Laser Lipolysis Results

See the results of laser lipolysis from best clinics in the country.

Are you looking for a new liposuction procedure that offers better results and lesser body trauma?

If so, then you have to look into the advanced liposuction technique refereed as laser lipolysis.

This is a revolutionized liposculpture procedure that effectively eliminates pockets of fats on body areas that are resistant to diet or exercise.

Laser lipolysis is one of the new liposuction techniques offering a safe and minimally invasive way of removing localized fatty deposits.

One thing that you should bear in mind is that laser lipolysis is not designed to treat obesity. Hence, this new liposuction method is best suited for patients who are not thirty pounds over their ideal weight. In addition to that, they must satisfy the following criteria to be a perfect candidate for the procedure:

  • must be in good health
  • must have good skin elasticity on the targeted area
  • has maintained a desirable weight for more than a year (prior the procedure)

Laser lipolysis is contraindicated to pregnant and breastfeeding patients. Moreover, those who have a body mass index of over 30 are not suitable to undergo the treatment. It is critical that the patient has realistic goals towards the procedure because the results vary widely.

Additionally, laser lipolysis can only eliminate up to 500 milliliters of fats per session. That being said, it is not effective in melting away fat deposits in larger areas of the body. However, it is possible to undergo multiple sessions every 6 months to obtain optimal results on the treated areas.

This new liposuction method is performed by introducing a very thin laser-assisted cannula (about 1mm wide) into a small incision on the skin. The laser light is then pulsed unto the fatty tissues to liquefy the fat cells in order to facilitate effective and easy removal. Most cosmetic surgeons complement the procedure with fat aspiration or suctioning to speed up fat elimination and to achieve better results.

Like with other new liposuction procedures, initial consultation is a must to carefully discuss the reasons for wanting the treatment, the associated risks, and the expected outcome. Apart from that, you have to confer all your concerns to your surgeon to help put your mind at ease. This can also help to ascertain that the treatment is capable of delivering your desired outcome.

In general, this new liposuction treatment can be completed within one to two hours depending on the number of areas to be treated and the amount of fats to be dissolved.

Laser lipolysis before and after pictures