2400. (Tanveer Janjua, MD, Bedminster Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The cost varies tremendously based on the following factors:

  • In office liposuction under local anesthesia will cost less than general anesthesia in a surgicenter
  • Geography
  • Amount of liposuction needed

In general submental liposuction can range from as little as $1000 to 5000 based on the above factors and where you live. (Anil R. Shah, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

The cost varies depending on how extensive of an area is treated and how much time is involved, the geographic location, whether it’s being done under local anesthesia in an office setting or under general anesthesia in a surgery center or hospital.

The average cost can vary from $2,500 to $3,500 or more. (M. Christine Lee, MD, Walnut Creek Dermatologic Surgeon)

Price of Liposuction of the chin, neck, jawline

Submental Lipoplasty Before And After

Liposuction of the chin/jawline/neck is done under local anesthesia only and is so easy to undergo with such amazing results and quick recovery. You can usually go to work 1 day later and costs around $2500.

There are no stitches so you don’t get any scarring at all and you can drive yourself home afterwards. (David Hansen, MD, Beverly Hills Dermatologic Surgeon)

We charge 2,500 $. That includes all fees, anesthesia, preops and post ops. This is probably one of my favorite procedures as it results in the most happy patients. In most people with this issue this fat is genetic and just sticks around no matter what kind of diet or exercise program you try. (Benjamin Caughlin, MD, Chicago Facial Plastic Surgeon)

A standard submental liposuction can usually be done under local anesthesia as an office procedure for between $1500 – $2000. SmartLipo (laser-assisted lipo) will cost slightly more. If anesthesia sedation is used or if an ambulatory sirgical facility is needed, the cost can be higher. (Martin O`Toole, MD, FACS, Los Angeles Plastic Surgeon)