Chin Liposuction Before And After

View before and after photos of chin liposuction performed by best cosmetic surgeons. Chin lipo is one of several different types of facial liposuction procedures that have become popular.

Performed for cosmetic purposes, liposuction for the face, neck and chin is performed by a cosmetic surgeon with a micro-cannula that uses a tumescent technique.

In layman’s terms this means an injection of fluid into the desired area while simultaneously suctioning out the undesired fat.

Sagging skin in the neck and chin area become increasingly problematic as a person ages and therefore the 60+ age group make up a large contingent of people seeking facial and chin liposuction.

However, candidates for chin liposuction are not found entirely in the aging population.

Younger people often find themselves with a double chin due to weight problems or simple genetics. Since chin, neck and facial exercises do little to improve the situation, younger people with this cosmetic complaint turn to double chin liposuction as a solution.

Not every person who wants to have liposuction treatment will be a good candidate. It is a good idea to review the criteria which will greatly improve your chances for good results from facial or chin liposuction.

Being within at least 30% of your suggested body weight is highly recommended. If you have been dieting and have lost a significant amount of weight it is important that before going through any liposuction surgery you have been at a stable weight for a minimum of six months.

You are not a great candidate for liposuction if you have lost a dramatic amount of weight and therefore have loose skin, stretch marks or bad elasticity and tone in the area that you desire liposuction.

It is additionally important that you have realistic expectations of what results to expect. No treatment is perfect and although it may achieve very good results you will not necessarily look like a fashion model after the surgery.

Most people experience very gratifying results from chin liposuction but you should keep in mind that liposuction on any part of your body is not a cure for obesity but is rather a cosmetic treatment for problematic areas that do not respond to exercise.

When considering laser assisted liposuction surgery you’re going to want to have at least a general idea of how much the treatment will cost you. Chin liposuction cost is dependent on many different variables.

Roughly speaking it is reasonable to conclude that your total cost will be somewhere in the range of $2500-$5000. Some of the factors that will determine the specific price are the variations that different doctors charge as well as the cost differential in varying regions of the country.

There may be a facility fees as well as additional fees for preliminary lab and blood tests. If your doctor prescribes treatment or medications post surgery these are additional costs that you will want to factor in. Such treatments may include ultrasound or massage.

You should also prepare yourself for what to expect before your operation and what the recovery process involves. This is especially important if you work and need to schedule vacation time for your treatment and recovery.

The preoperative process may involve interviewing or consulting with several cosmetic surgeons to find the one that you are most comfortable with and who you feel will do the best job. Seeking recommendations is a good way to find a reliable cosmetic surgeon.

The surgeon will send you for preoperative analysis which generally includes simple blood tests.

Recovering from chin liposuction surgery is fairly short. After the surgery it is acceptable to have some mild discomfort which can be treated with over-the-counter pain medication. Bruising and some swelling are also normal.

Patients who will have required stitches will have them removed seven days after the procedure. Most chin liposuction patients are back to their regular schedule within a week. They will see the final results of their surgery somewhere between three and six months after their treatment.

Liposuction chin before and after photos